Corporate Paternity Leave: Communication and impact
On Friday 14 March 2025 Agnes Bamford will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend her thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
Language skills and cultural understanding are increasingly important in a globalised world.
NHH is proud of its leading academic environment for research and teaching in the field of language for special purposes (LSP) and intercultural communication, in particular professional language within the fields of economics and business administration.
The department carries out research and offers courses in language and communication in English, French, German, Japanese, Norwegian and Spanish.
This website provides useful information for language researchers, students and staff as well as prospective candidates for the National Translator Accreditation Exam.
On Friday 14 March 2025 Agnes Bamford will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend her thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
With a decade of translation experience, PhD Candidate Claudia E. Zapata Urrego dives into new research at NHH, exploring the future of human involvement in translation.
NHH researchers who have had articles published in internationally high-ranked journals were this week rewarded with publication bonuses.
NHH researchers Carsten Bienz, Therese Egeland, and Kristin Rygg have been honored with the title of "Excellent Teaching Practitioner." This prestigious award aims to foster a collegial and professional culture in teaching and learning.
Authors | Title | Publication |
The Dynamics of Turn-taking in Meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee |
FACHSPRACHE Volume 45 (3-4); page 187 - 210; 2023 |
Remedies against the Pandemic : How politicians communicate crisis management; page 20 - 43; 2023
English in the Nordic Countries: Connections, Tensions, and Everyday Realities; page 204 - 226; 2023 |
Hvordan fremmedspråk fremmer bærekraft i økonomiutdanningen. Spansk valgfag ved NHH |
Nordic Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (NJLTL) Volume 11 (2); 2023 |
Hegrenæs, Claudia Förster; Roald, Jan; Sandvei, Beate; Simonnæs, Ingrid
Teaching Specialized Translation: Curriculum design of an online master course in legal translation.
Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E (CTTL E) Volume 9; page 258 - 289; 2022 |