Publications from Centre for Shipping and Logistics.
Publications 2025
Publications 2025
Publications 2025
Velez Correa, Andres
Wallace, Stein W.Active guidance systems in maritime evacuations: optimizing the lifeboat allocation for cruise ships
Annals of Operations Research, Online 15.01.2025
Chou, Xiaochen
Messina, Enza
Wallace, Stein W.Solving Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Problems via Machine Learning
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2025, 15508, Online 04.03.2025
Publications 2024
Publications 2024
Publications 2024
Azad Gholami, Azam
Thorsen, Inge
Ubøe, JanNetworks and Spatial Economics, Online 10.06.2024
Bang, Rasmus Noss
Hansen, Bjørn Gunnar
Guajardo, Mario
Sommerseth, Jon Kristian
Flaten, Ola
Asheim, Leif JarleAgricultural Systems, 2024, 218, 103991, Online 09.05.2024
Bang, Rasmus Noss
Samsonstuen, Stine
Hansen, Bjørn Gunnar
Guajardo, Mario
Møller, Hanne
Sommerseth, Jon Kristian
Góez, Julio C.
Flaten, OlaAgricultural Systems, 2025, 222, 104189, Online 16.11.2024
Bläser, Nikolaj
Magnussen, Búgvi Benjamin
Fuentes Lezcano, Gabriel
Lu, Hua
Reinhardt, LineTransportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2024, 169, 104853, Online 18.09.2024
Braathen, Christian
Góez, Julio C.
Guajardo, MarioAutonomous ferries in light of labor regulations — A passenger perspective
Maritime Transport Research, 2024, 7, 100115, Online 16.08.2024
Enerstvedt, Vegard
Jia, HaiyingInjuries at Sea: A Geo-Spacial Analysis of Marine Accidents
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Online 01.02.2024
Fan, Hanwen
Chang, Zheng
Jia, Haiying
He, Xuzhuo
Lyu, JingHow do navy escorts influence piracy risk in East Africa? A Bayesian network approach
Risk Analysis, Online 01.03.2024
Fan, Hanwen
Jia, Haiying
He, Xuzhuo
Lyu, JingReliability Engineering & System Safety, 2024, 250, 110311, Online 04.07.2024
Fuentes Lezcano, Gabriel
Wallace, Stein W.
Ådland, Roar OsThe effects of waiting times on the bunkering decision for tramp ships
Maritime Transport Research, 2024, 6, 100106, Online 18.03.2024
Guajardo, Mario
Krumer, AlexanderTournament design for a FIFA World Cup with 12 four-team groups : every win matters
In The Palgrave handbook on the economics of manipulation in sport, Springer, 2024, 207-230, Online 20.10.2024
Guajardo, Mario Optimization in Referee Assignment
In Encyclopedia of Optimization - 3rd Edition, Springer, 2024, Online 26.12.2024
Guo, Feng
Guo, Zhaoxia
Tang, Haifan
Huang, Tao
Wu, YoukaiA multi-gated deep graph network with attention mechanisms for taxi demand prediction
Applied Soft Computing, 2025, 169, 112582, Online 07.12.2024
Jia, Haiying Data Driven Model Selection in Vessel Valuation
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Online 01.02.2024
Jia, Haiying
Azevedo, Paulo C.Sustainable investing and ownership structure in international shipping companies
Maritime Policy & Management, Online 16.09.2024
Jia, Haiying
Jiang, Liping
Azevedo, Paulo C.Green premium and the role of financial investors in sustainable investment in container shipping
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2024, 189, 103658, Online 13.07.2024
King, Alan J.
Wallace, Stein W.Modeling with Stochastic Programming - 2nd edition
Springer series in Operations Research, 2024, 60, 202 p., Online 31.05.2024
Maggioni, Francesca
Wallace, Stein W.Stochastic Programs with Recourse: Bounds
In Encyclopedia of Optimization - 3rd Edition, Springer, 2024, Online 24.05.2024
Moazzeni, Sahar
Góez, Julio C.
Sgarbossa, FabioCollaborative Logistics 4.0 Operations among Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Rural Areas
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2024, 58(19), 403-408, Online 09.10.2024
Narum, Benjamin
Fairbrother, Jamie
Wallace, Stein W.Problem-based scenario generation by decomposing output distributions
European Journal of Operational Research, 2024, 318(1), 154-166, Online 12.04.2024
Orhan, Cosku Can
Góez, Julio C.
Guajardo, Mario
Osicka, Ondrej
Wallace, Stein W.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2024, 185, 103521, Online 17.04.2024
Orhan, Cosku Can
Soman, Jaikishan
Wallace, Stein W.Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2024, 185, 104125, Online 28.05.2024
Rezaeinia, Nahid
Góez, Julio C.
Guajardo, MarioScheduling conferences using data on attendees’ preferences
Journal of the Operational Research Society, Online 28.03.2024
Wallace, Stein W. Preprocessing in Stochastic Programming
In Encyclopedia of Optimization - 3rd Edition, Springer, 2024, Online 29.03.2024
Wang, Qi
Mao, Jianing
Wen, Xin
Wallace, Stein W.
Deveci, MuhammetTransport Policy, 2025, 160, 245-258, Online 17.11.2024
Publications 2023
Publications 2023
Publications 2023
Bang, Rasmus Noss
Guajardo, Mario
Hansen, Bjørn GunnarInternational Transactions in Operational Research, Online 14.05.2023
Bjørndal, Endre
Bjørndal, Mette
Bøe, Elisabeth Kjerstad
Dalton, Jacob
Guajardo, MarioSmart home charging of electric vehicles using a digital platform
Smart Energy, 2023, 100118, Online 16.08.2023
Fuentes Lezcano, Gabriel
Ådland, Roar OsGreenhouse gas mitigation at maritime chokepoints: The case of the Panama Canal
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2023, 118, 103694, Online 11.03.2023
Guo, Feng
Wei, Qu
Wang, Miao
Guo, Zhaoxia
Wallace, Stein W.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2023, 173, 103095, Online 17.03.2023
Kim, Thai Young
Woo, Su-Han
Wallace, Stein W.Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2023, 182, 109320, Online 22.05.2023
Jia, HaiyingMultilevel analysis of bulk shipping fleet productivity: a big data approach
Maritime Policy & Management, Online 06.02.2023
Moazzeni, Sahar
Darmian, Sobhan Mostafayi
Hvattum, Lars MagnusOperational Research, 2023, 23, 13, Online 25.02.2023
Narum, Benjamin
Maggioni, Francesca
Wallace, Stein W.On the safe side of stochastic programming: bounds and approximations
International Transactions in Operational Research, 2023, 30(6), 3201-3237, Online 18.05.2023
Osicka, Ondrej
Guajardo, MarioFair travel distances in tournament schedules: A cooperative game theory approach
Sports Economics Review, Online 25.04.2023
Soman, Jaikishan
Patil, Rahul J.Two-dimensional loading in vehicle routing problem with release and due dates
Expert Systems With Applications, 2023, 120862, Online 19.06.2023
Wang, Shuang
Jia, Haiying
Lu, Jing
Yang, DongCrude oil transportation route choices: A connectivity reliability-based approach
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2023, 235, 109254, Online 20.03.2023
Publications 2022
Publications 2022
Publications 2022
Ådland, Roar Os
Engen, Tord AalandIEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Online 20.01.2022
Ådland, Roar Os
Strandenes, Siri PettersenAutonomous Deep-sea Shipping - The Economist's View
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Online 20.01.2022
Bai, Xiwen
Jia, Haiying
Xu, MingqiIdentifying port congestion and evaluating its impact on maritime logistics
Maritime Policy & Management, Online 18.10.2022
Dauzère-Pérès, Stéphane
Nonås, Sigrid LiseAn improved decision support model for scheduling production in an engineer-to-order manufacturer
4OR, Online 21.05.2022
Duran, Guillermo
Guajardo, Mario
Zamorano, GonzaloSociety and Economy, Online 17.06.2022
Nguyen, Gam Thi Hong
Ruzaeva, Daria
Goez, Julio C.
Guajardo, MarioNon-compliance in transit-based evacuation pick-up point assignments
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2022, 101259, Online 10.02.2022
Prochazka, Vit
Ådland, Roar OsContractual Obligations and Vessel Speed: Empirical Evidence from the Capesize Drybulk Market
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Online 20.01.2022
Rezaeinia, Nahid Eigenvalue-UTilité Additive approach for evaluating multi-criteria decision-making problem
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Online 21.06.2022
Strandenes, Siri Pettersen Fighting for market power: the case of Norwegian Airlines
In The Air Transportation Industry - Economic conflict and Competition, Elsevier, 2022, 315-333
Wang, Qingyi
Wallace, Stein W.Non-compliance in transit-based evacuation pick-up point assignments
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2022, 101259, Online 10.02.2022
Publications 2021
Publications 2021
Publications 2021
Ådland, Roar Os Shipping Economics and Analytics
In Guide to Maritime Informatics, Springer Nature, 2021, 319-333, Online 09.02.2021
Ådland, Roar Os
Anestad, Lars Eirik
Abrahamsen, BjarteStatistical arbitrage in the freight options market
Maritime Policy & Management, Online 27.09.2021
Ådland, Roar Os
Jia, Haiying
Harvei, Hans Christian Olsen
Jørgensen, JuliusSecond-hand vessel valuation: an extreme gradient boosting approach
Maritime Policy & Management, Online 10.09.2021
Ådland, Roar Os
Jia, Haiying
Lode, Tønnes
Skontorp, JørgenThe value of meteorological data in marine risk assessment
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2021, 209, 107480, Online 27.01.2021
Bai, Xiwen
Xu, Mingqi
Jia, HaiyingA Dynamic Feedback System Analysis on the Mechanism of Shipping Freight
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Online 12.01.2021
Bai, Xiwen
Jia, Haiying
Xu, MingqiPort congestion and the economics of LPG seaborne transportation
Maritime Policy & Management, Online 16.06.2021
Cariou, Pierre
Lindstad, Elizabeth
Jia, HaiyingThe impact of an EU maritime emissions trading system on oil trades
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2021, 99, 102992, Online 09.08.2021
Durán, Guillermo A.
Guajardo, Mario
Gutiérrez, FacundoAnnals of Operations Research, Online 23.01.2021
Durán, Guillermo A.
Guajardo, Mario
Gutiérrez, Facundo
Marenco, Javier
Saure, Denis
Zamorano, GonzaloScheduling the Main Professional Football League of Argentina
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 2021, 51(5), 361-372, Online 24.09.2021
Fuentes Lezcano, Gabriel Generating bunkering statistics from AIS data: A machine learning approach
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021, 155, 102495, Online 08.10.2021
Fuentes Lezcano, Gabriel
Ådland, Roar OsA Spatial Framework for Extracting Suez Canal Transit Information from AIS
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Online 12.01.2021
Gu, Yewen.
Wallace, Stein W.Operational benefits of autonomous vessels in logistics - A case of autonomous water-taxis in Bergen
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021, 102456, Online 08.09.2021
Mirhedayatian, Seyed Mostafa
Crainic, Teodor Gabriel
Guajardo, Mario
Wallace, Stein W.A two-echelon location-routing problem with synchronisation
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2021, 72(1), 145-160, Online 22.08.2019.
Mohanty, Sunil K.
Ådland, Roar Os
Westgaard, Sjur
Frydenberg, Stein
Lillienskiold, Hilde
Kristensen, CecilieModelling Stock Returns and Risk Management in the Shipping Industry
Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2021, 14(4), 171, Online 09.04.2021
Prochazka, Vit
Ådland, Roar OsFeature Engineering for Supply Analysis in Ocean Transportation
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Online 12.01.2021
Rezaeinia, Nahid
Goez, Julio C.
Guajardo, MarioEfficiency and fairness criteria in the assignment of students to projects
Annals of Operations Research, Online 24.04.2021
Strandenes, Siri Pettersen Transport and International trade
In International Encyclopedia of Transportation, Elsevier, 2021, 431-435, Online 17.05.2021
Tran, Nguyen Khoi
Lam, Jasmine Siu Lee
Ådland, Roar Os
Jia, HaiyingEmissions from container vessels in the port of Singapore
Maritime Policy & Management, Online 28.09.2021
Zhang, Dongqing
Wallace, Stein W.
Guo, Zhaoxia
Dong, Yucheng
Kaut, MichalOn scenario construction for stochastic shortest path problems in real road networks
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021, 102410, Online 03.07.2021
Publications 2020
Publications 2020
Publications 2020
Ådland, Roar Os
Aarheim, Georg Martin Steen
Holseter, Ole MortenBaltic Exchange index changes and FFA hedging efficiency
Transportation Research Procedia, 2020, 48, 107-122, Online 15.09.2020
Ådland, Roar Os
Cariou, Pierre
Wolff, Francois-CharlesOptimal ship speed and the cubic law revisited: Empirical evidence from an oil tanker fleet
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Online 12.06.2020
Ådland, Roar Os
Prochazka, VitThe value of timecharter optionality in the drybulk market
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 145, 102185, Online 09.12.2020
Babri, Sahar
Jörnsten, Kurt
Thorsen, Inge
Ubøe, JanModeling Commuting Flows via Fixed Components
Transportation Science, Online 20.05.2020
Ben Jouida, Sihem
Guajardo, Mario
Klibi, Walid
Krichen, SaoussenProfit maximizing coalitions with shared capacities in distribution networks
European Journal of Operational Research, Online 12.06.2020
Van Bulck, David
Goossens, Dries
Schönberger, Jörn
Guajardo, MarioAn Instance Data Repository for the Round-robin Sports Timetabling Problem
Management and Labour Studies, 2020, 45(2), Online 24.04.2020
Butsch, Alex
Jörnsten, Kurt
Kalcsics, JörgA new Semi-Lagrangean Relaxation for the p-median problem
Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Online 21.04.2020
Durán, Guillermo A.
Guajardo, Mario
López, Agustina F.
Marenco, Javier
Zamorano, Gonzalo A.INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, Online 18.12.2020
Greene, Suzanne
Jia, Haiying
Rubio-Domingo, GabrielaWell-to-tank carbon emissions from crude oil maritime transportation
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2020, 88 102587, Online 14.10.2020
Gu, Yewen
Goez, Julio C.
Guajardo, Mario
Wallace, Stein W.Autonomous vessels: state of the art and potential opportunities in logistics
International Transactions in Operational Research, Online 02.03.2020
Guo, Feng
Gu, Xin
Guo, Zhaoxia
Dong, Yucheng
Wallace, Stein W.Understanding the marginal distributions and correlations of link travel speeds in road networks
Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 11821, Online 16.07.2020
Hendalianpour, Ayad
Fakhrabadi, Mahnaz
Sadegh Sangari, Mohamad
Razmi, JafarScientia Iranica. International Journal of Science and Technology, Online 09.04.2020
Jia, Haiying
Ådland, Roar Os
Wang, YuchenLatin American Oil Export Destination Choice: A Machine Learning Approach
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2020, 345-348, Online 03.02.2020
Jia, Haiying
Ådland, Roar Os
Wang, YuchenGlobal Oil Export Destination Prediction: A Machine Learning Approach
Energy Journal, Online 03.08.2020
Jia, Haiying
Lam, Jasmine Siu Lee
Tran, Nguyen KhoiSpatial variation of travel time uncertainty in container shipping
Transportation Research Procedia, 2020, 48, 1740-1749, Online 15.09.2020
Jiang, Xiaoping
Bai, Ruibin
Wallace, Stein W.
Kendall, Graham
Landa-Silva, DarioComputers & Operations Research, 2021, 128, 105182, Online 17.12.2020
Kaut, Michal
Vaagen, Hajnalka
Wallace, Stein W.International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, 233, 108015, Online 29.12.2020
Lindstad, Elizabeth
Eskeland, Gunnar S.
Rialland, Agathe
Valland, AndersSustainability, 2020, 12(21), 8793, Online 22.10.2020
Peng, Wen
Ådland, Roar Os
Yip, Tsz LeungInvestor domicile and second-hand ship sale prices
Maritime Policy & Management, Online 27.10.2020
Prochazka, Vit
Ådland, Roar OsOcean Mesh Grid: Applications in Shipping Modeling
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2020, 330-334, Online 03.02.2020
Prochazka, Vit
Wallace, Stein W.Scenario tree construction driven by heuristic solutions of the optimization problem
Computational Management Science, 2020, 17, 277-307, Online 20.06.2020
Song, Yongjia
Ulmer, Marlin W.
Thomas, Barrett W.
Wallace, Stein W.Building trust in home services-stochastic team-orienteering with consistency constraints
Transportation Science, 2020, 54(3), 823-838, Online 29.04.2020
Strandenes, Siri Pettersen Utflagging i luftfarten
In Transport i interaksjon mellom marked og offentlig regulering. Festskrift til Finn Jørgensen, Fagbokforlaget, 2020, 147-164
Strandenes, Siri Pettersen
Thanopoulou, HelenGDP and international seaborne trade: past trends, present breaks and future directions
In Geographies of Maritime Transport, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020, 33-48, Online 04.03.2020
Strandenes, Siri Pettersen
Thanopoulou, HelenIncome distribution and bulk cargo demand: Trends and uncertainties
Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2020, 8(3), 729-735, Online 05.06.2020
Tenold, Stig Constantly crossing borders: The international nature of maritime history
International Journal of Maritime History, 2020, 32(2), 403-413, Online 28.07.2020
Tenold, Stig Med flagget til topps. Historien om norsk skipsfart i det 20. århundre
Gyldendal Akademisk, 2020, 401 pages
Tenold, Stig
Kang, J.Y.
Kim, Song
Murphy, HughEnterprise & Society, 2021, 22(2), 335-367, Online 17.03.2020
Wang, Shuang
Wallace, Stein W.
Lu, Jing
Gu, YewenTransportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 133, 101824, Online 28.12.2019
Publications 2019
Publications 2019
Publications 2019
Ådland, Roar Os
Cariou, Pierre
Wolff, Francois-CharlesJournal of Transport Economics and Policy, 2019, 53(1), 99-118, Online 01.01.2019
Ådland, Roar Os
Cariou, Pierre
Wolff, Francois-CharlesWhen energy efficiency is secondary: The case of Offshore Support Vessels
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2019, 72, 114-126
Ådland, Roar Os
Jia, HaiyingContractual Barriers and Energy Efficiency in the Crude Oil Supply Chain
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Online 14.01.2019
Ådland, Roar Os
Köhn, SebastianSemiparametric Valuation of Heterogeneous Assets
In Asset Intelligence through Integration and Interoperability and Contemporary Vibration Engineering Technologies, Springer 2019, Chapter 3, 23-30, Online 12.11.2018Ådland, Roar Os
Thomassen, Kristoffer
Østensen, ErlandEnvironmental management in shipping: Theory and practice of energy-efficient ship operation
In The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Management, Taylor & Francis, 2019, 80-97, Online 30.04.2019
Van Bulck, David
Goossens, Dries
Schönberger, Jörn
Guajardo, MarioRobinX: a three-field classification and unified data format for round-robin sports timetabling
European Journal of Operational Research, Online 17.07.2019
Cea, Sebastian
Duran, Guillermo
Guajardo, Mario
Saure, Denis
Siebert, Joaquín
Zamorano, GonzaloAn analytics approach to the FIFA ranking procedure and the World Cup final draw
Annals of Operations Research, Online 10.05.2019
Fairbrother, Jamie
Turner, Amanda
Wallace, Stein W.Mathematical Programming, Online 26.11.2019
Gu, Yewen
Wallace, Stein W.
Wang, XinIntegrated maritime fuel management with stochastic fuel prices and new emission regulations
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2019, 70(5), 707-725, Online 05.01.2018
Gu, Yewen
Wallace, Stein W.
Wang, XinTransportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2019, 74, 318-338, Online 20.08.2019
Guo, Zhaoxia
Wallace, Stein W.
Kaut, MichalINFORMS Journal on Computing, 2019, Online 27.06.2019
Kyritsis, Evangelos
Andersson, JonasCausality in quantiles and dynamic relations in energy markets: (De)tails matter
Energy Policy, 2019, 110933, Online 20.08.2019
Lindstad, Elizabeth
Borgen, Henning
Eskeland, Gunnar S.
Paalson, Christopher
Psaraftis, Harialos
Turan, OsmanSustainability, 2019, 11(13), 1-17, Online 04.07.2019
Osicka, Ondrej
Guajardo, Mario
Jörnsten, KurtCooperation of customers in traveling salesman problems with profits
Optimization Letters, Online 24.04.2019
Osicka, Ondrej
Guajardo, Mario
van Oost, ThibaultCooperative game‐theoretic features of cost sharing in location‐routing
International Transactions in Operational Research, Online 11.07.2019
Petersson, Niels P.
Tenold, Stig
White, Nicholas J.Shipping and Globalization in the Post-War Era: Contexts, Companies, Connections
In Shipping and Globalization in the Post-War Era, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 1-6, Online 30.10.2019
Petersson, Niels P.
Tenold, Stig
White, Nicholas J.Conclusion - Shipping and Globalization in the Post-War Era
In Shipping and Globalization in the Post-War Era, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 249-273, Online 30.10.2019
Procházka, Vít
Ådland, Roar Os
Wallace, Stein W.The value of foresight in the drybulk freight market
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2019, 129, 232-245, Online 23.08.2019
Procházka, Vít
Ådland, Roar Os
Wolff, Francois-CharlesTransportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2019, 130, 37-53, Online 19.09.2019
Regli, Frederik
Ådland, Roar OsCrude oil contango arbitrage and the floating storage decision
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2019, 122, 100-118, Online 07.12.2018
Tenold, Stig The Declining Role of Western Europe in Shipping and Shipbuilding, 1900–2000
In Shipping and Globalization in the Post-War Era, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 9-36, Online 30.10.2019
Tenold, Stig
Økland, Bård GramMermaids Ashore: The Norwegian Mermaid Association, 1964-1989
Mariner's Mirror, 2019, 105(2), 202-218, Online 01.04.2019
Økland, Bård Gram
Tenold, StigHavfruer - ikke bare en myte. Norges Havfrueforbund 1964-1989
Sjøfartshistorisk årbok, 2019, 7-41
Publications 2018
Publications 2018
Publications 2018
Ådland, Roar Os
Alizadeh, AmirExplaining price differences between physical and derivative freight contracts
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2018, 118, 20-33, Online 26.07.2018
Ådland, Roar Os
Cariou, Pierre
Jia, Haiying
Wolff, Francois-CharlesThe energy efficiency effects of periodic ship hull cleaning
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 178, 1-13, Online 04.01.2018
Ådland, Roar Os
Cariou, Pierre
Wolff, François-CharlesDoes energy efficiency affect ship values in the second-hand market?
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, 111, 347-359, Online 02.04.2018
Ådland, Roar Os
Jia, Haiying
Strandenes, Siri PettersenThe determinants of vessel capacity utilization: The case of Brazilian iron ore exports
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, 110, 191-201, Online 20.12.2016
Ådland, Roar Os
Sværen, Oda AspebakkenThe determinants of asset mothballing in the offshore supply market
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2018, 1460-1463, Online 12.02.2018
Basso, Franco
Guajardo, Mario
Varas, MauricioCollaborative job scheduling in the wine bottling process
Omega, 2020, 91, 102021, Online 27.12.2018
Choi, Tsan-Ming
Wallace, Stein W.
Wang, YulanBig Data Analytics in Operations Management
Production and Operations Management, Online 18.02.2018, 1-16
Dahlberg, Joen
Engevall, Stefan
Jörnsten, Kurt
Rönnqvist, MikaelIncitements for transportation collaboration by cost allocation
Central European Journal of Operations Research, Online 01.03.2018, 1-24
Fairbrother, Jamie
Turner, Amanda
Wallace, Stein W.INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2018, 30(3), 472-491, Online 21.09.2018
Gu, Yewen
Wallace, Stein W.
Wang, XinIn Sustainable Logistics and Transportation, Springer, Online 03.01.2018, 199-224
Guajardo, Mario Environmental Benefits of Collaboration and Allocation of Emissions in Road Freight Transportation
Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series (Springer), 2018, 63, 79-98, Online 21.04.2018
Guajardo, Mario
Flisberg, Patrik
Frisk, Mikael
Rönnqvist, MikaelCoalitions in Collaborative Forest Transportation Across Multiple Areas
In: Temponi C., Vandaele N. (eds) Information Systems, Logistics, and Supply Chain. ILS 2016. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2018, 262, 61-73 (Springer)Guajardo, Mario
Rönnqvist, Mikael
Flisberg, Patrik
Frisk, MikaelCollaborative transportation with overlapping coalitions
European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 271(1), 238-249, Online 07.05.2018
Lindstad, Elizabeth
Eskeland, Gunnar S.
Sandaas, Inge
Steen, SverreRevitalization of short sea shipping through slender, simplified and standardized designs
Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 2018, 124, 109-123
Lindstad, Elizabeth
Bø, Torstein Ingebrigtsen
Eskeland, Gunnar S.Reducing GHG emissions in Shipping - measures and options
In: Marine Design, 2018, 23(2), 923-930: Proceedings of the 13th International Marine Design Conference (IMDC 2018), 10-14.06.2018, Helsinki, Finland
Maggioni, Francesca
Cagnolari, Matteo
Bertazzi, Luca
Wallace, Stein W.Stochastic optimization models for a bike-sharing problem with transshipment
European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, 276(1), 272-283, Online 23.12.2018
Ojala, Jari
Tenold, StigCreating Global Markets: Seaborne Trade in Pulp and Paper Products Over the Last 400 Years
In Technological Transformation in the Global Pulp and Paper Industry, Springer, 2018, 261-282
Ojala, Jari
Tenold, StigCompartiendo Mare Nostrum: un análisis de artículos en publicaciones académicas sobre la historia marítima del Mediterráneo
In Proceedings of the 4th Meditarranean Maritime History Network Conference : Barcelona, 7-9 May 2014, Museu Marítim de Barcelona Barcelona, 2018, 2, 57-73
Prochazka, Vit
Wallace, Stein W.Computational Management Science, Online 19.05.2018, 1-14
Rönnqvist, Mikael
Flisberg, Patrik
Frisk, Mikael
Guajardo, MarioIn: Temponi C., Vandaele N. (eds) Information Systems, Logistics, and Supply Chain. ILS 2016. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2018, 262, 47-60 (Springer)Shahabsafa, Mohammad
Goez, Julio C.
Terlaky, TamásOn pathological disjunctions and redundant Disjunctive Conic Cuts
Operations Research Letters, 2018, 46(5), 500-504, Online 17.07.2018
Tenold, Stig Norwegian Shipping in the 20th Century
Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 327 pages
Tenold, Stig
Ojala, JariIn Industries and Global Competition. A History of Business Beyond Borders, Routledge, 2018, 215-234
Wang, Xin
Fagerholt, Kjetil
Wallace, Stein W.Planning for charters: A stochastic maritime fleet composition and deployment problem
Omega, 2018, 79, 54-66 (Online 04.08.2017)
Wang, Xin
Crainic, Teodor Gabriel
Wallace, Stein W.INFORMS Journal on Computing, Online 14.12.2018
Yan, Shiyu
Eskeland, Gunnar S.Greening the vehicle fleet: Norway's CO2-Differentiated registration tax
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018, 91, 247-262, Online 05.09.2018
Publications 2017
Publications 2017
Publications 2017
Ådland, Roar Os
Alger, Harrison Marshall
Banyte, Justina
Jia, HaiyingDoes fuel efficiency pay? Empirical evidence from the drybulk timecharter market revisited
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2017, 95, 1-12
Ådland, Roar Os
Benth, Fred Espen
Koekebakker, SteenMultivariate modeling and analysis of regional ocean freight rates
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2018, 113, 194-221, Online 03.11.2017
Ådland, Roar Os
Bjerknes, Fredrik
Herje, ChristianSpatial efficiency in the bulk freight market
Maritime Policy & Management, 2017, 44(4), 413-425
Ådland, Roar Os
Fonnes, Gro
Jia, Haiying
Daae Lampe, Ove
Strandenes, Siri PettersenThe impact of regional environmental regulations on empirical vessel speeds
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, 53, 37-49
Ådland, Roar Os
Hansson, David
von der Wense, LevinValuing cargo flexibility in oil transportation
Maritime Policy & Management, 2017, 44(7), 803-814, Online 18.08.2017
Ådland, Roar Os
Jia, HaiyingSimulating physical basis risks in the Capesize freight market
Maritime Economics & Logistics, 2017, 19, 196-210, Online 06.03.2017
Ådland, Roar Os
Jia, Haiying
Strandenes, Siri PettersenAre AIS-based trade volume estimates reliable? The case of crude oil exports
Maritime Policy & Management, 2017, 44(5), 657-665
Babri, Sahar
Jörnsten, Kurt
Viertel, MichaelMaritime Economics and Logisitics, 2017, 19(2), 334-351, Online 17.09.2015
Belik, Ivan
Jörnsten, KurtCritical objective function values in linear sum assignment problems Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2018, 35, 842-852, Online 16.12.2017
Brekke, Kjell Arne
Golombek, Rolf
Kaut, Michal
Kittelsen, Sverre A. C.
Wallace, Stein W.Stochastic energy market equilibrium modeling with multiple agents
Energy, 2017, 134, 984-990
Durán, Guillermo
Guajardo, Mario
Sauré, DenisScheduling the South American Qualifiers to the 2018 FIFA World Cup by Integer Programming
European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 262(3), 1109-1115, Online 27.04.2017
Durán, Guillermo
Giormenti, Mauro
Guajardo, Mario
Pinto, Pablo M.
Rey, Pablo
Stier-Moses, Nicolás E.Improving access to voting with optimized matchings
Electoral Studies, 2018, 51, 38-48, Online 19.12.2017
Flisberg, Patrik
Frisk, Mikael
Guajardo, Mario
Rönnqvist, MikaelReallocation of Logistics Costs in a Cooperative Network of Sawmills
Computational Methods and Models for Transport (ECCOMAS 2015). Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (Springer), 2017, 45, 171-183, Online 30.06.2017
Gu, Yewen
Wallace, Stein W.Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, 55, 51-66, Online 23.06.2017
Jia, Haiying
Ådland, Roar Os
Prakash, Vishnu
Smith, TristanEnergy efficiency with the application of Virtual Arrival policy
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, 54, 50-60
Jia, Haiying
Daae Lampe, Ove
Šoltészová, Veronika
Strandenes, Siri PettersenAn automatic algorithm for generating seaborne transport pattern maps based on AIS
Maritime Economics & Logistics, 2017, 19, 619-630, Online 21.04.2017
Jia, Haiying
Daae Lampe, Ove
Šoltészová, Veronika
Strandenes, Siri PettersenNorwegian port connectivity and its policy implications
Maritime Policy & Management, 2017, 44(8), 956-966, Online 14.08.2017
Lindstad, Haakon E.
Eskeland, Gunnar S.
Rialland, AgatheBatteries in Offshore Support vessels - Pollution, climate impact and economics
Transportation Research Part D, 2017, 50, 409-417
Lindstad, Elizabeth
Rehn, Carl Fredrik
Eskeland, Gunnar S.Sulphur Abatement Globally in Maritime Shipping
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, 57, 303-313
Mirhedayatian, Seyed Mostafa
Yan, ShiyuA framework to evaluate policy options for supporting electric vehicles in urban freight transport
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2018, 58, 22-38, Online 15.11.2017
Murphy, Hugh
Tenold, StigAppendix 1: The effects of the oil price shocks on shipbuilding in the 1970s
In Shipbuilding and ship repair workers around the world, Amsterdam University Press, 2017, Appendix 1
Ojala, Jari
Tenold, StigMaritime history: A health check
International Journal of Maritime History, 2017, 29(2), 344-354, Online 09.05.2017
Ojala, Jari
Tenold, StigMaritime trade and merchant shipping: The shipping/trade ratio since the 1870s
International Journal of Maritime History, 2017, 29(4), 838-854, Online 30.10.2017
Pérez, Juan F.
Silva, Daniel F.
Góez, Julio C.
Sarmiento, Andrés
Sarmiento-Romero, Andrés
Akhavan-Tabatabaei, Raha
Riaño, GermánjMarkov: An Integrated Framework for Markov Chain Modeling
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 2017, 43(3)
Sun, Congshi
Wallace, Stein W.
Luo, LiStochastic multi-commodity network design: The quality of deterministic solutions
Operations Research Letters, 2017, 45(3), 266-268
Thanopoulou, Helen
Strandenes, Siri PettersenA theoretical framework for analysing long-term uncertainty in shipping
Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2017, 5(2), 325-331, Online 09.03.2017
Ubøe, Jan
Andersson, Jonas
Jörnsten, Kurt
Lillestøl, Jostein
Sandal, Leif K.Statistical testing of bounded rationality with applications to the newsvendor model
European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 259(1), 251-261
(Online 17.10.2016)Vaagen, Hajnalka
Wallace, Stein W.
Kaut, MichalThe impact of design uncertainty in engineer-to-order project planning
European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 261(3), 1098-1109, Online 07.03.2017
Publications 2016
Publications 2016
Publications 2016
Ådland, Roar Os
Jia, HaiyingDynamic speed choice in bulk shipping
Maritime Economics & Logistics, 2018, 20, 253-266, Online 13.07.2016
Ådland, Roar Os
Jia, Haiying
Strandenes, Siri PettersenThe determinants of vessel capacity utilization: The case of Brazilian iron ore exports
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, 110, 191-201, Online 20.12.2016
Ådland, Roar Os
Cariou, Pierre
Wolff, Francois-CharlesThe influence of charterers and owners on bulk shipping freight rates
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2016, 86, 69-82
Ådland, Roar Os
Jia, HaiyingVessel speed analytics using satellite-based ship position data
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Online 29.12.2016
Alizadeh, Amir H.
Strandenes, Siri Pettersen
Thanopoulou, HelenCapacity retirement in the dry bulk market: A vessel based logit model
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2016, 92, 28-42
Belotti, Pietro
Góez, Julio C.
Pólik, Imre
Ralphs, Ted K.
Terlaky, TamásDiscrete Optimization, 2017, 24, 3-31, Online 04.11.2016
Choi, Tsan-Ming
Wallace, Stein W.
Wang, YulanRisk management and coordination in service supply chains: information, logistics and outsourcing
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2016, 67(2), 159-164
Del Granado, Pedro Crespo
Pang, Zhan
Wallace, Stein W.Synergy of smart grids and hybrid distributed generation on the value of energy storage
Applied Energy, 2016, 170, 476-488
Del Granado, Pedro Crespo
Wallace, Stein W.
Pang, ZhanThe impact of wind uncertainty on the strategic valuation of distributed electricity storage
Computational Management Science, 2016, 13(1), 5-27
Eskeland, Gunnar S.
Lindstad, Haakon E.Environmental Taxation in Transport
The International Journal on Green Growth and Development, 2016, 2(2), 51-86
Guajardo, Mario
Jörnsten, Kurt
Rönnqvist, MikaelConstructive and blocking power in collaborative transportation
OR Spectrum, 2016, 38(1), 25-50
Guajardo, Mario
Rönnqvist, MikaelA review on cost allocation methods in collaborative transportation
International Transactions in Operational Research, 2016, 23(3), 371-392
Kang, J. Y.
Kim, Song
Murphy, Hugh
Tenold, StigThe International Journal of Maritime History, 2016, 28(1), 81-101
Lindstad, Haakon E.
Eskeland, Gunnar S.Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2016, 47, 67-76
Pantuso, Giovanni
Fagerholt, Kjetil
Wallace, Stein W.Uncertainty in Fleet Renewal: A Case from Maritime Transportation
Transportation Science, 2016, 50(2), 390-407
Tenold, Stig Gas Lion: The first Clyde-built gas carrier and a microcosm of Norwegian shipping
The Mariner’s Mirror, 2016, 102(1), 49-66
Zhao, Yifei
Wallace, Stein W.Appraising redundancy in facility layout
International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54(3), 665-679
Publications 2015
Publications 2015
Publications 2015
Ådland, Roar Os
Jia, HaiyingShipping market integration: The case of sticky newbuilding prices
Maritime Economics & Logistics, 2015, 17(4), 389-398
Azadi, Majid
Jafarian, Mostafa
Saena, Reza Farzipoor
Mirhedayatian, Seyed M.Computers & Operations Research, 2015, 54, 274-285
Babri, Sahar
Jörnsten, Kurt
Viertel, MichaelMaritime Economics and Logisitics, 2017, 19, 334-351, Online 17.09.2015
Benkel, Kathrin
Jörnsten, Kurt
Leisten, RainerVariability Aspects in Flowshop Scheduling Systems
IEEE - IESM'2015 The Road Ahead: Understanding Challenges and Grasping Opportunities in Industrial and Systems Engineering, IEEE Proceedings, 2015, 118-127
Flisberg, Patrik
Frisk, Mikael
Rönnqvist, Mikael
Guajardo, MarioEnergy, 2015, 85(1), 353-365
Guajardo, Mario
Jörnsten, KurtCommon mistakes in computing the nucleolus
European Journal of Operational Research, 2015, 241(3), 931-935
Guajardo, Mario
Rönnqvist, MikaelOperations Research models for coalition structure in collaborative logistics
European Journal of Operational Research, 2015, 240(1), 147-159
Guajardo, Mario
Rönnqvist, MikaelCost allocation in inventory pools of spare parts with service-differentiated demand classes
International Journal of Production Research, 2015, 53(1), 220-237
Iversen, Martin Jes
Poulsen, René Taudal
Sornn-Friese, Henrik
Tenold, StigThe role of National Shipping Policy: a Scandinavian perspective on shipping policies in a global economy
Ocean Yearbook 29, ed. Aldo Chircop, Scott Coffen-Smout, and Moira L. McConnell, Brill Nijhoff, 2015, 327-342
Jörnsten, Kurt
Klose, AndreasAn improved Lagrangian relaxation and dual ascent approach to facility location problems
Computational Management Science, 2015, Online 27.10.2015
Kang, J. Y.
Kim, Song
Murphy, Hugh
Tenold, StigThe Mariner’s Mirror, 2015, 101(4), 426-457
Kong, Jiehong
Rönnqvist, Mikael
Frisk, MikaelAnnals of Operations Research, 2015, 232(1), 179-199
Kuhn, Daniel
Hanasusanto, Grani A.
Wallace, Stein W.
Zymler, SteveDistributionally robust multi-item newsvendor problems with multimodal demand distributions
Mathematical Programming, 2015, 152(1), 1-32
Lindstad, Haakon
Eskeland, Gunnar S.Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2015, 41, 244-256
Lindstad, Haakon
Eskeland, Gunnar S.
Psaraftis, Harilaos
Sandaas, Inge
Strømman, Anders H.Maritime shipping and emissions: A three-layered, damage-based approach
Ocean Engineering, 2015, 110(B), 94-101
Meersman, Hilde
Strandenes, Siri Pettersen
Van de Voorde, EddyIn Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Transport Economics and Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015, 329-342, Online 25.09.2015
Pantuso, Giovanni
Fagerholt, Kjetil
Wallace, Stein W.IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 2015, 26(1), 1-13
Pantuso, Giovanni
Fagerholt, Kjetil
Wallace, Stein W.Solving Hierarchical Stochastic Programs: Application to the Maritime Fleet Renewal Problem
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2015, 27(1), 89-102
Tenold, Stig Globalisation and maritime labour in Norway after the Second World War
The International Journal of Maritime History, 2015, 27(4), 774-792
Tenold, Stig Geared for Growth: Kristian Gerhard Jebsen and His Shipping Companies
Bodoni, 2015, 330 pages
Thanopoulou, Helen
Strandenes, Siri PettersenTurning down the volume? Prospects of structural changes in international energy seaborne trade
Research in Transportation Business & Management, 2015, 17, 8-13
Wang, Xin
Wallace, Stein W.Stochastic scheduled service network design in the presence of a spot market for excess capacity
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 2016, 5, 393-413, Online 24.06.2015
Wang, Yulan
Wallace, Stein W.
Shen, Bin
Choi, Tsan-MingService supply chain management: A review of operational models
European Journal of Operational Research, 2015, 247(3), 685-698
Zhao, Yifei
Wallace, Stein W.A heuristic for the single-product capacitated facility layout problem with random demand
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 2015, 4(3), 379-398