From NHH to a prestigious postdoc in economics
PhD candidate Paula Navarro Sarmiento has secured a postdoctoral position at CEMFI in Madrid, one of Europe’s top research institutes in economics.
PhD candidate Paula Navarro Sarmiento has secured a postdoctoral position at CEMFI in Madrid, one of Europe’s top research institutes in economics.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: To compensate people only with money - through tax relief or a dividend check - would cost far less than the waste that the government is planning to do now, writes Gunnar S. Eskeland in DN.
This week, the international climate data platform EcoMap was launched. NHH has been involved in the development of this nonprofit project.
The article "Connectedness between green bonds, clean energy markets and carbon quota prices: Time and frequency dynamics" has been published in Journal of Commodity Markets.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: The oil revenues have a whiff of both war profit and climate damage. We should probably give more to Ukraine and to climate measures in developing countries.
The aviation industry has partnered with NTNU, NHH, Cicero, and Sintef to develop solutions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from Norwegian air traffic.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: Demands for zero emissions can become emissions cuts' worst enemy. The requirement for emission-free construction sites is a good example – an expensive miss.
The article "Patent Protection and the Transition to Clean Technology" has been published in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
The article "Green premium and the role of financial investors in sustainable investment in container shipping" has been published in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: Politics must create expectations of private economic profitability from green solutions. It is the state's most important role in the transition.
The article "The reliability pricing model and coal-fired generators in PJM" has been published in Energy Economics.
Jonna Olssson and Nicole Wägner at the Department of Economics have been awarded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Fellowship. They receive approximately NOK 2.4 million each.
On Monday 11 December 2023 Kyriaki Tselika will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend her thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: Jonas Gahr Støre is braving himself and showing power and muscle with the Melkøya decision - it can be smart. But he may have committed a tactical blunder by not resolving the Fosen tangle first.
The article "Wise use of renewable energy in transport" has been published in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: If the mills are not to be demolished, it is because the reindeer owners and developers come to an agreement.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: The electricity support only so far amounts to half of the amount Norway will give Ukraine over five years. All the worse that it reinforces both energy scarcity and economic inequality.
On Thursday February 9 2023 Rasmus Noss Bang will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: Marketing Norwegian gas as "reliable" means that we must show understanding when our customers experience times of crisis. Støre should travel to Brussels and make Norway a leading and generous partner in the energy crisis.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: The oil tax package is the story of a state which, in miserable, nocturnal proceedings on additional taxes, cannot take care of itself, but gives away the people's money to special interests, apparently without getting anything in return.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: Experience, intuition and analysis indicate that tax relief will lead to investment and an increase in supply - also of renewable energy. So why propose tax increases both in general and for renewable energy now?
Gunnar S. Eskeland: The population's demand to get their share of the gains from higher power prices is both natural and healthy.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: In any case, the Norwegian people are left with the bill - or the damage - after the clean-up in the North Sea, so we must handle the risk well: It can be sloppy, and we can miss out on value creation and reuse.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: You have to be careful with what you wish for: You can get it. We will not be left out when the world's energy use is challenged and changed.
Øyvind Bøhren and Per Ivar Gjærum: The new foreign cables turn upside down discussions about climate gains. Do we understand the dilemma?
Gunnar S. Eskeland: When we may become terribly rich in war and energy change in Europe: Maybe we should be a little ahead and prepared for the reactions we may encounter?
Gunnar S. Eskeland: If Norway were to be the country in Europe that rejects climate tariffs, many would get a good laugh, for example the USA, China and Brazil - and Groucho Marx.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: Profitability is improving, and wind turbines are becoming more and better, if cables keep the electricity market open.
Roar Ådland, among others, fiercely criticizes the International Maritime Organization for its Annual Efficiency Ratio (AER), the key measure to define how ships fare when the Carbon Efficiency Indicator (CII) starts in just over a year.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: When we buy power we can let the water reservoirs be filled up, and in that way move low-priced power to more valuable moments - or to battery production. It would be a complete waste not to do so.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: New, green solutions must not be slowed down by established firms and tehcnologies' alliances and cooperation. Future development has none or weak owners and no political ties.
The article "Keep it in house or sell it abroad? A framework to evaluate fairness" has been published in European Journal of Operational Research.
A new expert committee will evaluate Norwegian power supply and the electricity grid. NHH Professor Mette H Bjørndal is appointed member of the expert group.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: The world and Norway are making gross errors in the climate politics when it comes to the treatment of farming and forests. For Norway this opens up an important potential in the primary industries' farming and aquaculture.
The article "Good mine, bad mine: Natural resource heterogeneity and Dutch disease in Indonesia" has been published in Journal of International Economics.
Energiomstilling Vest (EOV) partnerne har fått innvilget RFF Vest-forprosjektet "PRE-DECOR - Decommissioning Regulation and Contractual Implications” og har nylig startet opp arbeidet.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: Investments in "green" funds and companies – Scatec Solar, Tesla – has resulted in amazing returns, and some think that so it will be in the future as well. It would be a pity if they are proven right.
It will take a significant carbon levy, which more than doubles current fuel prices, to sufficiently push shipping's green transition in the way Norwegian and Danish shipowners call for, Roar Ådland tells ShippingWatch.
The article "The value of timecharter optionality in the drybulk market" has been published in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: The wealth tax study currently debated actually shows that protection of "working" capital leads to more jobs, at least within small businesses. If big businesses should be protected, too, less wealth tax will be paid.
The article "Well-to-tank carbon emissions from crude oil maritime transportation" has been published in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
The article "On shared use of renewable stocks" has been published in European Journal of Operational Research.
Gunnar S. Eskeland and Asgeir Tomasgard: The electric car policy does not defeat its own end. It reduces emissions, and not in Norway exclusively. But it should be less expensive than it is now.
Gunnar S. Eskeland and Jens Sørlie Kværner: Finance is a game between people trying to fool each other, but finance is also an advanced machine that decides where the capital flows. The question is whether finance really can starve "sinful" activities on capital.
Roar Ådland, Pierre Cariou and Francois-Charles Wolff have revisited the science behind slow steaming and are questioning the validity of the green claims championed by many owners and politicians such as Emmanuel Macron.
NORCE to have a new centre for research-based innovation: Climate Futures will provide climate risk forecasts ranging from 10 days to 10 years ahead in time. NHH and SNF are two of the partners of the new SFI.
On Monday 15 June 2020 Evangelos Toumasatos will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
Roar Ådland interviewed by The Economist: A midsized oil tanker’s fuel consumption drops by around 9 % after its hull is cleaned at sea. However, if the cleaning is done in a dry dock, that figure can be as much as 17 %.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: Everything that can be sped up now, is of great value. We are going to spend enormous amounts of money, and investments in carbon capture will not be in vain. The upside is high.
Johannes Mauritzen: The coronavirus is a serious threat to the world economy, at least temporarily. But what happens know also tells us about Norway's long term risk as an oil nation.
Everyone is talking about the climate crisis. Bergens Tidende presents six researchers who are actually doing something about it. Yewen Gu is one of them.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: We can not compensate all those who "lose" when we have to quit fossil fuels. The government must be looked upon as a somewhat unreliable support patrol that should show caution when it comes to compensations to fur farmers.
The article "Ecosystem wealth in the Barents Sea" has been published in Ecological Economics.
Gunnar S. Eskeland and Asgeir Tomasgard: Equinor's plans concerning emission reductions are well and good, but Norwegian gas also needs carbon capture and storage, if we are to secure ourselves lasting, and profitable, customer relationships.
Investors around the world are developing environmentally friendly solutions. The growth of green finance is accelerating at record speed. ‘They are now asking themselves how they can make the effects of their investments visible,’ says NHH researcher Carsten Bienz.
On Tuesday November 26 Yuanming Ni will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend her thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
The article "Bioeconomic modeling of seasonal fisheries" has been published in European Journal of Operational Research.
The article "Can an Emission Trading Scheme really reduce CO2 emissions in the short term? Evidence from a maritime fleet composition and deployment model" has been published in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: Smoking all but disappeared, surprisingly quick and easy, in an interaction between politics and altered norms. That may work in climate politics as well.
Trond M. Døskeland: Finance can solve the climate crisis, but may also make matters worse.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: It is somewhat exciting what happens to the world's - and Norway's - remaining fossil resources. Do vi already see some of the tension in the North Sea?
NHH wants to contribute to more fact-based dissemination of issues relating to climate change and energy transition. The school is now entering into a collaboration with Norsk klimastiftelse – the Norwegian Climate Foundation.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: In my opinion, road toll is good, but it can still be improved - and also exaggerated.
Gunnar S. Eskeland and Kristin Linnerud: Good prospects for offshore wind and irreversible costs related to on-land wind are good reasons to choose a step by step development of on-land wind in Norway. It may prove profitable to wait.
The article "Crude oil contango arbitrage and the floating storage decision" has been published in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
The article "Seasonality matters: a multi-season, multi-state dynamic optimization in fisheries" has been published in European Journal of Operational Research.
‘Based on our findings, I cannot see that local communities that say yes to the building of wind farms have much to gain,’ says Professor Øivind Anti Nilsen.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: We must not let sham arguments force the oil out of the Government Pension Fund Global. If the reasons are related to the climate, we will have to take the debate.
On Tuesday 28 August 2018 Yewen Gu will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
Chronicle by Gunnar S. Eskeland: Bitcoin is expensive. Is it really (more than) worth it?
Chronicle by Gunnar S. Eskeland: Exemptions from taxes lead to more and better electric cars and fuel efficient cars. The effect is mainly as desired, but there are some mistakes that should be corrected quickly.
On Wednesday 29 November 2017 Shiyu Yan will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
The article "The impact of regional environmental regulations on empirical vessel speeds" has been published in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
Through its registration tax, Norway has taken drastic steps to transition to cars with low carbon emissions. This has resulted in a significantly cleaner stock of new vehicles.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: Old diesel cars for drivers in the rural areas and bicycles, small cars, busses and electric cars for the cities.
This week Torfinn Harding and Po Yin Wong are participating at a workshop in Washington D.C. The Meeting is hosted by The World Bank and NHH.
Linda Nøstbakken is NHH’s new Professor. She has just been promoted to full Professor in resource economics.
Deforestation in tropical areas accounts for up to 12 per cent of human CO2 emissions. Researchers at NHH are trying to understand the correlations between economic development and deforestation.
Warmer climate creates trouble for power plants. When the temperature rises, plants are forced to reduce production or shut down.
We want to believe that common sense steers our choices. The problem is that we are a little lax, even when it comes to important climate issues.
On Friday 27 June 2014 Alief Aulia Rezza will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
On Tuesday 10 June 2014 Patrick André Narbel will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
More and more economists are critical of the prevailing climate policy and believe that Norway must consider leaving its oil where it is. 'This is a very controversial view, because Norway has become so dependent on its oil revenues,' says Professor Gunnar S. Eskeland.
Nature's ability to absorb carbon dioxide is poorer than previous analyses have indicated. Three NHH researchers have developed a model that calculates the amount of carbon emissions that nature can tolerate. The later we implement climate measures, the more expensive they will be.