From NHH to a prestigious postdoc in economics
PhD candidate Paula Navarro Sarmiento has secured a postdoctoral position at CEMFI in Madrid, one of Europe’s top research institutes in economics.
This field looks at the structure of and the boundaries between firms and markets. The field of Industrial Organisation looks at competition between companies in different industries. Researchers study how the strategic choices companies make impact their profitability and competitiveness and how business and competition policies impact companies and markets.
PhD candidate Paula Navarro Sarmiento has secured a postdoctoral position at CEMFI in Madrid, one of Europe’s top research institutes in economics.
Ole Kristian Dyskeland has received an award for the best PhD paper recently presented at a conference. The NHH doctoral student shares the prize with John S. Lilletvedt from UiB.
The article "Auctioning Long-Term Projects under Financial Constraints" has been published in Review of Economic Studies.
On Tuesday 20 August 2024 Alina Ozhegova will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend her thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
Professor, Vice Rector for Research, Department of Business and Management Science
PhD Candidate, Department of Economics
Professor, Department of Economics
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Professor, Head of Department, Department of Economics
Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics
Professor, Department of Economics
Adjunct Professor, Department of Economics
Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Adjunct Professor, Department of Economics
PhD Candidate, Department of Economics
PhD Candidate, Department of Economics
Tenure-track Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Economics
Professor , Department of Economics
Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Professor, Department of Economics
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Lecturer, Department of Economics
Adjunct Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Professor, Department of Economics
Professor Emeritus, Department of Business and Management Science
PhD Candidate, Department of Economics
Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Professor, Department of Economics
Professor, Department of Economics
Professor Emerita, Department of Economics
Associate Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Associate Professor II, Department of Economics
Adjunct Professor, Department of Economics
Researcher, Department of Economics