Media Bias and Political Polarization

Media Bias and Political Polarization

Project manager: Ingar K. Haaland

duration: 2024 - 2027

PROJECT summary:

The project tries to understand how different reporting strategies by newspapers affect news demand, belief updating, and political polarization. The project encompasses four key subprojects, each addressing distinct aspects of the topic, such as exploring the impact of slanted language on political polarization and estimating the relative weight of accuracy concerns versus belief confirmation.

The research employs cutting-edge methods like large-scale information provision experiments, browsing data on news consumption linked to survey responses, and the use of recent developments in artificial intelligence. By unraveling the "black box" of news demand, this project seeks to offer profound insights into media consumption's role in shaping political views and polarization, potentially guiding the development of policies for a more informed and less polarized society.

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