Wallace chairs INFORMS workshop in Hong Kong
Stein W. Wallace is the chair of the organizing committee of the 2018 INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop.
The event is taking place at the Hang Seng Management College, in Hong Kong, between 7th and 10th of January. This is the sixth time the workshop is organized, with previous versions held in Atlanta, Berlin, Chicago, and Pacific Grove.
The main theme of the workshop this year is E-Commerce and Urban Logistics, motivated by the advent of internet, social media and mobile phones. Specific topics include business model developments, city logistics, green urban logistics, revenue management, and e-Commerce and supply chain management.
Wallace is giving a talk in a session on stochastic problems with time uncertainty, and Associate Professor Mario Guajardo is giving a talk in a session on collaborative logistics and ridesharing. Besides the scientific talks, the programme includes company visits and an industry panel session with members from Alibaba, UPS and Pacific Air, among others. The schedule of the conference has been done through optimization techniques, based on an approach implemented by NHH faculty members Mario Guajardo and Julio Góez.