The industrial organisation of digital platforms and vertical markets.
On Tuesday October 3 2023 Atle Haugen will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
This thesis consists of four chapters on the industrial organisation of digital platforms and vertical markets.
The first chapter addresses how competition between digital platforms is affected by targeting technologies, stricter privacy regulation, and consumer multi-homing. Since the quality of targeting technologies improves with consumer data, targeting increases the importance of attracting consumers. Whereas previous literature has shown that this could result in fierce competition when consumers subscribe to only one platform (i.e., single-home), we find that targeting softens the competition over consumers when we allow consumers to have multiple subscriptions (i.e., multi-home). This might imply that equilibrium profits are higher with targeting than without.

The second chapter studies the competitive effects of cross-licensing contracts between digital platforms. In one-sided markets, cross-licensing has potential anti-competitive effects. I find in a two-sided model that positive network effects might alleviate the anti-competitive effects of cross-licensing, and even flip the outcome. The third chapter studies the incentives of dominant suppliers to commit to uniform pricing in wholesale markets when inside options induce size-based wholesale price discrimination in favour of the large retailer. Seminal literature has provided clear-cut results. In a model with endogenous inside options, we show that the outcome is ambiguous when we allow retailers to be differentiated. The fourth and final chapter presents two classroom experiments on technology licensing, which has been applied to teach central concepts of economics to business students. The classroom experiments stimulate discussions of, among others, technology licensing and intellectual property rights.

New thesis: Individual and household financial retirement decisions
Prescribed topic for the trial lecture:
Click-and-mortar: Implications for consumer behavior and firm competition
Trial lecture:
10:15. Jebsensenteret, NHH
Title of the thesis:
Essays on industrial organisation: Digital platform competition, technology licensing, and vertical markets
12:15. Jebsensenteret, NHH
Members of the evaluation committee:
Professor Mohammed Mardan (leader of the committee), Department of Business and Management Science
Associate Professor Anna D’Annunzio, Toulouse Business School
Associate Professor Teis Lunde Lømo, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Professor Øystein Foros (main supervisor), Department of Business and Management Science
Professor Steffen Juranek, Department of Business and Management Science
The trial lecture and thesis defense will be open to the public.