Publications at the Department of Business and Management Science
ABS journal articles 2025
ABS journal articles 2025
ABS journal articles 2025
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3, 4 or 4* (of 4*) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 8, 2024), published by the Association of Business Schools.
Articles may be downloaded if you have access to an active journal or a database subscription.
Articles published in level 4* journals (World Leading) Gavrilova-Zoutman, Evelina
Juranek, SteffenThe Role of Reviewer Characteristics on the Diversity of Successful Applicants
Organization Science, Online 14.03.2025
Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Chi, Chang-Koo
Olsen, Trond E.Optimal Incentive Contracts With Bonus Caps
RAND Journal of Economics, 2025, 56(1), Online 05.02.2025
Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Døskeland, Trond M.
Martuza, Jareef Bin
Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes
Santos, Francisco
Sjåstad, Hallgeir
Thorbjørnsen, HelgeThe role of social norms in retirement saving: Evidence from two natural field experiments
Journal of Business Research, 2025, 190, 115201, Online 15.02.2025
Døskeland, Trond M.
Sjuve, André Wattø
Ørpetveit, AndreasDo fees matter? Investor’s sensitivity to active management fees
Journal of Empirical Finance, 2025, 81, 101596, Online 17.02.2025
O'Connell, Martin
Smith, Howard
Thomassen, ØyvindA two sample size estimator for large data sets
Econometrics Journal, Online 09.01.2025
Velez Correa, Andres
Wallace, Stein W.Active guidance systems in maritime evacuations: optimizing the lifeboat allocation for cruise ships
Annals of Operations Research, Online 15.01.2025
ABS journal articles 2024
ABS journal articles 2024
ABS journal articles 2024
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3, 4 or 4* (of 4*) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 8, 2024), published by the Association of Business Schools.
Articles may be downloaded if you have access to an active journal or a database subscription.
Articles published in level 4* journals (World Leading) Arve, Malin
Martimort, DavidAuctioning Long-Term Projects under Financial Constraints
Review of Economic Studies, Online 06.11.2024
Foros, Øystein
Kind, Hans Jarle
Stähler, FrankEndogenous Multihoming and Network Effects: PlayStation, Xbox, or Both?
Management Science, Online 02.07.2024
Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Fan, Hanwen
Chang, Zheng
Jia, Haiying
He, Xuzhuo
Lyu, JingHow do navy escorts influence piracy risk in East Africa? A Bayesian network approach
Risk Analysis, Online 01.03.2024
Mardan, Mohammed
Tremblay, Mark J.Optimal platform pricing with multi-sided users: A direct and indirect network approach
European Journal of Operational Research, 2024, Online 01.10.2024
Narum, Benjamin
Fairbrother, Jamie
Wallace, Stein W.Problem-based scenario generation by decomposing output distributions
European Journal of Operational Research, 2024, 318(1), 154-166, Online 12.04.2024
Zhang, Zixuan
Chronopoulos, Michail
Kyriakou, Ioannis
Dimitrova, Dimitrina S.Bi-level optimisation of subsidy and capacity investment under competition and uncertainty
European Journal of Operational Research, 2024, 318(1), 327-340, Online 19.03.2024
Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Alsina-Pujols, Maria
Hovdahl, Isabel MonteroPatent Protection and the Transition to Clean Technology
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Online 26.07.2024
Bigoni, Maria
Blazquez de Paz, Mario
Le Coq, ChloéBeyond Hawks and Doves: Can inequality ease coordination?
Economic Theory, Online 12.09.2024
Cincotta, Costanza
Thomassen, ØyvindElectric vehicle ownership and political preferences in Norway
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2025, 139, 104518, Online 03.12.2024
Fan, Hanwen
Jia, Haiying
He, Xuzhuo
Lyu, JingReliability Engineering & System Safety, 2024, 250, 110311, Online 04.07.2024
Fleten, Stein-Erik
Fram, Benjamin P.
Ullrich, Carl J.The reliability pricing model and coal-fired generators in PJM
Energy Economics, 2024, 134, 107543, Online 20.04.2024
Gundersen, Kristian
Bacri, Timothée
Bulla, Jan
Hølleland, Sondre Nedreås
Maruotti, Antonello
Støve, BårdScandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2024, 51(3), 1012-1060, Online 28.07.2024
Jia, Haiying
Jiang, Liping
Azevedo, Paulo C.Green premium and the role of financial investors in sustainable investment in container shipping
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2024, 189, 103658, Online 13.07.2024
Næss, Ole-Andreas Elvik Investigative journalism: Market failures and government intervention through public broadcasters
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2025, 229, 106870, Online 30.12.2024
Orhan, Cosku Can
Góez, Julio C.
Guajardo, Mario
Osicka, Ondrej
Wallace, Stein W.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2024, 185, 103521, Online 17.04.2024
Orhan, Cosku Can
Soman, Jaikishan
Wallace, Stein W.Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2024, 185, 104125, Online 28.05.2024
Rezaeinia, Nahid
Góez, Julio C.
Guajardo, MarioScheduling conferences using data on attendees’ preferences
Journal of the Operational Research Society, Online 28.03.2024
Ringstad, Ingrid Emilie Flessum
Tselika, KyriakiJournal of Commodity Markets, 2024, 36, 100442, Online 08.11.2024
Shi, Yue
Punzo, Antonio
Otneim, Håkon
Maruotti, AntonelloHidden semi-Markov models for rainfall-related insurance claims
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2025, 120, 91-106, Online 19.11.2024
Tselika, Kyriaki
Tselika, Maria
Demetriades, EliasEnergy Economics, 2024, 132, 107471, Online 16.03.2024
ABS journal articles 2023
ABS journal articles 2023
ABS journal articles 2023
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3, 4 or 4* (of 4*) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 7, 2021), published by the Association of Business Schools.
Articles may be downloaded if you have access to an active journal or a database subscription.
Articles published in level 4* journals (World Leading) Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Janeba, Eckhard
Schjelderup, GuttormThe global minimum tax raises more revenues than you think, or much less
Journal of International Economics, 2023, 145, 103837, Online 31.10.2023
Pelzl, Paul
Valderrama, Maria TeresaCapital Regulations and the Management of Credit Commitments during Crisis Times
Review of Finance, Online 10.01.2023
Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Arve, Malin
Zwart, GijsbertOptimal Procurement and Investment in New Technologies under Uncertainty, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Online 18.01.2023
Azad Gholami, Reza
Sandal, Leif K.
Ubøe, JanWho benefits from postponement in multi-period supply channel optimization?, Omega. The International Journal of Management Science, 2024, 123, 102996, Online 10.11.2023
Di Nunno, Giulia
Giordano, MicheleStochastic Volterra equations with time-changed Lévy noise and maximum principles, Annals of Operations Research, Online 30.03.2023
Dyskeland, Ole Kristian
Foros, ØysteinMultihoming and market expansion: Effects on media platforms’ pricing and content creation incentives, Economics Letters, 2023, 232, 111327, Online 02.09.2023
Fuentes Lezcano, Gabriel
Ådland, Roar OsGreenhouse gas mitigation at maritime chokepoints: The case of the Panama Canal
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2023, 118, 103694, Online 11.03.2023
Guo, Feng
Wei, Qu
Wang, Miao
Guo, Zhaoxia
Wallace, Stein W.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2023, 173, 103095, Online 17.03.2023
Juranek, Steffen
Schindler, Dirk
Schneider, AndreaRoyalty taxation under tax competition and profit shifting
Canadian Journal of Economics, Online 14.09.2023
Lindstad, Elizabeth
Ask, Tor Øyvind
Cariou, Pierre
Eskeland, Gunnar S.
Rialland, AgatheWise use of renewable energy in transport, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2023, 119, 103713, Online 18.01.2023
Mardan, Mohammed The unintended consequences of semi-autonomous revenue agencies
Canadian Journal of Economics, 2023, 56(3), 1063-1081, Online 02.08.2023
Pelzl, Paul
Poelhekke, StevenDemocratization, leader education and growth: firm-level evidence from Indonesia
Journal of Economic Growth, Online 15.02.2023
Wang, Shuang
Jia, Haiying
Lu, Jing
Yang, DongCrude oil transportation route choices: A connectivity reliability-based approach
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023, 235, 109254, Online 20.03.2023
ABS journal articles 2022
ABS journal articles 2022
ABS journal articles 2022
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3, 4 or 4* (of 4*) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 7, 2021), published by the Association of Business Schools.
Articles may be downloaded if you have access to an active journal or a database subscription.
Articles published in level 4* journals (World Leading) Jacob, Martin
Todtenhaupt, MaximilianWithholding Taxes, Compliance Cost, and Foreign Portfolio Investment
Accounting Review, Online 07.07.2022
Kvaløy, Ola
Olsen, Trond E.Balanced Scorecards: A Relational Contract Approach
Journal of Accounting Research, Online 19.10.2022
Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Bjørndal, Endre
Bjørndal, Mette
Coniglio, Stefano
Körner, Marc-Fabian
Leinauer, Christina
Weibelzahl, MartinEuropean Journal of Operational Research, Online 15.09.2022
Eisenkopf, Jana
Juranek, Steffen
Walz, UweResponsible Investment and Stock Market Shocks: Short-Term Insurance without Persistence,
British Journal of Management, Online 28.10.2022
Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Berentsen, Geir Drage
Bulla, Jan
Maruotti, Antonello
Støve, BårdJournal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), Online 03.04.2022
Flåm, Sjur D.
Steinshamn, Stein Ivar
Ekerhovd, Nils-ArneGolden Rule in Cooperative Commons
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Online 17.10.2022
Haaland, Ingar
Olden, AndreasFraud concerns and support for economic relief programs
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organizationl, 2022, 203, 59-66, Online 13.09.2022
Huisman, Ronald
Kyritsis, Evangelos
Stet, CristianFat Tails due to Variable Renewables and Insufficient Flexibility: Evidence from Germany
Energy Journal, 2022, 43(5), 231-244
Huizinga, Harry P.
Todtenhaupt, Maximilian
Voget, Johannes
Wagner, WolfTaxation and the external wealth of nations: Evidence from bilateral portfolio holdings
Journal of International Money and Finance, 2022, 122, 102548, Online 09.12.2021
Olden, Andreas
Møen, JarleThe triple difference estimator
Econometrics Journal, 2022, 25(3), 531-553, Online 09.03.2022
Rahimi Alangi, Somayeh
Bjørndal, Endre
Bjørndal, MetteCan the European intraday market be designed as a congestion management tool?
Energy Economics, 2022, 113, 106171, Online 16.07.2022
Tselika, Kyriaki Energy Economics, 2022, 113, 106194, Online 21.07.2022
ABS journal articles 2021
ABS journal articles 2021
ABS journal articles 2021
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3, 4 or 4* (of 4*) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 7, 2021), published by the Association of Business Schools.
Articles may be downloaded if you have access to an active journal or a database subscription.
Articles published in level 4* journals (World Leading) Knoll, Bodo
Riedel, Nadine
Schwab, Thomas
Todtenhaupt, Maximilian
Voget, JohannesCross-border effects of R&D tax incentives
Research Policy, 2021, 50(9), 104326, Online 28.07.2021
Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Døskeland, Trond M.
Kværner, Jens SørlieCancer and Portfolio Choice: Evidence from Norwegian Register Data
Review of Finance, Online 23.08.2021
Goldbach, Stefan
Møen, Jarle
Schindler, Dirk
Schjelderup, Guttorm
Wamser, GeorgThe tax-efficient use of debt in multinational corporations
Journal of Corporate Finance, 2021, 102119, Online 30.10.2021
Otneim, Håkon
Tjøstheim, DagThe locally Gaussian partial correlation
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Online 09.02.2021
Pelzl, Paul
Poelhekke, StevenGood mine, bad mine: Natural resource heterogeneity and Dutch disease in Indonesia
Journal of International Economics, 2021, 103457, Online 13.03.2021
Todtenhaupt, Maximilian
Voget, JohannesInternational taxation and productivity effects of M&As
Journal of International Economics, 2021, 103438, Online 29.01.2021
Toumasatos, Evangelos
Sandal, Leif K.
Steinshamn, Stein IvarKeep it in house or sell it abroad? A framework to evaluate fairness
European Journal of Operational Research, 2021, Online 09.06.2021
Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Ådland, Roar Os
Jia, Haiying
Lode, Tønnes
Skontorp, JørgenThe value of meteorological data in marine risk assessment
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2021, 209, 107480, Online 27.01.2021
Arve, Malin
Chiappinelli, OlgaThe Role of Budget Constraints in Sequential Elimination Tournaments
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Online 17.04.2021
Fuentes Lezcano, Gabriel Generating bunkering statistics from AIS data: A machine learning approach
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021, 155, 102495, Online 08.10.2021
Cariou, Pierre
Lindstad, Elizabeth
Jia, HaiyingThe impact of an EU maritime emissions trading system on oil trades
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2021, 99, 102992, Online 09.08.2021
Durán, Guillermo A.
Guajardo, Mario
Gutiérrez, FacundoAnnals of Operations Research, Online 23.01.2021
Gu, Yewen.
Wallace, Stein W.Operational benefits of autonomous vessels in logistics - A case of autonomous water-taxis in Bergen
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021, 102456, Online 08.09.2021
Juranek, Steffen
Paetzold, Jörg
Winner, Hannes
Zoutman, Floris T.Labor market effects of COVID-19 in Sweden and its neighbors: Evidence from administrative data
Kyklos, Online 05.10.2021
Juranek, Steffen
Zoutman, Floris T.Journal of Population Economics, 2021, 34, 1299-1320, Online 28.07.2021
Kvamsdal, Sturla F.
Belik, Ivan
Hopland, Arnt Ove
Li, YuanhaoA Machine Learning Analysis of the Recent Environmental and Resource Economics Literature
Environmental and Resource Economics, Online 01.04.2021
Mauritzen, Johannes
Sucarrat, GenaroEnergy Journal, 2022, 43(3), Online 2021
Mirhedayatian, Seyed Mostafa
Crainic, Teodor Gabriel
Guajardo, Mario
Wallace, Stein W.A two-echelon location-routing problem with synchronisation
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2021, 72(1), 145-160, Online 22.08.2019
Rezaeinia, Nahid
Goez, Julio C.
Guajardo, MarioEfficiency and fairness criteria in the assignment of students to projects
Annals of Operations Research, Online 24.04.2021
Schwab, Thomas
Todtenhaupt, MaximilianThinking outside the box: The cross-border effect of tax cuts on R&D
Journal of Public Economics, 2021, 204, 104536, Online 05.11.2021
Tsiodra, Maria
Chronopoulos, MichailJournal of the Operational Research Society, Online 08.07.2021
Zhang, Dongqing
Wallace, Stein W.
Guo, Zhaoxia
Dong, Yucheng
Kaut, MichalOn scenario construction for stochastic shortest path problems in real road networks
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021, 102410, Online 03.07.2021
ABS journal articles 2020
ABS journal articles 2020
ABS journal articles 2020
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3, 4 or 4* (of 4*) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 6, 2018), published by the Association of Business Schools.
Articles may be downloaded if you have access to an active journal or a database subscription.
Articles published in level 4* journals (World Leading) Ballion, Aurélien
Bleichrodt, Han
Emirmahmutoglu, Aysil
Jaspersen, Johannes
Peter, RichardWhen Risk Perception Gets in the Way: Probability Weighting and Underprevention
Operations Research, Online 06.07.2020
Edwards, Alexander
Todtenhaupt, MaximilianCapital gains taxation and funding for start-ups
Journal of Financial Economics, Online 20.06.2020
Watson, Joel
Miller, David A.
Olsen, Trond E.Relational Contracting, Negotiation, and External Enforcement
The American Economic Review, 2020, 110(7), 2153-2197
Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Ben Jouida, Sihem
Guajardo, Mario
Klibi, Walid
Krichen, SaoussenProfit maximizing coalitions with shared capacities in distribution networks
European Journal of Operational Research, Online 12.06.2020
D'Annunzio, Anna
Mardan, Mohammed
Russo, AntonioMulti‐part tariffs and differentiated commodity taxation
RAND Journal of Economics, Online 12.08.2020
Ekerhovd, Nils-Arne
Flåm, Sjur Didrik
Steinshamn, Stein IvarOn shared use of renewable stocks
European Journal of Operational Research, Online 03.09.2020
Otneim, Håkon
Jullum, Martin
Tjøstheim, DagPairwise local Fisher and naive Bayes: Improving two standard discriminants
Journal of Econometrics, Online 01.02.2020
Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Ådland, Roar Os
Cariou, Pierre
Wolff, Francois-CharlesOptimal ship speed and the cubic law revisited: Empirical evidence from an oil tanker fleet
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 140, 101972, Online 12.06.2020
Ådland, Roar Os
Prochazka, VitThe value of timecharter optionality in the drybulk market
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 145, 102185, Online 09.12.2020
Azad Gholami, Reza
Sandal, Leif K.
Ubøe, JanOmega. The International Journal of Management Science, Online 27.06.2020
Babri, Sahar
Jörnsten, Kurt
Thorsen, Inge
Ubøe, JanModeling Commuting Flows via Fixed Components
Transportation Science, Online 20.05.2020
Foros, Øystein
Nguyen-Ones, MaiCoordinate to obfuscate? The role of prior announcements of recommended prices
Economics Letters, 109680, Online 26.11.2020
Freiwald, Nisa E.
Juranek, Steffen
Walz, UweOn the economic geography of dual distribution - The case of McDonald’s in Germany
Economics Letters, 2020, 191, 109140, Online 11.04.2020
Greene, Suzanne
Jia, Haiying
Rubio-Domingo, GabrielaWell-to-tank carbon emissions from crude oil maritime transportation
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2020, 88, 102587, Online 14.10.2020
Jia, Haiying
Ådland, Roar Os
Wang, YuchenGlobal Oil Export Destination Prediction: A Machine Learning Approach
Energy Journal, Online 03.08.2020
Jiang, Xiaoping
Bai, Ruibin
Wallace, Stein W.
Kendall, Graham
Landa-Silva, DarioComputers & Operations Research, 2021, 128, 105182, Online 17.12.2020
Kaut, Michal
Vaagen, Hajnalka
Wallace, Stein W.International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, 233, 108015, Online 29.12.2020
Kvamsdal, Sturla F.
Sandal, Leif K.
Poudel, DiwakarEcosystem wealth in the Barents Sea
Ecological Economics, 2020, 171, 106602, Online 03.02.2020
Mardan, Mohammed
Stimmelmayr, MichaelTax competition between developed, emerging, and developing countries – Same same but different?
Journal of Development Economics, 2020, 146, 102491, Online 24.04.2020
Sendstad, Lars Hegnes
Chronopoulos, MichailStrategic technology switching under risk aversion and uncertainty
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Online 19.05.2020
Song, Yongjia
Ulmer, Marlin W.
Thomas, Barrett W.
Wallace, Stein W.Building trust in home services-stochastic team-orienteering with consistency constraints
Transportation Science, 2020, 54(3), 823-838, Online 29.04.2020
Todtenhaupt, Maximilian
Voget, Johannes
Feld, Lars P.
Ruf, Martin
Schreiber, UlrichTaxing away M&A: Capital gains taxation and acquisition activity
European Economic Review, Online 23.06.2020
Wang, Shuang
Wallace, Stein W.
Lu, Jing
Gu, YewenTransportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 133, Online 28.12.2019
ABS journal articles 2019
ABS journal articles 2019
ABS journal articles 2019
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3, 4 or 4* (of 4*) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 6, 2018), published by the Association of Business Schools.
Articles may be downloaded if you have access to an active journal or a database subscription.
Articles published in level 4* journals (World Leading) Kvaløy, Ola
Olsen, Trond E.Relational Contracts, Multiple Agents, and Correlated Outputs
Management Science, Online 14.05.2019
Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Van Bulck, David
Goossens, Dries
Schönberger, Jörn
Guajardo, MarioRobinX: a three-field classification and unified data format for round-robin sports timetabling
European Journal of Operational Research, 2020, 280(2), 568-580
(Online 17.07.2019)Fairbrother, Jamie
Turner, Amanda
Wallace, Stein W.Mathematical Programming, Online 26.11.2019
Gavrilova-Zoutman, Evelina
Kamada, Takuma
Zoutman, Floris TobiasEconomic Journal, 2019, 129(617), 375-407
(Online 16.11.2017)Kvamsdal, Sturla F.
Maroto, Jose M.
Moran, Manuel
Sandal, Leif K.Bioeconomic modeling of seasonal fisheries
European Journal of Operational Research, Online 21.08.2019.
Maggioni, Francesca
Cagnolari, Matteo
Bertazzi, Luca
Wallace, Stein W.Stochastic optimization models for a bike-sharing problem with transshipment
European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 276(1), 272-283
(Online 23.12.2018)Ni, Yuanming
Sandal, Leif K.Seasonality matters: a multi-season, multi-state dynamic optimization in fisheries
European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 275(2), 648-658
(Online 23.11.2018)Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Ådland, Roar Os
Cariou, Pierre
Wolff, Francois-CharlesWhen energy efficiency is secondary: The case of Offshore Support Vessels
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2019, 72, 114-126
(Online 02.05.2019)Agrawal, David R.
Mardan, MohammedJournal of Public Economics, 2019, 169, 128-143
(Online 07.12.2018)Cea, Sebastian
Duran, Guillermo
Guajardo, Mario
Saure, Denis
Siebert, Joaquín
Zamorano, GonzaloAn analytics approach to the FIFA ranking procedure and the World Cup final draw
Annals of Operations Research, 2020, 286(1-2), 119-146
(Online 10.05.2019)Døskeland, Trond M.
Pedersen, Lars Jacob TynesBusiness and Society, Online 07.02.2019
Foros, Øystein
Kind, Hans Jarle
Wyndham, Timothy G.A.International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2019, 66, 119-136, Online 21.06.2019
Gavrilova-Zoutman, Evelina A partner in crime: Assortative matching and bias in the crime market
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2019, 159, 598-612
(Online 02.12.2017)Gu, Yewen
Wallace, Stein W.
Wang, XinIntegrated maritime fuel management with stochastic fuel prices and new emission regulations
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2019, 70(5), 707-625
(Online 05.01.2018)Gu, Yewen
Wallace, Stein W.
Wang, XinTransportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2019, 74, 318-338
(Online 20.08.2019)Guo, Zhaoxia
Wallace, Stein W.
Kaut, MichalINFORMS Journal on Computing, 2019, Online 27.06.2019
Hopland, Arnt Ove
Ullmann, RobertPushing the Wrong Buttons: VAT Evasion by Misclassification of Meal Consumption Type
European Accounting Review, Online 26.12.2019
Koethenbuerger, Marko
Mardan, Mohammed
Stimmelmayr, MichaelProfit shifting and investment effects: The implications of zero-taxable profits
Journal of Public Economics, 2019, 173, 96-112
(Online 23.03.2019)Kyritsis, Evangelos
Serletis, ApostolosOil Prices and the Renewable Energy Sector
Energy Journal, 2019, 40(SI1), 337-363
Procházka, Vít
Ådland, Roar Os
Wallace, Stein W.The value of foresight in the drybulk freight market
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2019, 129, 232-245, Online 23.08.2019
Procházka, Vít
Ådland, Roar Os
Wolff, Francois-CharlesTransportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2019, 130, 37-53, Online 19.09.2019
Regli, Frederik
Ådland, Roar OsCrude oil contango arbitrage and the floating storage decision
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2019, 122, 100-118
(Online 07.12.2018)Wang, Xin
Crainic, Teodor Gabriel
Wallace, Stein W.INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2019, 31(1), 153-170
(Online 14.12.2018) -
ABS journal articles 2018
ABS journal articles 2018
ABS journal articles 2018
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3, 4 or 4* (of 4*) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 6, 2018), published by the Association of Business Schools.
Articles may be downloaded if you have access to an active journal or a database subscription.
Articles published in level 4* journals (World Leading) Hopland, Arnt Ove
Lisowsky, Petro
Mardan, Mohammed
Schindler, DirkFlexibility in Income Shifting under Losses
Accounting Review, 2018, 93(3), 163-183
(Online 2017)Zoutman, Floris T.
Gavrilova-Zoutman, Evelina
Hopland, Arnt OveEstimating Both Supply and Demand Elasticities Using Variation in a Single Tax Rate
Econometrica, 2018, 86(2), 763-771
Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Anderson, Simon P.
Foros, Øystein
Kind, Hans JarleCompetition for advertisers and for viewers in media markets
Economic Journal, 2018, 128(608), 34-54
(Online 19.09.2016)Bjørndal, Endre
Bjørndal, Mette
Cai, Hong
Panos, EvangelosHybrid pricing in a coupled European power market with more wind power
European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 264(3), 919-931
(Online 27.06.2017)Bjørndal, Endre
Bjørndal, Mette
Cullmann, Astrid
Nieswand, MariaFinding the right yardstick: Regulation of electricity networks under heterogeneous environments
European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 265(2), 710-722
(Online 04.08.2017)Choi, Tsan-Ming
Wallace, Stein W.
Wang, YulanBig Data Analytics in Operations Management
Production and Operations Management, 2018, 27(10), 1868-1883
(Online 18.02.2018)Guajardo, Mario
Rönnqvist, Mikael
Flisberg, Patrik
Frisk, MikaelCollaborative transportation with overlapping coalitions
European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 271(1), 238-249
(Online 07.05.2018)Haufler, Andreas
Mardan, Mohammed
Schindler, DirkDouble tax discrimination to attract FDI and fight profit shifting: The role of CFC rules
Journal of International Economics, 2018, 114, 25-43
(Online 01.05.2018)Huttunen, Kristiina
Møen, Jarle
Salvanes, Kjell G.Job Loss and Regional Mobility
Journal of Labor Economics, 2018, 36(2), 479-509
(Online 06.02.2018)Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Ådland, Roar Os
Cariou, Pierre
Wolff, François-CharlesDoes energy efficiency affect ship values in the second-hand market?
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, 111, 347-359
(Online 02.04.2018)Ådland, Roar Os
Alizadeh, AmirExplaining price differences between physical and derivative freight contracts
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2018, 118, 20-33
(Online 26.07.2018)Basso, Franco
Guajardo, Mario
Varas, MauricioCollaborative job scheduling in the wine bottling process
Omega, Online 27.12.2018
Campaniello, Nadia
Gavrilova-Zoutman, EvelinaUncovering the gender participation gap in crime
European Economic Review, 2018, 109, 289-304
(Online 06.04.2018)Consiglio, Andrea
Zenios, Stavros A.Pricing and hedging GDP-linked bonds in incomplete markets
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2018, 88, 137-155
(Online 05.01.2018)Duran, Guillermo
Giormenti, Mauro
Guajardo, Mario
Pinto, Pablo M.
Rey, Pablo
Stier-Moses, Nicolás E.Improving access to voting with optimized matchings
Electoral Studies, 2018, 51, 38-48
(Online 19.12.2017)Fairbrother, Jamie
Turner, Amanda
Wallace, Stein W.INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2018, 30(3), 472-491
(Online 21.09.2018)Janeba, Eckhard
Todtenhaupt, MaximilianFiscal competition and public debt
Journal of Public Economics, 2018, 168, 47-61
(Online 26.10.2018)Juranek, Steffen
Walz, UweOrganizational Design, Competition, and Financial Exchanges
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Online 28.08.2018
Mardan, Mohammed
Stimmelmayr, MichaelEuropean Economic Review, 2018, 102, 188-210
Mirhedayatian, Seyed Mostafa
Yan, ShiyuA framework to evaluate policy options for supporting electric vehicles in urban freight transport
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2018, 58, 22-38
(Online 15.11.2017)Wang, Xin
Fagerholt, Kjetil
Wallace, Stein W.Planning for charters: A stochastic maritime fleet composition and deployment problem, Omega, 2018, 79, 54-66
(Online 04.08.2017)Yan, Shiyu
Eskeland, Gunnar S.Greening the vehicle fleet: Norway's CO2-Differentiated registration tax
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018, 91, 247-262
(Online 05.09.2018) -
ABS journal articles 2017
ABS journal articles 2017
ABS journal articles 2017
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3, 4 or 4* (of 4*) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 5, 2015), published by the Association of Business Schools.
Articles may be downloaded if you have access to an active journal or a database subscription.
Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Anderson, Simon P.
Foros, Øystein
Kind, Hans JarleProduct Functionality, Competition, and Multi-Purchasing
International Economic Review, 2017, 58(1), 183-210
(Online 03.02.2017)Chronopoulos, Michail
Lumbreras, SaraOptimal regime switching under risk aversion and uncertainty
European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 256(2), 543-555
(Online 16.06.2016)Duran, Guillermo
Guajardo, Mario
Saure, DenisScheduling the South American Qualifiers to the 2018 FIFA World Cup by Integer Programming
European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 262(3), 1109-1115
(Online 27.04.2017)Foros, Øystein
Kind, Hans Jarle
Shaffer, GregApple's agency model and the role of most-favored-nation clauses
Rand Journal of Economics, 2017, 48(3), 673-703
(Online 15.08.2017)Ubøe, Jan
Andersson, Jonas
Jörnsten, Kurt
Lillestøl, Jostein
Sandal, Leif K.Statistical testing of bounded rationality with applications to the newsvendor model
European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 259(1), 251-261
(Online 17.10.2016)Vaagen, Hajnalka
Kaut, Michal
Wallace, Stein W.The impact of design uncertainty in engineer-to-order project planning
European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 261(3), 1098-1109
(Online 07.03.2017)Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Bove, Vincenzo
Gavrilova, EvelinaPolice Officer on the Frontline or a Soldier? The Effect of Police Militarization on Crime
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2017, 9(3), 1-18
Brekke, Kurt R.
Pires, Armando
Schindler, Dirk
Schjelderup, GuttormCapital taxation and imperfect competition: ACE vs. CBIT
Journal of Public Economics, 2017, 147, 1-15
(Online 02.01.2017)Chronopoulos, Michail
Hagspiel, Verena
Fleten, Stein-ErikStepwise investment and capacity sizing under uncertainty
OR Spectrum, 2017, 39(2), 447-472
(Online 25.08.2016)Consiglio, Andrea
Lotfi, Somayyeh
Zenios, StavrosPortfolio diversification in the sovereign credit swap markets
Annals of Operations Research, 2017, Online 26.07.2017
Gresik, Thomas A.
Schindler, Dirk
Schjelderup, GuttormImmobilizing Corporate Income Shifting: Should It Be Safe to Strip in the Harbor?
Journal of Public Economics, 2017, 152, 68-78
(Online 06.06.2017)Gu, Yewen
Wallace, Stein W.Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, 55, 51-66
(Online 23.06.2017)Isaksen, Elisabeth T.
Narbel, Patrick A.A carbon footprint proportional to expenditure - a case for Norway?
Ecological Economics, 2017, 131, 152-165
(Online 08.09.2016)Jacobs, Bas
Jongen, Egbert L. W.
Zoutman, Floris TobiasRevealed social preferences of Dutch political parties
Journal of Public Economics, 2017, 156, 81-100
(Online 24.08.2017)Kvaløy, Ola
Luzuriaga, Miguel
Olsen, Trond E.Experimental Economics, 2017, 20(4), 860-877
(Online 11.03.2017)Lindstad, Haakon Elizabeth
Eskeland, Gunnar S.Batteries in offshore support vessels – Pollution, climate impact and economics
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, 50, 409-417
(Online 08.12.2016)Lindstad, Haakon Elizabeth
Rehn, Carl Fredrik
Eskeland, Gunnar S.Sulphur Abatement Globally in Maritime Shipping
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, 57, 303-313
(Online 10.10.2017) -
ABS journal articles 2016
ABS journal articles 2016
ABS journal articles 2016
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3, 4 or 4* (of 4*) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 5, 2015), published by the Association of Business Schools.
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Articles published in level 4* journals (World Leading) Arve, Malin
Martimort, DavidDynamic Procurement under Uncertainty: Optimal Design and Implications for Incomplete Contracts
The American Economic Review, 2016, 106(11), 3238-3274
(Online 31.10.2016)Døskeland, Trond M.
Pedersen, Lars Jacob TynesInvesting with Brain or Heart? A Field Experiment on Responsible Investment
Management Science, 2016, 62(6), 1632-1644
(Online 16.10.2015)Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Aase, Knut K. Recursive utility using the stochastic maximum principle
Quantitative Economics, 2016, 7(3), 859-887
(Online 14.11.2016)Andersson, Jonas
Møen, JarleA simple improvement of the IV-estimator for the classical errors-in-variables problem
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2016, 78(1), 113-125
(Online 25.03.2015)Andersson, Kjetil
Foros, Øystein
Hansen, BjørnEmpirical evidence on the relationship between mobile termination rates and firms’ profit
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2016, 118(1), 129-149
(Online 15.07.2015)Bonomo, Flavia
Catalan, Jaime
Duran, Guillermo
Epstein, Rafael
Guajardo, Mario
Jawtuschenko, Alexis
Marenco, JavierAnnals of Operations Research, 2016
(Online 16.03.2016)Briskorn, Dirk
Jörnsten, Kurt
Nossack, JennyPricing combinatorial auctions by a set of linear price vectors
OR Spectrum, 2016, 38(4), 1043-1070
(Online 05.02.2016)Briskorn, Dirk
Jörnsten, Kurt
Zeise, PhilippA pricing scheme for combinatorial auctions based on bundle sizes
Computers & Operations Research, 2016, 70, 9-17
(Online 01.01.2016)Choi, Tsan-Ming
Wallace, Stein W.
Wang, YulanRisk management and coordination in service supply chains: information, logistics and outsourcing
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2016, 67(2), 159-164
(Online 21.01.2016)Chronopoulos, Michail
Hagspiel, Verena
Fleten, Stein-ErikStepwise Green Investment under Policy Uncertainty
Energy Journal, 2016, 37(4), 87-108
Guajardo, Mario
Jörnsten, Kurt
Rönnqvist, MikaelConstructive and blocking power in collaborative transportation
OR Spectrum, 2016, 38(1), 25-50
(Online 04.08.2015)Kvaløy, Ola
Olsen, Trond E.Incentive Provision when Contracting is Costly
Economica, 2016, 83, 332, 741-767
(Online 08.04.2016)Kvamsdal, Sturla F.
Poudel, Diwakar
Sandal, Leif K.Harvesting in a Fishery with Stochastic Growth and a Mean-Reverting Price
Environmental and Resource Economics, 2016, 63(3), 643-663
(Online 24.12.2014)Lindstad, Haakon E.
Eskeland, Gunnar S.Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2016, 47, 67-76
(Online 19.05.2016)Liu, Xiaozi
Lindroos, Marko
Sandal, Leif K.Sharing a Fish Stock When Distribution and Harvest Costs are Density Dependent
Environmental and Resource Economics, 2016, 63(3), 665-686
(Online 24.12.2014)Lumbreras, Sara
Bunn, Derek W.
Ramos, Andres
Chronopoulos, MichailReal options valuation applied to transmission expansion planning
Quantitative Finance, 2016, 16(2), 231-246
(Online 01.02.2016)Pantuso, Giovanni
Fagerholt, Kjetil
Wallace, Stein W.Uncertainty in Fleet Renewal: A Case from Maritime Transportation
Transportation Science, 2016, 50(2), 390-407
(Online 09.04.2015)Zhao, Yifei
Wallace, Stein W.Appraising redundancy in facility layout
International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54(3), 665-679
(Online 07.04.2015)Zoutman, Floris T.
Jacobs, BasOptimal Redistribution and Optimal Monitoring of Labor Supply
Journal of Public Economics, 2016, 135, 15-31
(Online 20.01.2016) -
ABS journal articles 2015
ABS journal articles 2015
ABS journal articles 2015
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3, 4 or 4* (of 4*) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 5, 2015), published by the Association of Business Schools.
Articles may be downloaded if you have access to an active journal or a database subscription.
Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Guajardo, Mario
Rönnqvist, MikaelOperations Research models for coalition structure in collaborative logistics
European Journal of Operational Research, 2015, 240(1), 147-159
(Online 02.07.2014)Guajardo, Mario
Jörnsten, KurtCommon mistakes in computing the nucleolus
European Journal of Operational Research, 2015, 241(3), 931-935
(Online 26.10.2014)Wang, Yulan
Wallace, Stein W.
Shen, Bin
Choi, Tsan-MingService supply chain management: A review of operational models
European Journal of Operational Research, 2015, 247(3), 685-698
(Online 30.05.2015)Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Chronopoulos, Michail
Siddiqui, AfzalAnnals of Operations Research, 2015, 235(1), 177-201
(Online 15.09.2015)Fjell, Kenneth
Foros, Øystein
Kind, Hans JarleOn the choice of royalty rule to cover fixed costs in input joint ventures
International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2015, 22(3), 393-406
(Online 03.11.2014)Guajardo, Mario
Rönnqvist, MikaelCost allocation in inventory pools of spare parts with service-differentiated demand classes
International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 53(1), 220-237
(Online 21.08.2014)Hanasusanto, Grani A.
Kuhn, Daniel
Wallace, Stein W.
Zymler, SteveDistributionally robust multi-item newsvendor problems with multimodal demand distributions
Mathematical Programming, 2015, 152(1), 1-32
(Online 24.04.2014)Kong, Jiehong
Rönnqvist, Mikael
Frisk, MikaelAnnals of Operations Research, 2015, 232(1), 179-199
(Online 13.09.2013)Kvaløy, Ola
Olsen, Trond E.The tenuous relationship between effort and performance pay
Journal of Public Economics, 2015, 121, 32-39
(Online 01.11.2014)Lindstad, Haakon
Eskeland, Gunnar S.Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2015, 41, 244-256
(Online 06.11.2015)Mauritzen, Johannes How Price Spikes Can Help Overcome the Energy Efficiency Gap
Economics Letters, 2015, 134, 114-117
(Online 17.07.2015)Mauritzen, Johannes Energy Journal, 2015, 36(4), 149-164
Pantuso, Giovanni
Fagerholt, Kjetil
Wallace, Stein W.Solving Hierarchical Stochastic Programs: Application to the Maritime Fleet Renewal Problem
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2015, 27(1), 89-102
(Online 28.10.2014) -
ABS journal articles 2014
ABS journal articles 2014
ABS journal articles 2014
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3 or 4 (of 4) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 4, 2010), published by the Association of Business Schools.
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Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Bai, Ruibin
Wallace, Stein W.
Li, Jingpeng
Chong, Alain Yee-LoongStochastic service network design with rerouting
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2014, 60, 50-65
(Online 29.12.2013)McArthur, David
Thorsen, Inge
Ubøe, JanEmployment, transport infrastructure and rural depopulation: a new spatial equilibrium model
Environment and Planning A, 2014, 46(7), 1652-1665
(Online 01.01.2014)Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Bove, Vincenzo
Gavrilova, EvelinaIncome and Livelihoods in the War in Afghanistan
World Development, 2014, 60, 113-131
(Online 14.04.2014)Chronopoulos, Michail
De Reyck, Bert
Siddiqui, AfzalDuopolistic competition under risk aversion and uncertainty
European Journal of Operational Research, 2014, 236(2), 643-656
(Online 20.01.2014)Guajardo, Mario
Rönnqvist, Mikael
Halvorsen, Ann Mari
Kallevik, Svein IngeInventory management of spare parts in an energy company
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2014, 66(2), 331-341
(Online 12.02.2014)Hopland, Arnt Ove Voter information and electoral outcomes: The Norwegian list of shame
Public Choice, 2014, 161(1-2), 233-255
(Online 29.01.2014)Hui, Yer Van
Gao, Jia
Leung, Lawrence
Wallace, Stein W.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2014, 66, 83-102
(Online 19.04.2014)Kvamsdal, Sturla F.
Stohs, Stephen M.Estimating Endangered Species Interaction Risk with the Kalman Filter
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2014, 96(2), 458-468
(Online 18.12.2013)Li, Yushu Estimating and Forecasting APARCH-Skew-t Model by Wavelet Support Vector Machines
Journal of Forecasting, 2014, 33(4), 259-269
(Online 14.03.2014)Lindset, Snorre
Lund, Arne-Christian
Persson, Svein-ArneCredit risk and asymmetric information: A simplified approach
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2014, 39, 98-112
(Online 15.11.2013)Mauritzen, Johannes Energy Journal, 2014, 35(2), 157-181
Øksendal, Bernt
Sandal, Leif K.
Ubøe, JanJournal of Applied Probability, 2014, 51A, 213-226
(Special - Celebrating 50 Years of the Applied Probability Trust)Zhao, Yifei
Wallace, Stein W.Integrated Facility Layout Design and Flow Assignment Problem Under Uncertainty
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2014, 26(4), 798-808
ABS journal articles 2013
ABS journal articles 2013
ABS journal articles 2013
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3 or 4 (of 4) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 4, 2010), published by the Association of Business Schools.
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Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Andersson, Jonas
Jörnsten, Kurt
Nonås, Sigrid Lise
Sandal, Leif K.
Ubøe, JanA maximum entropy approach to the newsvendor problem with partial information
European Journal of Operational Research, 2013, 228(1), 190-200
(Online 01.02.2013)Bengtsson, Jens
Bredström, David
Flisberg, Patrik
Rönnqvist, MikaelRobust planning of blending activities at refineries
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2013, 64(6), 848-863
(Online: 29.08.2012)Bion-Nadal, Jocelyne
Di Nunno, GiuliaDynamic no-good-deal pricing measures and extension theorems for linear operators on L∞
Finance and Stochastics, 2013, 17(3), 587-613
(Online 30.08.2012)Bredström, David
Flisberg, Patrik
Rönnqvist, MikaelA new method for robustness in rolling horizon planning
International Journal of Production Economics, 2013, 143(1), 41-52
(Online 22.02.2011)Foros, Øystein
Steen, FrodeVertical Control and Price Cycles in Gasoline Retailing
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2013, 115(3), 640-661
(Online 19.06.2013)Guajardo, Mario
Kylinger, Martin
Rönnqvist, MikaelSpeciality oils supply chain optimization: From a decoupled to an integrated planning approach
European Journal of Operational Research, 2013, 229(2), 540-551
(Online 16.03.2013)Jörnsten, Kurt
Nonås, Sigrid Lise
Sandal, Leif K.
Ubøe, JanMixed contracts for the newsvendor problem with real options and discrete demand
OMEGA, 2013, 41(5), 809-819
(Online 20.11.2012)Kind, Hans Jarle
Schjelderup, Guttorm
Stähler, FrankNewspaper Differentiation and Investments in Journalism: The Role of Tax Policy
Economica, 2013, 80(317), 131-148
(Online 14.08.2012)Mauritzen, Johannes Energy Journal, 2013, 34(1), 103-123
Molnár, Peter
Nyborg, Kjell G.Tax-adjusted Discount Rates: a General Formula under Constant Leverage Ratios
European Financial Management, 2013, 19(3), 419-428
(Online 21.06.2011)Øksendal, Bernt
Sandal, Leif K.
Ubøe, JanStochastic Stackelberg equilibria with applications to time-dependent newsvendor models
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2013, 37(7), 1284-1299
(Online 06.03.2013) -
ABS journal articles 2012
ABS journal articles 2012
ABS journal articles 2012
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3 or 4 (of 4) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 4, 2010), published by the Association of Business Schools.
Articles may be downloaded if you have access to an active journal or a database subscription.
Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Anderson, Simon P.
Foros, Øystein
Kind, Hans J.
Peitz, MartinMedia market concentration, advertising levels, and ad prices
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2012, 30(3), 321-325
(Online 02.01.2012)Audy, Jean-François
D’Amours, Sophie
Rönnqvist, MikaelAn empirical study on coalition formation and cost/savings allocation
International Journal of Production Economics, 2012, 136(1), 13-27
(Online 16.09.2011)Bengtsson, Jens
Bredström, David
Flisberg, Patrik
Rönnqvist, MikaelRobust planning of blending activities at refineries
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2012
(Online 29.08.12)Bienz, Carsten
Hirsch, JuliaThe Dynamics of Venture Capital Contracts
Review of Finance, 2012, 16(1), 157-195
(Online 14.03.2011)Flisberg Patrik
Frisk Mikael
Rönnqvist, MikaelFuelOpt: a decision support system for forest fuel logistics
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2012, 63(11), 1600-1612
(Online 29.02.2012)Haug, Jørgen
Hens, Thorsten
Woehrmann, PeterRisk aversion in the large and in the small
Economics Letters, 2012, Online 21.11.2012
Jörnsten, Kurt
Nonås, Sigrid Lise
Sandal, Leif K.
Ubøe, JanTransfer of risk in the newsvendor model with discrete demand
OMEGA, 2012, 40(3), 404-414
(Online 12.07.2011)Kvaløy, Ola
Olsen, Trond E.The Rise of Individual Performance Pay
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2012, 21(2), 493-518
(Online 25.04.2012)McArthur, David
Thorsen, Inge
Ubøe, JanLabour market effects in assessing the costs and benefits of road pricing
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2012, 46(2), 310-321
(Online 15.11.2011)Miguéis, Vera
Camanho, Ana
Bjørndal, Endre
Bjørndal, MetteProductivity change and innovation in Norwegian electricity distribution companies
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2012, 63(7), 982-990
(Online 26.10.2011)Molnár, Peter Properties of range-based volatility estimators
International Review of Financial Analysis, 2012, 23, 20-29
(Online 13.07.2011)Schindler, Dirk
Schjelderup, GuttormDebt shifting and ownership structure
European Economic Review, 2012, 56(4), 635-647
(Online 09.03.2012)Torgnes, Erlend
Gunnerud, Vidar
Hagem, Eirik
Rönnqvist, Mikael
Foss, Bjarne AntonParallel Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition of petroleum production allocation problems
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2012, 63(7), 950-968
(Online 19.10.2011) -
ABS journal articles 2011
ABS journal articles 2011
ABS journal articles 2011
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3 or 4 (of 4) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 4, 2010), published by the Association of Business Schools.
Articles may be downloaded if you have access to an active journal or a database subscription.
Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Døskeland, Trond M.
Hvide, Hans K.Do Individual Investors Have Asymmetric Information Based on Work Experience?
Journal of Finance, 2011, 66(3), 1011-1041
(Online 23.05.2011)Fisher-Vanden, Karen
Thorburn, Karin S.Voluntary corporate environmental initiatives and shareholder wealth
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2011, 62(3), 430-445
(Online 30.04.2011)Huttunen, Kristiina
Møen, Jarle
Salvanes, Kjell G.How Destructive is Creative Destruction? Effects of Job Loss on Job Mobility, Withdrawal and Income
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2011, 9(5), 840-870
(Online 01.10.2011)Runkel, Marco
Schjelderup, GuttormThe Choice of Apportionment Factors under Formula Apportionment
International Economic Review, 2011, 52(3), 913-934
(Online 29.08.2011)Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Araoz, Veronica
Jörnsten, KurtSemi-Lagrangean approach for price discovery in markets with non-convexities
European Journal of Operational Research, 2011, 214(2), 411-417
(Online 12.05.2011)Bjerksund, Petter
Stensland, Gunnar
Vagstad, FrankGas Storage Valuation: Price Modelling v. Optimization Methods
Energy Journal, 2011, 32(1), 203-227
Clark, Derek J.
Foros, Øystein
Sand, Jan YngvePublic Choice, 2011, 148(1-2), 215-232
(Online 19.05.2010)Eriksen, Kristoffer W.
Kvaløy, Ola
Olsen, Trond E.Tournaments with Prize-setting Agents
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2011, 113(3), 729-753
(Online 11.05.2011)Foros, Øystein
Kind, Hans Jarle
Shaffer, GregResale price maintenance and restrictions on dominant firm and industry-wide adoption
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2011, 29(2), 179-186
(Online 15.05.2010)Foros, Øystein
Kind, Hans Jarle
Shaffer, GregEuropean Economic Review, 2011, 55(7) 916-926
(Online 25.03.2011)Linnerud, Kristin
Mideksa, Torben K.
Eskeland, Gunnar S.The Impact of Climate Change on Nuclear Power Supply
Energy Journal, 2011, 32(1), 149-168
Olsen, Trond E.
Osmundsen, PetterMultinationals, tax competition and outside options
Journal of Public Economics, 2011, 95(11/12), 1579-1588
(Online 27.04.2011)Steinshamn, Stein Ivar A Conceptional Analysis of Dynamics and Production in Bioeconomic Models
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2011, 93(3), 799-808
(Online 01.04.2011) -
ABS journal articles 2010
ABS journal articles 2010
ABS journal articles 2010
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3 or 4 (of 4) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 4, 2010), published by the Association of Business Schools.
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Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Gerber, Anke
Hens, Thorsten
Woehrmann, PeterDynamic General Equilibrium and T-Period Fund Separation
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2010, 45(2), 369-400
(Online 01.02.2010)Hens, Thorsten
Vogt, BodoIndirect reciprocity and money
Games and Economic Behavior, 2010, 70(2), 354-374
(Online 18.02.2010)Hvide, Hans K.
Møen, JarleLean and Hungry or Fat and Content? Entrepreneurs’ Wealth and Start-Up Performance
Management Science, 2010, 56(8), 1242-1258
(Online 28.05.2010)Mjøs, Aksel
Persson, Svein-ArneLevel-Dependent Annuities: Defaults of Multiple Degrees
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2010, 45(5), 1311-1339
(Online 01.08.2010)Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Bienz, Carsten
Walz, UweJournal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2010, 19(4), 1071-1116
(Online 22.11.2010)Chen, Jing
Chollete, Lorán
Ray, RinaFinancial distress and idiosyncratic volatility: An empirical investigation
Journal of Financial Markets, 2010, 13(2), 249-267
(Online 10.11.2009)De Giorgi, Enrico
Hens, Thorsten
Rieger, Marc OliverFinancial market equilibria with cumulative prospect theory
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2010, 46(5), 633-651
(Online 10.06.2010)Frisk, Mikael
Göthe-Lundgren, Maud
Jörnsten, Kurt
Rönnqvist, MikaelCost allocation in collaborative forest transportation
European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, 205(2), 448-458
(Online 04.02.2010)Harstad, Bård
Eskeland, Gunnar S.Trading for the future: Signaling in permit markets
Journal of Public Economics, 2010, 94(9/10), 749-760
(Online 27.03.2010)Henriksen, Espen R.
Kydland, Finn E.Endogenous money, inflation, and welfare
Review of Economic Dynamics, 2010, 13(2), 470-486
(Online 26.09.2009)Hvide, Hans K.
Leite, ToreOptimal debt contracts under costly enforcement
Economic Theory, 2010, 44(1), 149-165
(Online 23.04.2009)Jörnsten, Kurt
Ubøe, JanQuantification of preferences in markets
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2010, 46(4), 453-466
(Online 16.03.2010)Kind, Hans Jarle
Köthenbürger, Marko
Schjelderup, GuttormTax responses in platform industries
Oxford Economic Papers, 2010, 62(4), 764-783
(Online 12.04.2010)Mjøs, Aksel
Persson, Svein-ArneCallable risky perpetual debt with protection period
European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, 207(1), 391-400
(Online 22.04.2010)Mjøs, Aksel
Persson, Svein-ArneA simple model of deferred callability in defaultable debt
European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, 207(3), 1350-1357
(Online 25.06.2010)Nielsen, Søren Bo
Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis
Schjelderup, GuttormCompany taxation and tax spillovers: Separate accounting versus formula apportionment
European Economic Review, 2010, 54(1), 121-132
(Online 12.06.2009)Osmundsen, Petter
Aven, Terje
Tomasgard, AsgeirOn incentives for assurance of petroleum supply
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2010, 95(2), 143-148
(Online 06.10.2009)Schindler, Dirk
Schjelderup, GuttormProfit Shifting in Two-Sided Markets
International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2010, 17(3), 353-363
(Online 19.11.2010) -
ABS journal articles 2009
ABS journal articles 2009
ABS journal articles 2009
Articles published in journals ranked as level 3 or 4 (of 4) in the Academic Journal Guide (version 4, 2010), published by the Association of Business Schools.
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Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Bhattacharya, Utpal
Galpin, Neal
Ray, Rina
Yu, XiaoyunThe Role of the Media in the Internet IPO Bubble
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2009, 44(3), 657-682
(Online 01.06.2009)Bindseil, Ulrich
Nyborg, Kjell G.
Strebulaev, Ilya A.Repo Auctions and the Market for Liquidity
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2009, 41(7), 1391-1421
(Online 15.09.2009)Bodnaruk, Andriy
Östberg, PerDoes investor recognition predict returns?
Journal of Financial Economics, 2009, 91(2), 208-226
(Online 14.11.2008)Foros, Øystein
Hagen, Kåre P.
Kind, Hans JarlePrice-Dependent Profit Sharing as a Channel Coordination Device
Management Science, 2009, 55(8), 1280-1291
(Online 01.06.2009)Janeba, Eckhard
Schjelderup, GuttormThe Welfare Effects of Tax Competition Reconsidered: Politicians and Political Institutions
Economic Journal, 2009, 119(539), 1143-1161
(Online 11.06.2009)Kvaløy, Ola
Olsen, Trond E.Endogenous Verifiability and Relational Contracting
American Economic Review, 2009, 99(5), 2193-2208
Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Andersson, Kjetil
Foros, Øystein
Steen, FrodeText and voice: complements, substitutes or both?
Industrial and Corporate Change, 2009, 18(6), 1231-1247
(Online 29.06.2009)Bjørndal, Endre
Jörnsten, KurtLower and upper bounds for linear production games
European Journal of Operational Research, 2009, 196(2), 476-486
(Online 21.03.2008)Bjørndal, Mette
Midthun, Kjetil Trovik
Tomasgard, AsgeirModeling Optimal Economic Dispatch and System Effects in Natural Gas Networks
Energy Journal, 2009, 30(4), 155-180
Drexl, Andreas
Jörnsten, Kurt
Knof, DietherNon-linear anonymous pricing combinatorial auctions
European Journal of Operational Research, 2009, 199(1), 296-302
(Online 06.12.2008)Foros, Øystein
Kind, Hans Jarle
Sand, Jan YngveSlotting Allowances and Manufacturers' Retail Sales Effort
Southern Economic Journal, 2009, 76(1), 266-282
(Online 01.07.2009)Haufler, Andreas
Klemm, Alexander
Schjelderup, GuttormEconomic integration and the relationship between profit and wage taxes
Public Choice, 2009, 138(3-4), 423-446
(Online 20.09.2008)Kind, Hans Jarle
Köthenbürger, Marko
Schjelderup, GuttormOn revenue and welfare dominance of ad valorem taxes in two-sided markets
Economics Letters, 2009, 104(2), 86-88
(Online 16.04.2009)Lindset, Snorre
Lund, Arne-Christian
Matsen, EgilOptimal information acquisition for a linear quadratic control problem
European Journal of Operational Research, 2009, 199(2), 435-441
(Online 06.12.2008)Mammen, Enno
Støve, Bård
Tjøstheim, DagNonparametric Additive Models for Panels of Time Series
Econometric Theory, 2009, 25(2), 442-481
(Online 01.04.2009)Nonås, Sigrid Lise Finding and identifying optimal inventory levels for systems with common components
European Journal of Operational Research, 2009, 193(1), 98-119
(Online 27.10.2007) -
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Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Aase, Knut K. On the Consistency of the Lucas Pricing Formula
Mathematical Finance, 2008, 18(2), 293-303
(Online 13.03.2008)Bjørndal, Mette
Jörnsten, KurtEquilibrium prices supported by dual price functions in markets with non-convexities
European Journal of Operational Research, 2008, 190(3), 768-789
(Online 16.07.2007)Bredström, David
Rönnqvist, MikaelCombined vehicle routing and scheduling with temporal precedence and synchronization constraints
European Journal of Operational Research, 2008, 191(1), 19-31
(Online 01.11.2007)Cooper, Ian A.
Nyborg, Kjell G.Tax-Adjusted Discount Rates with Investor Taxes and Risky Debt
Financial Management, 2008, 37(2), 365-379
(Online 28.06.2008)Døskeland, Trond M.
Nordahl, Helge A.Optimal pension insurance design
Journal of Banking & Finance, 2008, 32(3), 382-392
(Online 17.07.2007)Gunnarsson, Helene
Rönnqvist, MikaelInternational Journal of Production Economics, 2008, 116(1), 75-94
(Online 05.08.2008)Hvide, Hans K.
Leite, ToreCapital Structure under Costly Enforcement
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2008, 110(3), 543-565
(Online 17.09.2008)Kaarbøe, Oddvar M.
Olsen, Trond E.Distorted Performance Measures and Dynamic Incentives
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2008, 17(1), 149-183
(Online 30.01.2008)Kind, Hans Jarle
Köthenbürger, Marko
Schjelderup, GuttormEfficiency enhancing taxation in two-sided markets
Journal of Public Economics, 2008, 92(5/6), 1531-1539
(Online 07.01.2008)Misund, Bård
Asche, Frank
Osmundsen, PetterIndustry upheaval and valuation: Empirical evidence from the international oil and gas industry
International Journal of Accounting, 2008, 43(4), 398-424
(Online 08.11.2008) -
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Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Møen, Jarle Research Policy, 2007, 36(9), 1443-1464
(Online 21.08.2007)Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Drexl, Andreas
Jörnsten, KurtReflections about pseudo-dual prices in combinatorial auctions
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2007, 58(12), 1652-1659
Hu, Yaozhong
Øksendal, BerntOptimal smooth portfolio selection for an insider
Journal of Applied Probability, 2007, 44(3), 742-752
(Online 13.09.2007)Leite, Tore Adverse selection, public information, and underpricing in IPOs
Journal of Corporate Finance, 2007, 13(5), 813-828
(Online 25.04.2007)Lensberg, Terje
Schenk-Hoppé, Klaus ReinerOn the Evolution of Investment Strategies and the Kelly Rule - A Darwinian Approach
Review of Finance, 2007, 11(1), 25-50
(Online 01.01.2007)Lindset, Snorre
Lund, Arne-ChristianEuropean Journal of Finance, 2007, 13(6), 545-564
(Online 18.09.2007)Lindset, Snorre
Lund, Arne-ChristianA Monte Carlo approach for the American put under stochastic interest rates
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2007, 31(4), 1081-1105
(Online 21.06.2006)Shogren, Jason F.
Stamland, TommyValuing Lives Saved from Safer Food - A Cautionary Tale Revisited
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2007, 89(5), 1176-1182
(Online 01.12.2007)Benefit efficient statistical distributions on patient lists
Journal of Health Economics, 2007, 26(4), 800-820
(Online 30.12.2006)West, B. Martin
Bengtsson, JensAggregate production process design in global manufacturing using a real options approach
International Journal of Production Research, 2007, 45(8), 1745-1762
(Online 09.03.2007) -
ABS journal articles 2006
ABS journal articles 2006
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Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Cooper, Ian A.
Nyborg, Kjell G.The value of tax shields IS equal to the present value of tax shields
Journal of Financial Economics, 2006, 81(1), 215-225
(Online 28.02.2006)Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Bøhren, Øyvind
Haug, JørgenManaging Earnings with Intercorporate Investments
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 2006, 33(5-6), 671-695
Kaarbøe, Oddvar M.
Olsen, Trond E.Career Concerns, Monetary Incentives and Job Design
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2006, 108(2), 299-316
(Online 31.07.2016)Kvaløy, Ola
Olsen, Trond E.Team Incentives in Relational Employment Contracts
Journal of Labor Economics, 2006, 24(1), 139-169
Leite, Tore Bookbuilding with heterogeneous investors
Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2006, 15(2), 235-253
(Online 11.10.2005)Lensberg, Terje
Eilifsen, Aasmund
McKee, ThomasBankruptcy theory development and classification via genetic programming
European Journal of Operational Research, 2006, 169(2), 677-697
(Online 25.08.2004)Øksendal, Bernt A universal optimal consumption rate for an insider
Mathematical Finance, 2006, 16(1), 119-129
(Online 04.01.2006)Östberg, Per Disclosure, investment and regulation
Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2006, 15(3), 285-306
(Online 06.03.2006) -
ABS journal articles 2005
ABS journal articles 2005
ABS journal articles 2005
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Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Keloharju, Matti
Nyborg, Kjell G.
Rydqvist, KristianJournal of Finance, 2005, 60(4), 1865-1902
(Online 12.08.2005)Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Leite, Tore Returns to sentiment investors in IPOs
Economics Letters, 2005, 89(2), 222-226
(Online 27.06.2005)Møen, Jarle Is Mobility of Technical Personnel a Source of R&D Spillovers?
Journal of Labor Economics, 2005, 23(1), 81-114
Olsen, Trond E.
Osmundsen, PetterSharing of endogenous risk in construction
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2005, 58(4), 511-526
(Online 07.01.2005)Shogren, Jason F.
Stamland, TommySelf-protection and value of statistical life estimation
Land Economics, 2005, 81(1), 100-113
Ussif, Al-Amin M.
Sumaila, Ussif R.Modeling the dynamics of regulated resource systems: a fishery example
Ecological Economics, 2005, 52(4), 469-479
(Online 10.02.2005) -
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Articles published in level 4 journals (top 10 %) Glenn, Paul
Thorsen, Inge
Ubøe, JanWage payoffs and distance deterrence in the journey to work
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2004, 38(9), 853-867
(Online 24.03.2004)Jörnsten, Kurt
Thorsen, Inge
Ubøe, JanReplication/prediction problems in the journey to work
Environment and Planning A, 2004, 36(2), 347-364
(Online 01.02.2004)Ubøe, Jan Aggregation of gravity models for journeys to work
Environment and Planning A, 2004, 36(4), 715-729
(Online 01.04.2004)Articles published in level 3 journals (top 40 %) Arnason, Ragnar
Sandal, Leif K.
Steinshamn, Stein Ivar
Vestergaard, NielsAmerican Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2004, 86(2), 531-542
(Online 01.05.2004)Bøhren, Øyvind
Haug, Jørgen
Michalsen, DagCompliance with flexible accounting standards
International Journal of Accounting, 2004, 39, 1-19
(Online 22.01.2004)Hens, Thorsten
Reimann, Stefan
Vogt, BodoNash competitive equilibria and two-period fund separation
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2004, 40(3-4), 321-346
(Online 25.02.2004)Leite, Tore Excess initial returns in IPOs
Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2004, 13(3), 359-377
(Online 14.01.2004)Miltersen, Kristian R.
Schwartz, Eduardo S.R&D Investments with Competitive Interactions
Review of Finance, 2004, 8(3), 355-401
(Online 01.09.2004)Sandal, Leif K.
Steinshamn, Stein IvarDynamic Cournot-competitive harvesting of a common pool resource
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2004, 28(9), 1781-1799
(Online 27.11.2003)