Labour Economics
Firm power, worker power, and the structure of labor markets
Project manager: Alexander L. P. willén
Project Period: 2023 - 2027
Photo: Magnus Skrede
Project manager: Sissel jensen
STARTING DATE: 01.06.2020
The project will study career progress and outcomes over the ten first work-life years of students who graduated from the Master of Science program in Economics and Business Administration at NHH. The aim is to provide detailed documentation of early-career development for these cohorts of MSc candidates and to increase our understanding of the factors that drive differences in career dynamics among this group of high earners in the business sector. The data used in the project will be a rich individual-level panel dataset built from high quality register data. We match detailed information about post-graduation career outcomes to individual level register data on courses and grades, demographic information, data on social background, fertility and marital status. This gives us a unique dataset to both explore and document many aspects of early career development and the impact of the various factors above on career progress and outcomes over the ten first work-life years.
The Childhood Gap project
Project manager: ALINE BÜTIKOFER
Project Period: 2017 - 2027
The Childhood Gap project is a unique largescale study in Norway that will follow three cohorts of children and their parents, combining high quality administrative data, survey data, and incentivized experimental data. The project will provide a detailed mapping of childhood development and improve our understanding of the causes of socioeconomic and gender inequalities in school performance.
Photo: Noah Buscher
Global Challenges, Sustainability, and the Welfare State - Perspectives from Labor, Behavioral and Macroeconomics
PROJECT PERIOD: 2020 - 2024
Norway is a small open resource-based economy where global changes in oil prices, exchange rate volatility, and other international shocks affect the society’s wellbeing. The current COVID-19 pandemic is an example of such a shock with a profound impact on the Norwegian economy. The sharp drop in oil prices, high unemployment rates, and changes in people’s willingness to accept inequalities poses challenges to the welfare state and demonstrates the need for a group of economists with a broad skillset to create new knowledge for on-time policymaking.
Women in Economics Network – Nettverksbygning innenfor Samfunnsøkonomi
PROJECT MANAGER: Aline Bütikofer
PROJECT PERIOD: 2018 - 2024
Photo: Emma Simpson/Unsplash
Reducing Inequality Through Complementarities in Investments in Education and Health
PROJECT MANAGER: Aline Bütikofer
PROJECT PERIOD: 2018 - 2024
Parenting styles and Life Time Inequality
Project manager: Kjell SALVANES
Project Period: 2018 - 2023
unintended labor marked effects of sweden's self-correcting pay-as-you-go public pension system
Project manager: Alexander L.P. Willén
Project Period: 2019 - 2022
The goal of this project is to investigate the labor market effects of a key feature of Sweden’s reformed pension system – the Automatic Balancing Mechanism (ABM) – which guarantees the solvency of the PAYG scheme by tying benefits to the ratio of assets to liabilities in the system. This project serves as an important tool for understanding how automatic balancing mechanisms in public pension schemes interact with the labor market, and shedding light on this question is fundamental for guiding future pension policy.
Photo: Kenny Eliason/Unsplash
Reducing Inequality Through Complementarities in Investments in Education and Health
Project manager: ALINE BÜTIKOFER
PROJECT Period: 2018 - 2022
These inequalities pose considerable challenges for the wellbeing of recent cohorts, and there is an acute need for rigorous research to inform the design of cost-effective policies to address them. Such research is, however, complex and requires a deep understanding of the causal processes underlying these inequalities. In this project, we aim to understand the dynamic processes through which multiple policies interact in affecting the emergence and evolution of inequalities.
Photo: Mitchel Lensink/Unsplash
Criminality, Victimization and Social Interactions
Project manager: KATRINE V. LØKEN
Project Period: 2018 - 2022
A large social science literature tries to describe and understand the causes and consequences of crime, usually focusing on individuals’ criminal activity in isolation. The ambitious aim of this research project is to establish a broader perspective of crime that takes into account the social context in which it takes place. The findings will inform policymakers on how to better use funds both for crime prevention and the rehabilitation of incarcerated criminals.
Photo: Daniel Lee Yck Wyodzak /Unsplash
Project Period: 2020 - 2022
This project studies how firms make decisions about human capital in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the consequences of those decisions for the firms themselves and for individuals and their labor market outcomes. We create a database covering detailed and comprehensive administrative registry data on firm-, industry- and individual characteristics, and integrate this with survey data collected during the recession. This gives us a uniquely high-pixeled view of what shapes firms’ decisions about dismissal and retention of workers, reallocation of excess capacity in human capital, changes in staffing arrangements and work processes. It also allows us to unpack how and why the burdens of the recession is unequally distributed across individuals.
Photo: PxHere
Growing up Unequal? The Origins, Dynamics and Lifecycle Consequences of Childhood Inequalities
Project manager: Kjell Salvanes
Project Period: 2018 - 2020
Over the last decades, economic and social inequalities in Europe have risen sharply along many dimensions. We propose a four-strand research program aimed at understanding these phenomena by focusing on the origins, dynamics and consequences of early inequalities in human capital accumulation in France, Norway and the UK.
Photo: Unsplash
Human capital and inequality during adolescence and working life
Project manager: Richard Blundell
Project Period: 2018 - 2020
We will investigate the role of human capital in shaping inequalities over the life course in three quite different country contexts - France, Norway and the UK. We aim to shed new light on the process of human capital formation during adolescence and adulthood. In particular, we address different dimensions of inequality on education opportunities, employment and earnings, how they relate to individual circumstances such as socio-economic background, gender and family arrangements, how they develop over the life course and how they are influenced by the education and welfare systems.
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash
Intergenerational mobility, early health shocks and public policy
Project Period: 2015 - 2018
The project is funded by the FRIHUMSAM program of the Research Council of Norway.
Photo: Nicholas Loo/Unsplash
Urbanization - productivity, distribution, and policy
Project Period: 2015 - 2018
The goals of the project are three-fold. First, the project aims to relate regional growth to productivity by studying the underlying mechanisms of agglomeration effects. Second, the project intends to link the urbanization process and geographical sorting of households and firms to the performance of different groups at the labor market and the overall income distribution. The third goal of the project is to evaluate the role of the public sector and policy in influencing the urbanization process and discuss the consequences of various policies.
Photo: Igor Ovsyannykov/Unsplash
Health and the labor market
Project period: 2013 - 2017
The project is funded by the VAM program of the Research Council of Norway.