Lindstad, Elizabeth; Ask, Tor Øyvind; Cariou, Pierre; Eskeland, Gunnar; Rialland, Agathe Isabelle
Wise use of renewable energy in transport
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Volume 119 (13 pages); 2023
Lindstad, Elizabeth; Eskeland, Gunnar; Rialland, Agathe Isabelle; Valland, Anders
Decarbonizing Maritime Transport: The Importance of Engine Technology and Regulations for LNG to serve as a Transition Fuel
Sustainability Volume 12 (21) (21 pages); 2020
Lindstad, Elizabeth; Borgen, Henning; Eskeland, Gunnar; Paalson, Christopher; Psaraftis, Harialos; Turan, Osman
The Need to Amend IMO’s EEDI to Include a Threshold for Performance in Waves (Realistic Sea Conditions) to Achieve the Desired GHG Reductions
Sustainability Volume 11 (13) (17 pages); 2019
Lindstad, Elizabeth; Eskeland, Gunnar; Sandaas, Inge; Steen, Sverre
Revitalization of short sea shipping through slender, simplified and standardized designs SMC-007-2016 |
Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Volume 124; page 109 - 123; 2018
Yan, Shiyu; Eskeland, Gunnar
Greening the vehicle fleet: Norway's CO2-Differentiated registration tax
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Volume 91; page 247 - 262; 2018
Lindstad, Haakon Elizabeth; Eskeland, Gunnar; Rialland, Agathe Isabelle
Batteries in offshore support vessels – Pollution, climate impact and economics
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Volume 50; page 409 - 417; 2017
Lindstad, Elizabeth; Rehn, Carl Fredrik; Eskeland, Gunnar
Sulphur abatement globally in maritime shipping
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Volume 57; page 303 - 313; 2017
Ni, Yuanming; Eskeland, Gunnar; Giske, Jarl; Hansen, Jan Petter
The global potential for carbon capture and storage from forestry
Carbon Balance and Management (CBM) Volume 11:3; 2016
Eskeland, Gunnar; Lindstad, Haakon Elizabeth
Environmental Taxation in Transport |
The International Journal on Green Growth and Development Volume 2 (2); 2016
Lindstad, Haakon Elizabeth; Eskeland, Gunnar
Environmental regulations in shipping: Policies leaning towards globalization of scrubbers deserve scrutiny
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Volume 47; page 67 - 76; 2016
Lindstad, Haakon; Eskeland, Gunnar; Psaraftis, Harilaos; Sandaas, Inge; Strømman, Anders Hammer
Maritime shipping and emissions: A three-layered, damage-based approach
Ocean Engineering Volume 110 (B); page 94 - 101; 2015
Lindstad, Haakon; Eskeland, Gunnar
Low carbon maritime transport: How speed, size and slenderness amounts to substantial capital energy substitution
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Volume 41; page 244 - 256; 2015
Eskeland, Gunnar; Rive, Nathan Appleton; Mideksa, Torben Kenea
Europe's climate goals and the electricity sector
Energy Policy Volume 41; page 200 - 211; 2012
Linnerud, Kristin; Mideksa, Torben Kenea; Eskeland, Gunnar
The Impact of Climate Change on Nuclear Power Supply
Energy Journal Volume 32 (1); page 149 - 168; 2011
Patt, Anthony; Reckien, Diana; Klein, Richard J. T.; Wrobel, Markus; Bauer, Nico; van Vuuren, Detlef P.; Eskeland, Gunnar; Downing, Thomas E.
What can social science tell us about meeting the challenge of climate change? Five insights from five years that might make a difference |
Making Climate Change Work for Us: European Perspectives on Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies; page 369 - 388; 2010
Eskeland, Gunnar; Criqui, Patrick; Jochem, E.; Neufeldt, Henry; Catenazzi, G; Eichhammer, W; Held, Alex; Jakob, M.; Linnerud, Kristin; Mideksa, Torben Kenea; Mima, S; Traber, T; Schade, W; Reiter, U; Rive, Nathan Appleton; Turton, H
Transforming the European energy system |
Making Climate Change Work for Us: European Perspectives on Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies; page 165 - 199; 2010
Eskeland, Gunnar; Mideksa, Torben Kenea
Electricity demand in a changing climate
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change Volume 15 (8); page 877 - 897; 2010
Harstad, Bård; Eskeland, Gunnar
Trading for the future: Signaling in permit markets
Journal of Public Economics Volume 94 (9-10); page 749 - 760; 2010
Alfsen, Knut H.; Eskeland, Gunnar; Linnerud, Kristin
Technological change and the roles of government and private actors |
Global Climate Governance Beyond 2012. Architecture, Agency and Adaptation; page 208 - 220; 2010
Staff, Heidi Elisabeth; Eskeland, Gunnar
Richer and healthier, but not Greener? Choices concerning household energy use in India
Energy Policy Volume 37 (8); page 3009 - 3019; 2009