Human capital and inequality during adolescence and working life

Human capital and inequality during adolescence and working life

Project manager: Richard Blundell 

Project duration: 01.02.2018 - 01.02.2021


In this project, we will investigate the role of human capital in shaping inequalities over the life course in three quite different country contexts. We aim to shed new light on the process of human capital formation during adolescence and adulthood. In particular, we address different dimensions of inequality on education opportunities, employment and earnings, how they relate to individual circumstances such as socio-economic background, gender and family arrangements, how they develop over the life course and how they are influenced by the education and welfare systems. We will study these questions across three European countries - France, Norway and the UK - representative of three distinct policy Paradigms. The differences in the extent of inequality and policy context across the three countries will enable rich cross-country comparisons.

Funding Source:

NORFACE - Dynamics of Inequality during the Life Course: structures and processes (DIAL)


Workshop in Paris  2-4 October 2019

PSE-NHH Workshop  11-12 March 2019

Start-up Workshop 22-23 March 2018

Eric Maurin

Paris School of Economics

Core NHH research team

International team-members

Monica Costa Dias

Associate Director
The Institute for Fiscal Studies

Luke Sibieta

Programme Director
The Institute for Fiscal Studies

Jack Britton

Senior Research Economist
The Institute for Fiscal Studies

Marc gurgand

Paris School of Economics


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