Seminars at the Department of Business and Management Science.
Seminars Spring 2025
Seminars Spring 2025
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 23.01, 14.15-15.30, Aud. N (B103) Luisa Wallossek, University of Oslo
Friday 31.01, 12.15-13.30, Aud. O (B113) Hamid Cheraghali, University of Stavanger
The value of non-financial information for default prediction in small and medium-sized enterprises
Monday 03.02, 14.15-15.30, Aud. Q (A103) Maren Holthe Hedne, University of Oslo
Monday 03.03, 14.15-15.30, Aud. F Andreas Breivik Ormevik, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Fleet Renewal and Retrofit for Emission Reductions in Offshore Logistics
Monday 10.03, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Peter Schütz, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Decarbonizing the Norwegian Aquaculture Fleet: A Location-Routing Approach
Wednesday 26.03, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Hajnalka Vaagen, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Wednesday 23.04, 14.15-15.30, Aud. G Marco Mingione, Roma Tre University
Environmental risk assessment via multivariate penalized hidden semi-Markov models
Thursday 08.05, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Ruby Doeleman, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Thursday 22.05, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Ricardo Perez Truglia, University of California, Los Angeles
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Wednesday 30.04, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Ole Kristian Dyskeland, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science
Seminars Fall 2024
Seminars Fall 2024
Business and Management Science seminars Tuesday 20.08, 14.15-15.30, Aud. Q (A103) Kyriaki Tselika, SINTEF Energy Research
Hydropower market dynamics in Norway: Assessing the market value and volatility
Friday 06.09, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Thorsten Beck, European University Institute
Information Sharing, Access to Finance, Loan Contract Design, and the Labor Market
Tuesday 08.10, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P Theresa Bührle, DIW Berlin
Do Tax Loss Restrictions Distort Venture Capital Funding of Start-ups?
Thursday 10.10, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Max Risch, Carnegie Mellon University
Intergenerational Mobility and Housing Wealth in the United States
Tuesday 17.10, 14.15-15.30, Aud. Q (A103)
Enea Baselgia, ETH Zurich
The Compliance Effects of the Automatic Exchange of Information: Evidence from the Swiss Tax Amnesty
Tuesday 31.10, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud.
Maren Holthe Hedne, University of Oslo
Monday 25.11, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P Paloma Thomé de Lima, IT University of Copenhagen
Thursday 28.11, 14.15-15.30, Aud. L (B208) Philipp Dörrenberg, University of Mannheim
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Wednesday 21.08, 12.15-13.00, Aud. L Costanza Cincotta, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science
Competitive externalities of U.S. government economic development subsidies
Seminars Spring 2024
Seminars Spring 2024
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 15.02, 10.15-11.30, Aud. F Erika Christie Berle, University of Stavanger
Thursday 22.02, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Joris Beckers, University of Antwerp
Exploring Logistics-as-a-Service to integrate the consumer into urban freight
Thursday 29.02, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Eduardo Blanco-Davis, Liverpool John Moores University
Thursday 04.04, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Anne Brockmeyer, The World Bank
How to Target Enforcement at Scale? Evidence from Tax Audits in Senegal
Tuesday 16.04, 12.15-13.30, Aud. P (A105)
(Joint seminar with CBE)
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden, University of Mannheim
Thursday 18.04, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Ségal Le Guern Herry, Sciences Po
Friday 19.04, 09.00-10.15, Teams Jonathan Samuel Lumentut, Bina Nusantara University
Friday 19.04, 12.00-13.15, Teams Bilal Ahmad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Friday 19.04, 15.00-16.15, Teams Alborz Hassanzadeh, HEC Montréal
Tuesday 30.04, 13.00-14.30, Teams Ezgi Korkmaz, University College London
Thursday 02.05, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Sebastian Siegloch, University of Cologne
Wednesday 08.05, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. David Morton, Northwestern University
Design, calibration, and optimization of pandemic alert systems
Thursday 16.05, 14.15-15.30, Aud. M (B105). Isabel Martinez, ETH Zurich
Mobility Responses to Special Tax Regimes for the Super-Rich: Evidence from Switzerland
Thursday 23.05, 14.00-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Niaz Bashiri Behmiri, University of Southern Denmark
Renewable sources and short-to mid-term electricity price forecasting
Friday 24.05, 10.00-11.30, Aud. M (B105). Erika Christie Berle, University of Stavanger
Spinning Stories: The Impact of Wind Turbine Density on Public Narratives in Germany
Friday 24.05, 14.00-15.30, Aud. M (B105). Hooman Abdollahi, The Arctic University of Norway
Fake News and Market Volatility: Insights from a Large Language Model
Thursday 30.05, 14.15-15.30, Aud. M (B105). Elvira Scarlat, IE University
Thursday 06.06, 14.15-15.30, Aud. M (B105). Stefan Greil, German Ministry of Finance
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Wednesday 07.02, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Olga Kuryatnikova, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Exploiting structure in polynomial optimization for power and water networks
Wednesday 13.03, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Henrik Skar, University of Bergen
Reflections on Legal Tax Research and Opportunities for Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Wednesday 15.05, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Isabel Hovdahl, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science
Directed Technical Change and the Energy Transition: The Role of Storage Technology
Wednesday 29.05, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Dirk Schindler, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Friday 07.06, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Valerio Dotti, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
No Country for Young People? The Rise of Anti-Immigration Politics in Ageing Societies
Seminars Fall 2023
Seminars Fall 2023
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 14.09, 14.15-15.30, Aud. L (B204) Lassi Ahlvik, University of Helsinki
Thursday 05.10, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (A105) Carola Müller, Carola Müller, Bank for International Settlements
Thursday 19.10, 14.15-15.30, Aud. L (B204) Michael Best, Columbia University
A Bird in the Hand: Detection, Collection and Deterrence in Tax Enforcement
Thursday 26.10, 14.15-15.30, Aud. L (B204) Eugenie Dugoua, London School of Economics
Thursday 02.11, 14.15-15.30, Aud. L (B204) Jorunn Irene Andersen, Kristiania University College
Using ESG ratings: Motivations, benchmarking, and performance
Monday 06.11, 14.15-15.30, Aud. L (B204) Laurie Ciaramella, Télécom Paris - CREST - Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Thursday 16.11, 14.15-15.30, Aud. L (B204) Anne Brockmeyer, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Thursday 30.11, 14.15-15.30, Aud. L (B204) Andreas Økland, NMBU - Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Wednesday 13.09, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Nadine Koch, Kiel University
Tax Reform in Troubled Times: Lessons from Investor Reactions to UK’s Tinkering with Tax Rates
Wednesday 20.09, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Nicola von Majewsky, University of Kiel
Wednesday 27.09, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Øivind Anti Nilsen, NHH, Department of Economics
Wednesday 11.10, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Matias Ossandon Busch, CEMLA - the Association of Central Banks of Latin America and the Caribbean
Wednesday 08.11, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Lars Jaffke, University of Bergen
Algorithms and Programming in a Business and Economics School
Tuesday 14.11, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Vincenzina Messina, University of Milano-Bicocca
Algorithms and Programming in a Business and Economics School
Seminars Spring 2023
Seminars Spring 2023
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 23.02, 14.15-15.30, Aud. F Jan Fabian Ehmke, University of Vienna
Impact of congestion pricing schemes on costs and emissions of commercial fleets in urban areas
Monday 06.03, 10.15-11.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Roweno Heijmans, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Thursday 20.04, 14.15-15.30, Aud. M (B105) Naomi Feldman, Hebrew University
The Impact of Opportunity Zones on Commercial Investment and Economic Activity
Thursday 27.04, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (A105) Terrence Blackburne, Oregon State University
The Regulatory Observer Effect: Evidence from SEC Investigations
Thursday 11.05, 14.15-15.30, Aud. L (B208) Mikael Rönnqvist, Université Laval
Calibrated Route Finder – social, environmental and cost-effective truck routing
Thursday 25.05, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (A105) Clara Martinez Toledano, Imperial College Business School
The Growing Role of High-Net-Worth Individuals in Private Capital Markets
Thursday 01.06, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (A105) Jeff Hoopes, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Thursday 08.06, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (A105) Rafal Weron, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Thursday 26.01, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Eckhard Janeba, University of Mannheim
Wednesday 19.04, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Christoph Gschnaidtner, Technical University of Munich
Wednesday 07.06, 12.00-12.45, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Maximilian Rohrer, NHH, Department of Finance
Wednesday 21.06, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Sunney Fotedar, Chalmers University of Technology
Seminars Fall 2022
Seminars Fall 2022
Business and Management Science seminars Wednesday 10.08, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (A105) Jaron Wilde, University of Iowa
Thursday 01.09, 14.15-15.30, Aud. H (B109) Hans K. Hvide, University of Bergen
Impact of Broadband Technology: Startups versus Mature Firms
Thursday 22.09, 14.15-15.30, Aud. H (B109) Etienne Lehmann, University Panthéon-Assas Paris 2
Thursday 06.10, 14.15-15.30, Aud. Q (A103) Francesco Lagona, Roma Tre University
Thursday 13.10, 14.15-15.30, Aud. H (B109) Aurelie Ouss, University of Pennsylvania
Wednesday 26.10, 14.15-15.30, Aud. F (B107) Julie Brun Bjørkheim, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Thursday 27.10, 12.15-13.30, Aud. F (B107) Robert Ullmann, University of Augsburg
Monday 31.10, 14.15-15.30, Aud. Q (A103) Ole-Andreas Elvik Næss, Centre for Applied Research at NHH (SNF)
Tuesday 01.11, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (A105) Alan King, IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center, New York
Tuesday 08.11, 16.00-17.15, Online Katarzyna Bilicka, Utah State University / Oxford Centre for Business Taxation
Thursday 10.11, 14.15-15.30, Aud. H (B109) Federica Liberini, University of Bath
Tuesday 22.11, 14.15-15.30, Aud. L Dong Li, Loughborough University
Choice-based Availability Controls for Urban Carsharing Revenue Management
Thursday 24.11, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (A105) Sergio Galletta, ETH Zurich
Thursday 08.12, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (A105) Francesco Grossetti, Bocconi University
Thursday 15.12, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (A105) Marlin Ulmer, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Wednesday 12.10, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Paul Pelzl, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science
Wednesday 02.11, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Mahnaz Fakhrabadi, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science
Multi-Period Stackelberg Game with Dynamic, Price-dependent, Distributional Robust Demand
Wednesday 09.11, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Carlo Birkholz, University of Mannheim / ZEW
Do they actually move? Detecting tax evasion with smart meters
Wednesday 07.12, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) Cosku Can Orhan, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science
Seminars Spring 2022
Seminars Spring 2022
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 10.03, 14.15-15.30, Aud. O / Online David Heller, Max Planck Institute
Thursday 17.03, 14.15-15.30, Online Dina Pomeranz, University of Zurich
The Race Between Tax Enforcement and Tax Planning: Evidence From a Natural Experiment in Chile
Thursday 24.03, 14.15-15.30, Aud D. / Online Jakob Miethe, Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich
Homes Incorporated: Offshore Ownership of Real Estate in the U.K.
Thursday 31.03, 14.15-15.30, Aud Q / Online Andrea Schneider, Jönköping International Business School
Regulating the Sharing Economy: The Impact of Home-Sharing Ordinances on Commercial Airbnb Activity
Thursday 21.04, 14.15-15.30, Online Christoph Spengel, University of Mannheim
Thursday 28.04, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P Sarah Clifford, University of Oxford
Thursday 19.05, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P Shaobo Jin, Uppsala University
Is fully exponential Laplace approximation as good as we think in latent variable models?
Monday 23.05, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P Tolga Bektas, University of Liverpool
Wednesday 25.05, 12.15-13.30, Aud. P Katarzyna Bilicka, Utah State University
Heterogeneous Responses to Capital Taxes: Evidence from the Introduction of a Dividend Tax
Wednesday 01.06, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P Jing Li, MIT Sloan School of Management
Friday 03.06, 10.45-12.00, Aud. M Guillermo Durán, University of Buenos Aires
Applied research projects on logistics and scheduling: Experiences from Argentina
Friday 24.06, 12.15-13.30, Aud. P Sebastian Souyris, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Peer Effects on the Diffusion of Residential Solar Power Systems: A Dynamic Discrete Choice Approach
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Wednesday 30.03, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P / Online Theresa Bührle, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
The Value of a Loss: Restricting Tax Loss Transfers and its Impact on Acquisition Activity
Wednesday 27.04, 12.15-13.00, Lounge Room C-516 Barbara Stage, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Wednesday 04.05, 12.15-13.00, Lounge Room C-516 Roel Lambers, Eindhoven University of Technology
Seminars Fall 2021
Seminars Fall 2021
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 23.09, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (caseroom - formerly Finn Kydland's Aud.) / Online Johannes Voget, University of Mannheim
Friday 24.09, 12.00-13.00, Online Stavros Stavroglou, University College Dublin
Friday 24.09, 16.00-17.00, Online Giacomo Benini, Stanford University
How to eliminate natural gas flaring & venting without causing a political backfire
Friday 01.10, 12.15-13.15, Aud. O / Online Sondre Hølleland, University of Bergen
How to eliminate natural gas flaring & venting without causing a political backfire
Friday 19.10, 12.15-13.15, Aud. O / Online Menghan Yuan, Nord University
Heterogeneity in the Effects of Climate Change on Soybean Yields
Thursday 04.11, 14.15-15.30, Online Pierre Bachas, World Bank Group
Thursday 18.11, 14.15-15.30, Online Amanda Agan, Rutgers University
Thursday 25.11, 14.15-15.30, Aud. B / Online Daniel Waldenström, IFN Stockholm
The Impact of COVID-19 on Taxes and Incomes: Evidence from Sweden
Thursday 02.12, 14.15-15.30, Online Serkan Arslanalp, International Monetary Fund
Robin Koepke, International Monetary Fund
Jasper Verschuur, Oxford UniversityTracking Trade from Space: An Application to Pacific Island Countries
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Wednesday 08.09, 12.15-13.00, Aud. C / Online Phuong Ho, SNF
Wednesday 22.09, 12.15-13.00, Aud. B / Online Benjamin P. Fram, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science
Wednesday 13.10, 12.15-13.00, Aud. B / Online Henrik Svensli, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science
The Effect of Foreign Activities Located in Tax Havens on Corporate Income Taxes
Wednesday 24.11, 12.15-13.00, Aud. B / Online Mario Blázquez de Paz, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science
Guarantees of Origin and Market Power in the Spot Electricity Market
Seminars Spring 2021
Seminars Spring 2021
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 18.03, 14.30-15.45, Online Caroline Weber, University of Kentucky
Thursday 25.03, 14.15-15.30, Online Bridget Stomberg, Indiana University
Does Tax Enforcement Disparately Affect Domestic versus Multinational Corporations around the World?
Thursday 22.04, 14.15-15.30, Online Mazhar Waseem, University of Manchester
The Deterrence Value of Tax Audit: Estimates from a Randomized Audit Program
Thursday 06.05, 14.15-15.30, Online Nora Strecker, University College Dublin
On the political determinants of labor income tax progressivity
Thursday 20.05, 14.15-15.30, Online Roberto Galbiati, Sciences Po
J’Accuse! Antisemitism and Financial Markets in the time of the Dreyfus Affair
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Wednesday 21.04, 12.00-12.45, Online Julio C. Góez, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science
Optimization of a Flexible Schedule for Public Transportation with autonomous vessels
Wednesday 05.05, 12.00-12.45, Online Gabriel Fuentes, SNF and NHH, Department of Business and Management Science
Bunker management for tramp ships with stochastic fuel prices and stochastic service times
Wednesday 26.05, 12.00-12.45, Online Paul Pelzl, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science
The role of politics in financial intermediation: evidence from Brazil
Wednesday 02.06, 12.00-12.45, Online Evelina Gavrilova-Zoutman and Steffen Juranek, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science
Seminars Fall 2020
Seminars Fall 2020
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 27.08, 12.15-13.30, Takuma Kamada, Osaka University
Enforcement against Organized Crime Fosters Illegal Markets: Evidence from the Yakuza
Tuesday 08.09, 14.15-15.30, Online Johannes Voget, University of Mannheim
Thursday 17.09, 14.15-15.30, Nathan Seegert, University of Utah
How Do Firms Respond to Corporate Taxes?
Thursday 05.11, 14.15-15.30, Claus Kreiner, University of Copenhagen
Thursday 26.11, 14.15-15.30, Giacomo Brusco, University of Oslo
Thursday 03.12, 14.15-15.30, Kristoffer Berg, University of Oslo
Thursday 10.12, 14.15-15.30, Eric Zwick, University of Chicago
Seminars Spring 2020
Seminars Spring 2020
Business and Management Science seminars Wednesday 05.02, 14.15-15.30, Seminar room on 4th Floor MN438/444, Merino Paal Aamaas, University of South-Eastern Norway / Terje Simonsen, University of South-Eastern Norway
Autostrip - Autonomous Systems in Transport and Industrial Processes
Thursday 20.02, 14.15-15.30, Seminar room on 4th Floor MN438/444, Merino Irem Guceri, University of Oxford
Thursday 27.02, 14.15-15.30, Seminar room on 4th Floor MN438/444, Merino Evangelos Kyritsis, VATT Institute for Economic Research
Wednesday 04.03, 14.15-15.30, Seminar room on 4th Floor MN438/444, Merino Dimitris Karlis, Athens University of Economics and Business
Thursday 05.03, 14.15-15.30, Seminar room on 4th Floor MN438/444, Merino Frida Kvamme, Statistics Norway and University of Oslo
Wednesday 11.03, 14.15-15.30, Seminar room on 4th Floor MN438/444, Merino Jaron Wilde, University of Iowa
Beyond Borders: Supergovernment Monitoring and Tax Enforcement
Thursday 26.03, 14.15-15.30, Seminar room on 4th Floor MN438/444, Merino Caroline Weber, University of Washington
Thursday 16.04, 14.15-15.30, Katrine Jakobsen, University of Copenhagen
Estimating the Elasticity of Taxable Income: New Insights and a New Approach
Thursday 23.04, 12.15-13.30, Online Elisa Casi, NHH
Thursday 30.04, 12.15-13.15, Online Isabel Hovdahl, NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Deadly Variation: The Effect of Temperature Variability on Mortality
Thursday 07.05, 14.15-15.30, Online Andreas Peichl, University of Munich
Measuring Unfair Inequality: Reconciling Equality of Opportunity and Freedom from Poverty
Wednesday 20.05, 13.00-14.15, Online Juan Carlos Suarez Serrato, Duke University
Taxing Property in Developing Countries: Theory and Evidence from Mexico
Thursday 28.05, 14.15-15.30, Seminar room on 4th Floor MN438/444, Merino Roberto Galbiati, Sciences Po
Seminars Fall 2019
Seminars Fall 2019
Business and Management Science seminars Friday 30.08, 14.15-15.30, Seminar room on 4th Floor MN438/444, Merino Ziaul Haque Munim, University of Agder
Container freight forecasting with and without model re-estimation in expanding horizon
Thursday 12.09, 14.15-15.30, MN438/444, Merino Jamie Fairbrother, Lancaster University
A slot allocation model for congested airports with stochastic modelling of operational delays
Tuesday 15.10, 14.15-15.30, MN438/444, Merino Carlo Sala, ESADE Business School
Option-implied risk measures: An empirical examination on the S&P500 index
Thursday 31.10, 14.15-15.30, MN438/444, Merino Ståle Navrud, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Valuing Public Goods – From Norwegian Fjords to the Amazon Rainforest
Tuesday 05.11, 14.15-15.15, E209/210 Olga Malkova, University of Kentucky
Delaying Retirement and Mortality: Evidence from Pension Reforms
Tuesday 05.11, 15.30-16.30, MN438/444, Merino Richard J. Green, Imperial College London
Taxes, Subsidies or Regulation: Why have Britain’s carbon emissions from electricity halved?
Thursday 07.11, 14.15-15.30, MN438/444, Merino David Agrawal, University of Kentucky
Thursday 14.11, 14.15-15.30, MØ306, Merino Sergio Ocampo, University of Minnesota
Thursday 28.11, 14.15-15.30, MN438/444, Merino Niels Johannesen, University of Copenhagen
Friday 13.12, 12.45-14.00, MN438/444, Merino Eckhard Janeba, University of Mannheim
The Impact of Economic (Dis)integration on Tax and Trade Policies
Monday 16.12, 12.15-13.15, MN438/444, Merino Øyvind Thomassen, Seoul National University
Cross-category pricing: a discrete-continuous model of supermarket and beer choice
Seminars Spring 2019
Seminars Spring 2019
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 17.01, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Luca Micheletto, University of Milan and Bocconi University
Tuesday 29.01, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Guohua Wan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Managing Appointment-based Services in the Presence of Walk-in Customers
Thursday 31.01, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Aysil Emirmahmutoglu, Tinbergen Institute
How people behave when they are faced with risk and uncertainty
Wednesday 13.02, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Spencer Bastani, Linnaeus University
Salience of Inherited Wealth and the Support for Inheritance Taxation
Thursday 14.02, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Cagatay Iris, Nanyang Technological University
Container port operations planning: New insights for next generation ports
Monday 11.03, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Geir Drage Berentsen, University of Bergen
Friday 15.03, 14.15-15.30 Rasmus Lönn, Maastricht University
Monday 18.03, 09.30-10.45, Meeting room 9th floor Torun Fretheim, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Divestment: How Sensitive are Oil and Gas Stock Returns to Oil Price Changes?
Monday 18.03, 12.15-13.00, Jebsen Centre meeting room Derek Clark, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Creating Balance in Dynamic Competitions
Tuesday 19.03, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Nima Nonejad, Aalborg University
Does the Price of Crude Oil Help Predict the Conditional Distribution of Aggregate Equity Return?
Wednesday 10.04, 12.15-13.30 Céline Bonnet, Toulouse School of Economics
Reformulation and taxes for healthier consumption: Empirical evidence from the French dessert market
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Monday 27.05, 11.30-12.30, Meeting room MØ306, Merino Mark Tremblay, Miami University
Optimal Merchant Fee Discrimination by Marketplace Platforms
Seminars Fall 2018
Seminars Fall 2018
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 23.08, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor David Miller, University of Michigan
Seeking relationship support: Strategic network formation and robust cooperation
Thursday 30.08, 12.45-14.00, Meeting room 9th floor Jake Thornock, Brigham Young University
The Long Arm of the U.S. Tax Law: Compliance Rates and Costs related to FATCA
Thursday 06.09, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Snorre Kverndokk, Frisch Centre
Would my driving pattern change if my neighbor were to buy an emissions-free car?
Thursday 13.09, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Florian Morath, Goethe University Frankfurt
The taxation of decentralized trade with endogenous information: Theory and test
Thursday 27.09, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Alexander Danzer, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
The Behavioral and Psychological Consequences of a Nuclear Catastrophe. The Case of Chernobyl
Thursday 04.10, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Joao Correia da Silva, University of Porto
Thursday 11.10, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Ulrich Schüwer, University of Bonn
What drives banks’ geographic expansion? The role of locally non-diversifiable risk
Thursday 18.10, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Thomas Seiler, Stockholm School of Economics
Monday 22.10, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Hanna Hottenrott, Technical University of Munich
Wednesday 24.10, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Harry Khamis, Wright State University
Wednesday 21.11, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Pavel Popela, Brno University of Technology
Thursday 22.11, 14.45-16.00, Meeting room 9th floor Aurelie Slechten, Lancaster University
Wednesday 28.11, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Ricardo M. Lima, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Thursday 13.12, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Thiess Büttner, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Stock Market Behavior on Ex-Dividend Dates: The Case of Cum-Ex Transactions in Germany
Thursday 20.12, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Haiying Jia, SNF
World crude oil trade and green shipping choice
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Wednesday 15.08, 11.30-12.30, Meeting room 6th floor Lennard Zyska, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
The Effect of Retirement Pensions on Fertility: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Brazil
Wednesday 25.09, 11.30-12.30, Meeting room 6th floor Jochen Hundsdoerfer, Freie Universität Berlin
Gender Discriminatory Taxes and Labor Supply
Wednesday 17.10, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Knut A. K. Johansen, NHH
Investigating the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Market and Price Dynamics
Seminars Spring 2018
Seminars Spring 2018
Business and Management Science seminars Wednesday 31.01, 12.00-13.00, Meeting room 6th floor Walid Klibi, Kedge Business School
Thursday 01.03, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Günter Prockl, CBS Copenhagen Business School
Rural Supply Management - Conceptualization and Agenda for a neglected Research Area
Thursday 05.04, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Celso Carneiro Ribeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense
Monday 09.04, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 9th floor Joana Resende, University of Porto
Personalized pricing through targeted ads
Wednesday 18.04, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Cloé Garnache, Michigan State University
When Your View Goes Up In Flames: Effect of Wildfires on Property Values
Friday 20.04, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 9th floor Marc Hafstead, Resources for the Future
Mechanisms to Reduce Emissions Uncertainty under a Carbon Tax
Friday 27.04, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Dušan Hrabec, Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Thursday 03.05, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Kevin Spiritus, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Monday 14.05, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Frank Stähler, University of Tübingen
Thursday 24.05, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Sanna Laksa, University of Liverpool
Thursday 31.05, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Quentin Grafton, Australian National University
India’s Groundwater and Energy Nexus: It’s Worse than we Thought
Friday 01.06, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Andy Philpott, University of Auckland
Thursday 14.06, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 6th floor Jin Li, London School of Economics
The Firm-Growth Imperative: A Theory of Production and Personnel Management
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Wednesday 17.01, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor James Hosea, NHH
The Financial Times rankings – what, why and how?
Tuesday 20.02, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Arild Raaheim, University of Bergen
Thursday 08.03, 12.15-13.15, Meeting room 6th floor Julie Meissner
Uncertainty Exploration for telecommunication and other applications
Thursday 15.03, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Mohammed Mardan, ETH Zürich
Tuesday 24.04, 11.30-12.30, Meeting room 6th floor Kaisa Kotakorpi, VATT Institute for Economic Research
Rental income tax compliance: Evidence from a field experiment
Wednesday 27.06, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 9th floor Martin Weibelzahl, University of Bayreuth
On the effects of storage facilities on optimal zonal pricing in electricity markets
Seminars Fall 2017
Seminars Fall 2017
Business and Management Science seminars Wednesday 13.09, 11:30-15:45, Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Center Energy Lab half-day seminar:
Efficient and Sustainable Electricity Markets
Thursday 14.09, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Pietro Belotti, FICO
Thursday 28.09, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Alexander Engau, Lancaster University
Multicriteria Decision Support for Transportation and Logistics Management
Thursday 26.10, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Martin Simmler, University of Oxford
Worldwide and Territorial Taxation and Multinational Firms’ Competitiveness
Thursday 02.11, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Christian Eufinger, University of Navarra
Unholy Trinity: Bailout Guarantees, Fixed Wages, and Capital Regulation
Thursday 16.11, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Lukas Bach, SINTEF
Sports scheduling – Eliteserien and non-professional leagues in Norway
Thursday 30.11, 12.15-13.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Gernot Wagner, Harvard University
Applying Asset Pricing Theory to Calibrate the Price of Climate Risk
Monday 11.12, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Jake Thornock, Brigham Young University
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Tuesday 17.10, 11.30-13.00, Meeting room 9th floor Maximilian Todtenhaupt, ZEW Mannheim
Tuesday 14.11, 12.15-13.15, Meeting room 6th floor Spiros Papaefthimiou, Technical University of Crete
Monday 27.11, 12.15-13.15, Meeting room 6th floor Penelope Melgarejo, MINES ParisTech
Seminars Spring 2017
Seminars Spring 2017
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 12.01, 10.45-12.00, Finn Kydland's Aud.
(Joint seminar with Department of Finance)Suresh Sundaresan, Columbia Business School
An Explanation of Negative Swap Spreads: Demand for Duration from Underfunded Pension Plans
Thursday 19.01, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Wolfgang Eggert, University of Freiburg
Thursday 02.02, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Miguel Anjos, Polytechnique Montréal
Thursday 30.03, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Nadia Campaniello, University of Essex
Thursday 06.04, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Dominika Langenmayr, Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Thursday 20.04, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Jiun-Yu Yu, National Taiwan University
Improving Emergency Medical Services with Time-Region-Specific Cruising Ambulances
Thursday 04.05, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Libor Dusek, University of Economics, Prague
Experience with Punishment and Specific Deterrence: Evidence from Speeding Tickets
Thursday 11.05, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Dries Goossens, Ghent University
Wednesday 31.05, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 6th floor André Rossi, University of Angers
Thursday 01.06, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Jens Prüfer, Tilburg University
Thursday 08.06, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Pierpaolo Parrotta and Marianna Marino, ICN Business School
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Monday 13.03, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Evelina Gavrilova, NHH
Wednesday 10.05, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Regina Ortmann, University of Paderborn
Management Incentives for Optimal Investment Decisions under Formula Apportionment
Wednesday 07.06, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor -
Seminars Fall 2016
Seminars Fall 2016
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 18.08, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Daniel Huppmann, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Binary equilibrium problems with compensation and the power market uplift problem
Thursday 25.08, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Marko Köthenbürger, ETH Zürich
The Efficiency Costs of Dividend Taxation with Managerial Firms
Thursday 22.09, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 6th floor Ted Ralphs, Lehigh University
Duality, Multilevel Optimization, and Game Theory: Algorithms and Applications
Thursday 29.09, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 9th floor Barrett Thomas, University of Iowa
Thursday 06.10, 12.15-13.45, Karl Borch's Aud. Andrew W. Lo, MIT Sloan School of Management
Can Financial Engineering Cure Cancer?
Friday 07.10, 12.15-13.30, Karl Borch's Aud.
(Joint seminar with Department of Finance)Andrew W. Lo, MIT Sloan School of Management
The Adaptive Markets Hypothesis: Reconciling Behavior and Rationality via Evolution and Biology
Thursday 13.10, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Dominik Sachs, European University Institute, Florence
Nonlinear Tax Incidence and Optimal Taxation in General Equilibrium
Wednesday 02.11, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 9th floor Tamás Terlaky, Lehigh University
Thursday 10.11, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Vincenzo Bove, Warwick University
Tuesday 22.11, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Mario Blazquez de Paz, Research Institute of Industrial Economics
Electricity Auctions in the Presence of Transmission Constraints and Transmission Costs
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Wednesday 31.08, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Golbon Zakeri, The University of Auckland
Thursday 27.10, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Bismarck Singh, University of Texas at Austin
An Adaptive Model with Joint Chance Constraints for a Hybrid Wind-Conventional Generator System
Monday 10.12, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Andrea Schneider, University of Oslo
Policy diffusion and the missing response of mobile resources
Seminars Spring 2016
Seminars Spring 2016
Business and Management Science seminars Friday 19.02, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Apostolos Serletis, University of Calgary
Thursday 03.03, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Seyyedjalal Jalal Kazempour, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Stochastic Market Clearing: An Adequate Pricing Scheme Per Scenario
Monday 11.04, 14.15-15.30, Finn Kydland's Aud. Mihail Zervos, London School of Economics
Dynamic contracting under moral hazard
Thursday 21.04, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Simon Loretz, Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna
Corporate taxation and the (co-)location of intangible and tangible assets
Tuesday 26.04, 14.15-15.30, Agnar Sandmo's Aud. Vidar Christiansen, University of Oslo
Thursday 28.04, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 6th floor Mikael Rönnqvist, Université Laval
Thursday 12.05, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Sofia Lundberg, Umeå University
Thursday 19.05, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Frank Staehler, University of Tuebingen
Tuesday 23.05, 10.45-12.00, Aud. 24 * Walter Pohl, University of Zurich
Wednesday 25.05, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor John Turner, University of Georgia
Thursday 26.05, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Cristóbal Miralles, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Ethics in Decision Science: applied visions from the EURO Working Group
Friday 10.06, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Jesper Haga, Hanken School of Economics
Thursday 16.06, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Bjørn Olav Johansen, University of Bergen
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Thursday 11.02, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor Håkon Otneim, University of Bergen
The Locally Gaussian Density Estimator for Multivariate DataTuesday 12.04, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Hendrik Jungmann, University of Salzburg
On the measurement of investment types: Heterogeneity in corporate tax elasticitiesMonday 18.04, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Steffen Juranek, NHH
Non-practizing entities: Enforcement specialists?Wednesday 04.05, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor From individual to group predictions Friday 24.06, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Nikhil Atreya, NHH
* - Joint seminar with Department of Finance
Seminars Fall 2015
Seminars Fall 2015
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 20.08, 11.15-12.30, PC lab 1 Ho Cheung Chen, Toulouse School of Economics
Wednesday 02.09, 12.15-13.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Lasse Heje Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School
Thursday 03.09, 12.15-13.45, Agnar Sandmo's Aud. Karl Borch Lecture:
Lasse Heje Pedersen, Copenhagen Business SchoolThursday 17.09, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 6th floor Søren Johansen, University of Copenhagen
Optimal hedging with the cointegrated vector autoregressive model
Monday 21.09, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Zhan Pang, Lancaster University
Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies for Perishable Products
Thursday 08.10, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Tim Friehe, University of Marburg
The Influence of Product Liability on Vertical Product Differentiation
Wednesday 14.10, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 6th floor Carolyn Fischer, Resources for the Future
Thursday 15.10, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Caren Sureth-Sloane, University of Paderborn
Investment Effects of Stochastic Capital Taxation under Irreversibility
Thursday 12.11, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Aart Gerritsen, Max Planck Institute
Optimal taxation of capital income when capital returns are heterogeneous
Thursday 19.11, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 6th floor Jiehong Kong, SINTEF
Hydro scheduling in deregulated power systemsThursday 03.12, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 6th floor Helgi Tómasson, University of Iceland
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Tuesday 25.08, 11.30-12.30, Meeting room 9th floor Kimberley Scharf, University of Warwick
Are Donors Afraid of Charities’ Core Costs? Scale Economies in Non-profit Provision and Charity Selection
Tuesday 29.09, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Bjørn Sandvik, University of Bergen
A wealth tax increases the value of non-public firm
Monday 05.10, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Oksana Balabay, Maastricht University
Multilevel Hierarchical Bayesian vs. State-Space Approach in Time Series Small Area Estimation: the case of the Dutch Travel Survey
Monday 19.10, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Matthias Dierle, Technische Universität Dresden
Societal, economical and technical challenges of the green battery idea from a Norwegian perspective
Monday 14.12, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor Seyed M. Mirhedayatian, NHH
Rural two-echelon location routing problem with time synchronization and delivery and pickup waves
Seminars Spring 2015
Seminars Spring 2015
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 19.02, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Nadine Riedel, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
The Impact of Corporate Taxes on R&D and Patent HoldingsThursday 05.03, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Eric Nævdal, University of Oslo
Catastrophes and Expected Marginal Utility – How The Value Of The Last Fish In A Lake Is Infinity And Why We Shouldn't Care (Much)Friday 13.03, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Université du Québec à Montréal / CIRRELT
A Brief Tour of City LogisticsThursday 19.03, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Matthias Heinz, University of Cologne
Signaling CooperationThursday 26.03, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Joakim Westerlund, Lund University
Panicca – Panic On Cross-Section AveragesThursday 09.04, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Hendrik Vrijburg, Erasmus University Rotterdam
The Deadweight Loss from Taxing Small and Medium-Sized EnterprisesThursday 30.04, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor * Gilbert Fridgen, University of Bayreuth
The Value of IS-Enabled Flexibility in Electricity ConsumptionWednesday 13.05, 14.15-15.30, E209 ** Joel Watson, University of California, San Diego
Flavors of Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium
Monday 18.05, 12.15-13.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Dmitry Krushynsky, Eindhoven University of Technology
A new view on old problemsFriday 22.05, 12.15-13.30, Midt i Mellom II Julio César Góez, GERAD and École Polytechnique de Montréal
Disjunctive conic cuts for mixed integer second order cone optimizationTuesday 26.05, 12.15-13.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Stavros A. Zenios, University of Cyprus
Risk management optimization for sovereign debt restructuring: why and how
Wednesday 03.06, 10.00-11.15, Main meeting room at SNF Jan Bråten, Statnett
Cost-effective climate policy: How could so many economists be so wrong for so long?
Friday 10.07, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 9th floor Ruibin Bai, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China
A set-covering model for a bidirectional multi-shift full truckload vehicle routing problem
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Monday 19.01, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Elias Braunfels, NHH
Taxes, Spending, and Economic Growth: A Bayesian Model Averaging Approach
Monday 16.02, 12.00-12.45 Jan Ubøe, NHH
Statistical testing of behavioral data
Tuesday 17.02, 10.00-10.30 Evangelos Kyritsis, NHH
Electricity Price Volatility: The Impact of Renewables
Tuesday 17.02, 10.30-11.00 Malin Arve, NHH
Delegation and Communication
Tuesday 17.02, 11.30-12.00 Seyed M. Mirhedayatian, NHH
Location of reloading points in a postal service network
Tuesday 17.02, 12.00-12.30 Reza Azad Gholami, NHH
Stackelberg Equilibria in a multi-period newsvendor model with uncertain and time-dependant demand
Tuesday 17.02, 12.30-13.00 Per J. Agrell, Université catholique de Louvain
International Benchmarking of Electricity Transmission System
Wednesday 18.02, 09.30-10.00 Floris T. Zoutman, NHH
Revealed Social Preferences of Dutch Political Parties
Wednesday 18.02, 10.00-10.30 Shiyu Yan, NHH
Using vehicle taxes to reduce carbon dioxide emissions rates of new passenger vehicles: evidence from Norway
Wednesday 18.02, 10.30-11.00 Andrea Schneider, University of Muenster
Unions, innovative activities, and workers' effort
Wednesday 18.02, 11.30-12.00 Steffen Juranek, NHH
Generalists or Specialists? Judge Experience and Productivity
Wednesday 18.02, 12.00-12.30 Ivan Belik, NHH
The Comparative Analysis of the NHH and BI Networks
Wednesday 18.02, 12.30-13.00 Evelina Gavrilova, NHH
Is Legal Pot Crippling Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations? The Effect of Medical Marijuana Laws on US Crime
Wednesday 25.02, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Tobias Boehm, University of Muenster
Large and Influential: Firm Size and Government's Corporate Tax Rate ChoiceMonday 11.05, 11.30-12.30, 6th floor staff room Dominik Möst, Technische Universität Dresden
Economics of flexibility options in the context of the energy turnaround
Monday 18.05, 11.15-12.00, 6th floor staff room Jing Li, Harvard University
Network Effects in Electric Vehicle Adoption
Friday 05.06, 11.30-12.30, 6th floor staff room Lars Hegnes Sendstad, NHH
Sequential Investment in Emerging Technologies under Risk Aversion and Policy Uncertainty
Seminars Fall 2014
Seminars Fall 2014
Business and Management Science seminars Thursday 04.09, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Thomas Holgerson, Jönköping University
Analysis of high-dimensional data - Challenges for statistical analyses of large data sets
Monday 08.09, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Katja Hanewald, University of New South Wales / Federal Ministry of Finance, Berlin
Portfolio Choice in Retirement – What is the Optimal Home Equity Release Product?Thursday 11.09, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Guido Friebel, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Team incentives and performance: Evidence from a retail chainThursday 18.09, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Peter Egger, ETH Zürich
Measuring the Interdependence of MNE's Foreign Investments
Thursday 25.09, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Irini Moustaki, London School of Economics
Structural Equation Models for Ordinal Data: new estimation and testing developmentsThursday 09.10, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Thomas Tangerås, Research Institute of Industrial Economics
International Network CompetitionTuesday 21.10, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Martin D. Smith, Duke University
Detecting Ecological Disturbances from Economic Data: The Case of Hypoxia in the Gulf of MexicoThursday 06.11, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Fredrik N. G. Andersson, Lund University
A Blessing in Disguise? Banking Crises and Institutional ChangeThursday 27.11, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor Thiess Büttner, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
City Competition for the Creative ClassBusiness and Management Science brownbag seminars Monday 18.08, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Axel Haus, Goethe University Frankfurt
Patent Litigation and Start-ups
Monday 13.10, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Robert Ullman, University of Münster
VAT evasion by means of tax base shifting
Thursday 16.10, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Antti Saastamoinen, Aalto University
Benchmark Regulation of Finnish Electricity Distribution Companies: Past Experiences and Current Developments
Monday 03.11, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Michail Chronopoulos, NHH
Investment and capacity sizing under policy uncertainty
Monday 10.11, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Andrea Schneider, University of Münster
Non-preferential corporate taxation and the welfare effects of powerful labor unions
Seminars Spring 2014
Seminars Spring 2014
Business and Management Science seminars Friday 07.02, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor Walter Rei, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Partial Benders Decomposition Strategies: An Application to Two-Stage Stochastic Network DesignTuesday 11.02, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor Daniel Kuhn, EPFL, Lausanne
Distributionally robust joint chance constraints with second-order moment informationThursday 03.04, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor Peter Berck, University of California, Berkeley
Crop Adaptation to Climate Change / The Not So Big Squeeze: Modeling Future Land Use Patterns of Miscanthus for Bioenergy Using Fine Scale DataWednesday 30.04, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor Torben Mideksa, University of Oslo
Deforestation and Conservation ContractsThursday 08.05, 14.15-15.15, Karl Borch's Aud. Matthias Wrede, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
A Factorial Survey on the Inheritance Tax, Social Norms, and Social JusticeThursday 15.05, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor Pavel Popela, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
From Waste to Energy by Optimization ModellingThursday 22.05, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor Marc Grönwald, University of Aberdeen
Financialization of oil futures markets and futures market efficiency: a multifractal perspectiveTuesday 27.05, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor Fredrik Eng Larsson, Lund University
Service pricing and technology investment under capacity reservation contracts
Monday 02.06, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor Sara Lumbreras, Comillas Pontifical University, Madrid
Real Options Valuation Applied to Dynamic Transmission Expansion Planning
Thursday 05.06, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor Abdul Aziz Ali, Linnæus University / Håkan Locking, Linnæus University
A Wavelet Variance Ratio Test for Unit Roots in the Presence of GARCH(1,1) ErrorsThursday 19.06, 14.15-15.15, Karl Borch's Aud. Malin Arve, University of Mannheim
Long-Term Procurement under Uncertainty: Optimal Design and Implications for Renegotiation and Tender ProceduresWednesday 25.06, 14.15-15.15, Meeting room 9th floor Kunal Chakraborty, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
Impact of ecosystem variability in the tropical Indian Ocean: A coupled 3-D bio-physical ocean general circulation modelBusiness and Management Science brownbag seminars Monday 13.01, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Floris T. Zoutman, NHH
The Effect of Capital Taxes on Household's Portfolio Composition and Intertemporal Choice: Evidence from the Dutch 2001 Capital Income Tax Reform
Monday 10.02, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Gunnar S. Eskeland, NHH
Designing a transportation system for a town like Bergen
Monday 24.02, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Emma Ross, Lancaster University
Cross-trained Workforce Allocation for Service Industries
Tuesday 25.03, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Evelina Gavrilova, University of Turin / NHH
A Partner in Crime: Assortative Matching and Bias in the Crime Market
Wednesday 07.05, 12.15-13.00, SNF conference room (3rd floor, new building) Jostein Lillestøl, NHH
Best estimate reporting of oil reserves in case of assymmetries
Monday 19.05, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Mario Guajardo, NHH
Scheduling the qualifiers for the FIFA football world cup
Seminars Fall 2013
Seminars Fall 2013
Business and Management Science seminars Monday 26.08, 14.15-15.30, Midt i mellom Kjersti Aas, Norwegian Computing Center
Bruk av statistisk modellering i risikostyring i norske banker
Thursday 19.09, 12.30-13.45, Midt i mellom II Verena Hagspiel, NTNU
Technological Change: A Burden or a ChanceThursday 26.09, 10.30-11.45, Midt i mellom Adel Hatami-Marbini, Universite Catholique Louvain
Allocating fixed resources and setting targets using a common-weights DEA approachThursday 03.10, 12.15-13.30, Midt i mellom II Martin Simmler, DIW Berlin
Heterogeneity in Tax-Motivated Profit Shifting and its Effects on Corporate InvestmentWednesday 09.10, 12.15-13.30, Midt i mellom II Bård Støve, University of Bergen
A test for non-linearity in temperature proxy recordsFriday 18.10, 13.15-14.30, Meeting room 9th floor Michael Stimmelmayr / Marko Köthenbürger, ETH Zurich
Taxing Multinationals in the Presence of Internal Capital MarketsWednesday 23.10, 12.15-13.30, Terje Hansen's Aud. Joacim Tåg, Research Insitute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm
Do Leveraged Buyouts Lead to Unemployment for Workers? Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee DataThursday 31.10, 11.15-12.30, Midt i mellom II Trine Krogh Boomsma, University of Copenhagen
Termination of renewable energy support schemes: How uncertainty may speed up investment rates
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Thursday 29.08, 11.30-, 6th floor staff room Patrick A. Narbel, NHH
Factors to be considered when designing carbon abatement policies – the case of Norway
Monday 16.09, 11.30-, 6th floor staff room Hong Cai, NHH
Analyzing a hybrid congestion management method in NordPool
Monday 23.09, 11.30-, 6th floor staff room Ivan Belik, NHH
Modeling the effect of an agent's power in social networks
Monday 14.10, 11.30-, 6th floor staff room Xiaomei Cheng, NHH
Cost efficiency analysis based on DEA and StoNED: the case of Norwegian Electricity Distribution Companies
Monday 21.10, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Eivind Stensholt, NHH
Preferential elections: Some main ideas and problematic side effects
Monday 28.10, 11.30-12.15, 6th floor staff room Sahar Babri, NHH / Lisa Maria Assman, NHH
Speed Optimization in the presence of Stochastic Demand
Seminars Spring 2013
Seminars Spring 2013
Business and Management Science seminars Friday 01.03, 11.15-12.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Afzal Siddiqui, University College London
Exploring the Natural Hedge of a Gas-Fired Power Plant
Friday 26.04, 10.15-11.30, Aud. 24 Emmanuel Thanassoulis, Aston University
Using DEA to Estimate Potential Savings at GP units (slides)
Tuesday 21.05, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Steffen Juranek, Goethe University Frankfurt
Law and Economics of Litigation: New Insights from PatentsThursday 23.05, 12.15-13.30, Aud. 24 David M. Kreps, Stanford University
Friday 24.05, 12.15-13.45, Karl Borch's Aud. Karl Borch Lecture:
David M. Kreps, Stanford UniversityMotivation versus Incentives
Tuesday 04.06, 12.15-13.30, Aud. 24 Floris T. Zoutman, Erasmus University
Implementing Allocations through the Tax SystemFriday 14.06, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. Knut K. Aase, NHH
Recursive Utility and Disappearing Puzzles for Discrete-time Models
Business and Management Science brownbag seminars Wednesday 16.01, 11.30-, 6th floor staff room Michail Chronopoulos, NHH
Dynamic Aspects of Electric Decarbonisation
Monday 16.09, 11.30-, 6th floor staff room Yifei Zhaou, Lancaster University
Stochastic Facility Layout
Monday 23.09, 11.30-, 6th floor staff room Lisa Maria Assmann, NHH
Missing in Action? Speed Optimization and Slow Steaming in Maritime Shipping