CSL Events
Events at NHH's Centre for Shipping and Logistics.
Seminars 2025 | |
Monday 03.03, 14.15-15.30, Aud. F |
Andreas Breivik Ormevik, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology Fleet Renewal and Retrofit for Emission Reductions in Offshore Logistics |
Wednesday 26.03, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. |
Hajnalka Vaagen, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Seminars 2024 | |
Thursday 22.02, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. |
Joris Beckers, University of Antwerp Exploring Logistics-as-a-Service to integrate the consumer into urban freight |
Thursday 29.02, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. |
Eduardo Blanco-Davis, Liverpool John Moores University |
Wednesday 08.05, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. |
David Morton, Northwestern University Design, calibration, and optimization of pandemic alert systems |
Seminars 2023 | |
Thursday 23.02, 14.15-15.30, Aud. F |
Jan Fabian Ehmke, University of Vienna Impact of congestion pricing schemes on costs and emissions of commercial fleets in urban areas |
Thursday 11.05, 14.15-15.30, Aud. L (B208) |
Mikael Rönnqvist, Université Laval Calibrated Route Finder – social, environmental and cost-effective truck routing |
Brownbag seminars 2023 | |
Tuesday 14.11, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) |
Vincenzina Messina, University of Milano-Bicocca Algorithms and Programming in a Business and Economics School |
Seminars 2022 | |
Monday 23.05, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P |
Tolga Bektas, University of Liverpool |
Friday 03.06, 10.45-12.00, Aud. M |
Guillermo Durán, University of Buenos Aires Applied research projects on logistics and scheduling: Experiences from Argentina |
Friday 24.06, 12.15-13.30, Aud. P |
Sebastian Souyris, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Peer Effects on the Diffusion of Residential Solar Power Systems: A Dynamic Discrete Choice Approach |
Tuesday 01.11, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (A105) |
Alan King, IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center, New York |
Tuesday 22.11, 14.15-15.30, Aud. L |
Dong Li, Loughborough University Choice-based Availability Controls for Urban Carsharing Revenue Management |
Thursday 15.12, 14.15-15.30, Aud. P (A105) |
Marlin Ulmer, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg |
Brownbag seminars 2022 | |
Wednesday 04.05, 12.15-13.00, Meeting room C-516 |
Roel Lambers, Eindhoven University of Technology TBA |
Wednesday 07.12, 12.15-13.00, C516 (The Department's Lounge Room) |
Cosku Can Orhan, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science |
Seminars 2021 | |
Friday 24.09, 12.00-13.00, Online |
Stavros Stavroglou, University College Dublin |
Friday 24.09, 16.00-17.00, Online |
Giacomo Benini, Stanford University How to eliminate natural gas flaring & venting without causing a political backfire |
Friday 01.10, 12.15-13.15, Aud. O / Online |
Sondre Hølleland, University of Bergen How to eliminate natural gas flaring & venting without causing a political backfire |
Friday 19.10, 12.15-13.15, Aud. O / Online |
Menghan Yuan, Nord University Heterogeneity in the Effects of Climate Change on Soybean Yields |
Brownbag seminars 2021 | |
Wednesday 21.04, 12.00-12.45, Online |
Julio C. Góez, NHH, Department of Business and Management Science Online Optimization of a Flexible Schedule for Public Transportation with autonomous vessels |
Wednesday 05.05, 12.00-12.45, Online |
Gabriel Fuentes, SNF and NHH, Department of Business and Management Science Online Bunker management for tramp ships with stochastic fuel prices and stochastic service times |
Wednesday 08.09, 12.15-13.00, Aud. C / Online |
Phuong Ho, SNF |
Seminars 2020 | |
Wednesday 05.02, 14.15-15.30, Seminar room on 4th Floor MN438/444, Merino |
Paal Aamaas, University of South-Eastern Norway / Terje Simonsen, University of South-Eastern Norway Autostrip - Autonomous Systems in Transport and Industrial Processes |
Seminars 2019 | |
Tuesday 29.01, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Guohua Wan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Managing Appointment-based Services in the Presence of Walk-in Customers |
Thursday 14.02, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor |
Cagatay Iris, Nanyang Technological University TBA |
Friday 30.08, 14.15-15.30, Seminar room on 4th Floor MN438/444, Merino |
Ziaul Haque Munim, University of Agder Container freight forecasting with and without model re-estimation in expanding horizon |
Thursday 12.09, 14.15-15.30, MN438/444, Merino |
Jamie Fairbrother, Lancaster University A slot allocation model for congested airports with stochastic modelling of operational delays |
Seminars 2018 | |
Thursday 01.03, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Günter Prockl, CBS Copenhagen Business School Rural Supply Management - Conceptualization and Agenda for a neglected Research Area |
Thursday 08.03, 12.15-13.15, Meeting room 6th floor (Brownbag seminar) |
Julie Meissner Uncertainty Exploration for telecommunication and other applications |
Friday 27.04, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Dušan Hrabec, Tomas Bata University in Zlín |
Wednesday 21.11, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Pavel Popela, Brno University of Technology |
Thursday 20.12, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor |
Haiying Jia, SNF World crude oil trade and green shipping choice |
Seminars 2017 | |
Thursday 02.02, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Miguel Anjos, Polytechnique Montréal |
Thursday 20.04, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Jiun-Yu Yu, National Taiwan University Improving Emergency Medical Services with Time-Region-Specific Cruising Ambulances |
Thursday 11.05, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Dries Goossens, Ghent University |
Wednesday 31.05, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
André Rossi, University of Angers |
Thursday 14.09, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Pietro Belotti, FICO |
Thursday 28.09, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor |
Alexander Engau, Lancaster University Multicriteria Decision Support for Transportation and Logistics Management |
Thursday 16.11, 14.15-15.30, Karl Borch's Aud. |
Lukas Bach, SINTEF Sports scheduling – Eliteserien and non-professional leagues in Norway |
Seminars 2016 | |
Thursday 26.05, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Cristóbal Miralles, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Ethics in Decision Science: applied visions from the EURO Working Group |
Thursday 22.09, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 6th floor |
Ted Ralphs, Lehigh University Duality, Multilevel Optimization, and Game Theory: Algorithms and Applications |
Thursday 29.09, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 9th floor |
Barrett Thomas, University of Iowa |
Wednesday 02.11, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 9th floor |
Tamás Terlaky, Lehigh University |
Seminars 2015 | |
Friday 13.03, 14.15-15.30, Meeting room 9th floor |
Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Université du Québec à Montréal / CIRRELT A Brief Tour of City Logistics |
Friday 10.07, 12.15-13.30, Meeting room 9th floor |
Ruibin Bai, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China A set-covering model for a bidirectional multi-shift full truckload vehicle routing problem |
Monday 21.09, 11.30-12.15, Meeting room 6th floor |
Zhan Pang, Lancaster University Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies for Perishable Products |
- Joint Workshop Centres for Shipping and Logistics & Energy, Natural Resources and the Environment - part of the SAMEVAL project Transportation, logistics, energy and green business finance 24-25.05.2023
- NHH Shipping Conference - Leadership 2021 - 08.11.2022
- 10th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop: “Transportation and logistics prospects considering digitalization and autonomous technologies - 08-10.06.2022
- NORS Annual Conference 2021 - 17-18.11.2021
- NHH Shipping Conference - Leadership 2021 - 01.11.2021
- 7th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS) 23-28.08.2017
- The 2016 seminar of the Centre for Shipping and Logistics 02.09.2016