Can Fortnite succeed better than Dylan did against Apple?
Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind: Small players should reconsider before they cheer the fight against the giants.
Hans Jarle Kind has been a professor since 2005. He received his PhD degree in Economics from NHH in 1999.
Hans Jarle Kind’s main research interests are in the fields of industrial organization, international trade and taxation, with a focus on the media and telecommunications sectors.
Kind has been in charge of several large research projects, funded by both the private and the public sector. He has published a number of articles in international journals, among them in International Economic Review, European Economic Review, Journal of International Economics and Journal of Public Economics. He has also published in Handbook of Media Economics (Elsevier) and Handbook on the Economics of the Media (Edward Elgar).
In 2013 he received the "Masterstudentenes pris for fremragende innsats".
Author(s) | Title | Publisher |
Anderson, Simon P.; Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle | Competition for advertisers and for viewers in media markets | Economic Journal Volume 128 (608); page 34 - 54; 2018 |
Anderson, Simon P.; Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle | Product Functionality, Competition, and Multi-Purchasing | International Economic Review Volume 58 (1); page 183 - 210; 2017 |
Kind, Hans Jarle; Nilssen, Tore; Sørgard, Lars | Inter-firm price coordination in a two-sided market | International Journal of Industrial Organization Volume 44; page 101 - 112; 2016 |
Kind, Hans Jarle; Møen, Jarle | Effects of taxes and subsidies on media services. | Handbook on the Economics of the Media.; page 350 - 382; 2015 |
Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Sørgard, Lars | Merger policy and regulation in media industries | Handbook of Media Economics; 2015 |
Kind, Hans Jarle; Schjelderup, Guttorm; Stähler, Frank | Newspaper Differentiation and Investments in Journalism: The Role of Tax Policy | Economica Volume 80 (317); page 131 - 148; 2013 |
Anderson, Simon P.; Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; peitz, martin | Media market concentration, advertising levels, and ad prices | International Journal of Industrial Organization Volume 30 (3); page 321 - 325; 2012 |
Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Shaffer, Greg | Resale price maintenance and restrictions on dominant firm and industry-wide adoption | International Journal of Industrial Organization Volume 29 (2); page 179 - 186; 2011 |
Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle; Shaffer, Greg | Mergers and partial ownership | European Economic Review Volume 55 (7); page 916 - 926; 2011 |
Kind, Hans Jarle; Nilssen, Tore; Sørgard, Lars | Business Models for Media Firms: Does Competition Matter for How They Raise Revenue? | Marketing science Volume 28 (6); page 1112 - 1128; 2009 |
Foros, Øystein; Hagen, Kåre P.; Kind, Hans Jarle | Price-Dependent Profit Sharing as a Channel Coordination Device | Management science Volume 55 (8); page 1280 - 1291; 2009 |
Kind, Hans Jarle; Köthenbürger, Marko; Schjelderup, Guttorm | On revenue and welfare dominance of ad valorem taxes in two-sided markets | Economics Letters Volume 104 (2); page 86 - 88; 2009 |
Haaland, Jan Ingvald Meidell; Kind, Hans Jarle | R&D policies, trade and process innovation | Journal of International Economics Volume 74 (1); page 170 - 187; 2008 |
Foros, Øystein; Kind, Hans Jarle | Do slotting allowances harm retail competition? | The Scandinavian Journal of Economics Volume 110 (2); page 367 - 384; 2008 |
Kind, Hans Jarle; Köthenbürger, Marko; Schjelderup, Guttorm | Efficiency enhancing taxation in two-sided markets | Journal of Public Economics Volume 92 (5-6); page 1531 - 1539; 2008 |
Kind, Hans Jarle; Sørgard, Lars; Nilssen, Tore | Competition for viewers and advertisers in a TV oligopoly | Journal of Media Economics Volume 20 (3); page 211 - 233; 2007 |
Kind, Hans Jarle; Ulltveit-Moe, Karen Helene; Schjelderup, Guttorm | Corporate taxation, multinational enterprises and economic integration | Journal of International Economics Volume 65 (2); page 507 - 521; 2005 |
Kind, Hans Jarle; Midelfart, Karen Helene; Schjelderup, Guttorm | Corporate tax systems, multinational enterprises, and economic integration | Journal of International Economics Volume 65 (2); page 507 - 521; 2005 |
Industrial organisation
Two-sided markets
Channel relationships
Strategic firm behaviour
Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind: Small players should reconsider before they cheer the fight against the giants.
Erling J. Hjelmeng, Hans Jarle Kind and Øystein Foros: Increased competition and innovation will contribute to higher income and secure employment for milk farmers.
Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind: The largest chain store does not automatically get a better purchasing price. It is a big blow for Tine to lose Norgesgruppen as a customer, but it will also cost Norgesgruppen dearly to find an alternative.
Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind: Should the Norwegian Competition Authority intervene against possibly big differences in the chain store's purchase prices? The answer may be "well yes and no", but society will lose more if the Authority is too kind.
Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind: The debate concerning the advertisement boycott of Resett indicates that Petter Stordalen should call Don Draper, and that Resett should serve as an apprentice by blogger Sofie Elise Isachsen.
The Center for Business Economics at NHH and SNF invited to a seminar on the Norwegian mobile market on May 8 at NHH’s campus in Oslo.
In a recent column on VOXEU, Øystein Foros, Mai Nguyen-Ones and Frode Steen wrote a column on "gasoline price cycles"
We offer Master Theses topics for the upcoming deadline on October 15, 2018
In a recent column on VOXEU, Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind write together with Simon Anderson from the University of Virginia on "exclusive eyeballs."
The article "The importance of consumer multi-homing (joint purchases) for market performance: mergers and entry in media markets" by Simon P. Anderson, Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy.
The article "Tax-free digital news?" by Øystein Foros, Hans Jarle Kind and Timothy Wyndham has been accepted for publication by the International Journal of Industrial Organization.
Researchers at NHH are singing the praise of fresh doctoral student Charlotte B Evensen (27). Thanks to persistent persuasion by a professor, she applied for a PhD position, and got it.