From NHH to a prestigious postdoc in economics
PhD candidate Paula Navarro Sarmiento has secured a postdoctoral position at CEMFI in Madrid, one of Europe’s top research institutes in economics.
PhD candidate Paula Navarro Sarmiento has secured a postdoctoral position at CEMFI in Madrid, one of Europe’s top research institutes in economics.
Ole Kristian Dyskeland has received an award for the best PhD paper recently presented at a conference. The NHH doctoral student shares the prize with John S. Lilletvedt from UiB.
The article "Auctioning Long-Term Projects under Financial Constraints" has been published in Review of Economic Studies.
On Tuesday 20 August 2024 Alina Ozhegova will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend her thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
On Tuesday October 3 2023 Atle Haugen will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
Øyvind Thomassen: Two companies, Flikk and Flakk, produce electric car chargers and must invest NOK one billion each. Flikk's owner lives in Switzerland, Flakk's owner in Norway. Does Flakk have a disadvantage that prevents profitable growth?
Associate Professor Morten Sæthre has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant for his project «Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy: DEEP».
Professor of law and competition expert Pinar Akman delivered the first keynote speech at the annual BECCLE conference on competition policy.
On Friday 10 June 2022 Nahid Rezaeinia will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend her thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
Associate professor Malin Arve has been appointed to an expert committee tasked with looking at how rules and reporting duties can be simplified. This could save businesses both time and money.
The new committee will look at licences in the aquaculture industry. Research director and adjunct professor Linda Nøstbakken will chair the committee.
Øyvind Thomassen: Investment in new business activity may just as well be made with employment income as with a company's profit.
On Monday 25 October 2021 Charlotte Bjørnhaug Evensen will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend her thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
Øyvind Thomassen: It is contractors with good ideas, good noses and power of implementation that are lacking, not the capitalists money.
Øyvind Thomassen: The Conservative Party should be the natural choice for all of us who believe in a Norwegian version of capitalism. Instead it has become the party supporting big capitalists.
Over 400 attendees and 360 presentations when Norwegian School of Economics and University of Bergen opened the international EARIE conference at NHH today.
Sissel Jensen at the Department of Economics has been promoted to full professor at NHH. Ivar Kolstad at the Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law and Walter Pohl at the Department of Finance have also been promoted from associate professor to professor this spring.
NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Bergen are organizing the 48th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics.
Malin Arve and Eirik Gaard Kristiansen: Perhaps everybody has not considered that they actually have taken part in an auction.
Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind: Small players should reconsider before they cheer the fight against the giants.
Erling J. Hjelmeng, Hans Jarle Kind and Øystein Foros: Increased competition and innovation will contribute to higher income and secure employment for milk farmers.
Not many could have foreseen that a virus would bring the global economy to its knees in 2020, writes Professor Ola H Grytten.
Loans are no use when customers disappear, writes NHH Professor Victor D Norman.
On 11 March, the grocery industry will be attending a conference in Oslo on the topic ‘death of the high street and the industry shift’. ‘There is no shortage of excitement in the grocery industry,’ says head of FOOD Frode Steen.
“I never set myself the explicit goal to become a professor. I have just been doing what I like. This is a fantastic day for me”, Bram Timmermans says.
How can retail companies contribute to reduce plastic consumption? NHH researchers will find answers.
Four students from NHH won one of the world´s biggest business case competitions at Thammasat University in Thailand.
The Center for Business Economics at NHH and SNF invited to a seminar on the Norwegian mobile market on May 8 at NHH’s campus in Oslo.
Sale of unhealthy foods rises between 10 and 15 per cent in shops that offer self-service checkouts. When nobody is watching, we buy more sweets, crisps, fizzy drinks.
‘It appears that the Norwegian oil and gas industry have snapped up all the talent from related industries, at the same time as putting their salaries under pressure,’ says researcher Bram Timmermans at NHH.
PhD candidate Mai Nguyen-Ones won this year's FIBE award for her paper «Price coordination with prior announcements in retail gasoline markets».
Assistant Professor Chang-Koo Chi´s paper «All-pay Auctions with Affiliated Binary Signals» is accepted for publication in Journal of Economic Theory.
A new master’s major provides Thea and Gunnhild with technological leadership expertise enabling them to assist companies in making better decisions.
Researchers at NHH are singing the praise of fresh doctoral student Charlotte B Evensen (27). Thanks to persistent persuasion by a professor, she applied for a PhD position, and got it.
This year’s Lehmkuhl lecturer is investor and entrepreneur Frode Eilertsen. He fears that Norway will become a digital laggard: ‘I am concerned about how Norway is developing.’
The article «Apple's Agency Model and the Role of Most-Favored-Nation Clauses» has been accepted for publication in The RAND Journal of Economics.
What happens when a risk-averse principal delegates the management of a firm to a risk-averse agent and offers the agent a long-term contract with full commitment?
The article "Service supply chain management: A review of operational models" by Stein W. Wallace is one of the most downloaded articles in the European Journal of Operational Research.
On Thursday 2 June 2016 Julia Tropina Bakke will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend her thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
On Tuesday 27 November 2012 Tor-Eirik Olsen will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic, and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
On Tuesday 24 May 2011 Anne Isabelle Robbestad will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend her thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.