This is how we make power cables popular
Ole-Andreas Elvik Næss: A new survey indicates that twice as many Norwegians will be positive about electricity cables to abroad if they receive a bonus for extremely high electricity prices.
Research on energy markets look at national and international energy policies, trade and supply of fossil fuels and renewable energy.
Ole-Andreas Elvik Næss: A new survey indicates that twice as many Norwegians will be positive about electricity cables to abroad if they receive a bonus for extremely high electricity prices.
This week marked the launch of the national research center, RenewHydro, which will receive NOK 370 million to usher hydropower into a new era. NHH is one of the key research partners.
Gunnar S. Eskeland: The debate about cable cutting can cost us a lot.
The article "Connectedness between green bonds, clean energy markets and carbon quota prices: Time and frequency dynamics" has been published in Journal of Commodity Markets.
Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Assistant Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Assistant Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Adjunct Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Associate Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Adjunct Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Adjunct Professor, Department of Business and Management Science
Professor (partly on leave), Department of Economics
Professor Emeritus, Department of Business and Management Science
Professor, Department of Business and Management Science