Department of Business and Management Science

Department of Business and Management Science

Research at the Department aims to understand and improve management practice using analytical methods.

We study decision making, governance and efficiency in organisations from a managerial perspective, as well as from the perspective of institutions and investors. Faculty members have backgrounds from economics, finance, operations research, mathematics and statistics, and have a firm focus on publishing research in high quality international journals.

The objective of the department is to benefit the business community and society at large through excellence in research, teaching and contributions to the public debate. Faculty members often appear in the media, they are heavily involved in contract research at the SNF Centre for Applied Research at NHH and they contribute to management training through NHH Executive.

Research News

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Recent Publications

Authors Title Publication

Gavrilova-Zoutman, Evelina
Juranek, Steffen

The Role of Reviewer Characteristics on the Diversity of Successful Applicants

Organization Science, Online 14.03.2025

Chou, Xiaochen
Messina, Enza
Wallace, Stein W.

Solving Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Problems via Machine Learning

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2025, 15508, Online 04.03.2025

Døskeland, Trond M.
Sjuve, André Wattø
Ørpetveit, Andreas

Do fees matter? Investor’s sensitivity to active management fees

Journal of Empirical Finance, 2025, 81, 101596, Online 17.02.2025

Døskeland, Trond M.
Martuza, Jareef Bin
Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes
Santos, Francisco
Sjåstad, Hallgeir
Thorbjørnsen, Helge

The role of social norms in retirement saving: Evidence from two natural field experiments

Journal of Business Research, 2025, 190, 115201, Online 15.02.2025

D'Auria, Bernardo
Di Nunno, Giulia
Salmeron, Jose A.

Before and After Default: Information and Optimal Portfolio via Anticipating Calculus

Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 2025, 91(2), Online 12.02.2025

Chi, Chang-Koo
Olsen, Trond E.

Optimal Incentive Contracts With Bonus Caps

RAND Journal of Economics, 2025, 56(1), Online 05.02.2025

Kind, Hans J.
Schjelderup, Guttorm

Taxation and multi-sided platforms: a review

International Tax and Public Finance, Online 30.01.2025

Hølleland, Sondre Nedreås
Berentsen, Geir Drage
Otneim, Håkon
Solbrekke, Ida Marie

Optimal allocation of 30 GW offshore wind power in the Norwegian economic zone

Wind Energy Science, 2025, 10(1), 293-313, Online 27.01.2025

Næss, Ole-Andreas Elvik

Polarization and cultural divergence

Journal of Theoretical Politics, Online 17.01.2025