Higher Executive Officer
We are hiring a Higher Executive Officer to join our administration team. We are looking for someone who thrives in a vibrant, international working environment and who is good at building relationships.
We are hiring a Higher Executive Officer to join our administration team. We are looking for someone who thrives in a vibrant, international working environment and who is good at building relationships.
A new paper by Ingar K. Haaland titled "Justifying Dissent" published in The Quarterly Journal of Economics highlights both the power of rationales and their limitations in enabling dissent and shed light on phenomena such as social movements, political correctness, propaganda, and antiminority behavior.
FAIR Insight Team invites you to the eleventh episode of "Coffee with...". In this video, you can see Professor Aline Bütikofer and Ghazala Azmat talk about the presentation she gave at the FAIR Midway Conference in June last year on "Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Student Performance".
A new paper published in the Journal of African Economies shows that village savings and loan field experiments increased economic and social empowerment and general well-being. Paper by Kjetil Bjorvatn and Bertil Tungodden.
You’ll become part of a large international research team working on a wide range of exciting topics in labor economics, behavioral economics, and development economics. There are both general PhD positions and one PhD position connected to the interdisciplinary project “Freedom to Choose” at the Department of Economics where FAIR is located. Application deadline: 15 January 2023.
We invite you to the online workshop "Fairness and the Moral Mind" on Wednesday, November 16th from 14.00 - 19.00.
We are excited to announce that we have to postdoctoral positions at FAIR next year; a two-year Behavioral Economics and a three-year postdoctoral position in Labour Economics.
FAIR, Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality, søker studenter som kan gi støtte til prosjektet «Early-Career Progress Among MSc Graduates».
The new paper by Ingar Haaland and Andreas Olden studies economic relief programs and reduced auditing activities in tax administrations in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ranveig Falch got her paper titled "How do people trade off resources between quick and slow learners?" accepted in the Europen Economic Review.
The workshop: "Fairness and the moral mind" is open for submissions.
We are seeking a student who can support the Centre with event coordination, communication, and other administrative tasks. The student assistant will join the administrative team of seven people.
In a recent Wall Street Journal Special Report, “How the Covid Pandemic Will Follow Today’s Kids into Adulthood”, Alexander Willén suggests that the long-term impact of the COVID-19 generated school closures for children can be substantial.
Subsidised childcare services are at least as effective as cash grants in increasing household income, a field experiment from Uganda shows.
New publication in The Economic Journal, “The Meritocratic Origin of Egalitarian Behaviour” by Alexander W. Cappelen, Johanna Mollerstrom, Bjørn-Atle Reme, and Bertil Tungodden.
The working paper "When Parents Decide: Gender Differences in Competitiveness" by Alexander Willén and Jonas Tungodden (SiriusXM + Pandora) just got accepted in the Journal of Political Economy.
FAIR organizes a range of different online activities.
We invite applications for the position of four pre-doctoral fellows at FAIR/ the Department of Economics at The Norwegian School of Economics. The Centre is a unique platform for collaboration between the Centre for Empirical Labor Economics and The Choice Lab.
The working paper "The Dynamics of Power in Labor Markets: Monopolistic Unions versus Monopsonistic Employers" by Samuel Dodini, Kjell Salvanes, and Alexander Willén is being used in the 2022 Economic Report of the President (ERP).
Kjell Gunnar Salvanes, Sandra E. Black, Paul J. Devereux, and Fanny Landaud have published a working paper in the National Bureau of Economic Research: The (Un)Importance of Inheritance
FAIR invites you to the HCEO Chicago Summer School.
The FAIR annual report is now available online. You can read it in full length here, alongside a statement from Centre Director Bertil Tungodden.
FAIR Affiliate Lise Vesterlund’s new book “The No Club” is out for sale today, May 3rd! The book is published by Simon and Schuster.
Hallgeir Sjåstad (36) has been promoted to Full Professor at NHH! He completed his PhD only 5 years ago, and is now part of the exclusive club of professors under 40.
Alexander W. Cappelen has been elected as a member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
Vincent Somville, Asbjørn G. Andersen, and Andreas Kotsadam have published a new paper in Journal of Health Economics: Material resources and well-being — Evidence from an Ethiopian housing lottery.
Ingvild Almås, one of FAIR's PIs, has been granted an ERC Consolidator Grant for research on global inequality.
Ingar Haaland has accepted a tenure track position at the Department of Economics/FAIR.
The online workshop is organized by Professor Bertil Tungodden and funded by his ERC Advanced Grant “Fairness and the moral mind”.
New publication in The Economic Journal, “The Meritocratic Origin of Egalitarian Behaviour” (forthcoming) by Alexander W. Cappelen, Johanna Mollerstrom, Bjørn-Atle Reme, and Bertil Tungodden.
Together with a team of international researchers, Hallgeir Sjåstad and Ceren Ay have published a new paper in Nature Communications. The paper is entitled “National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic".
FAIR, Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality, søker studenter som kan jobbe med støtte til ulike forskningsprosjekter.
New publication in the journal Meta-Psychology by Bjørn Sætrevik (University of Bergen) and Hallgeir Sjåstad (NHH/FAIR), titled: “Mortality salience effects fail to replicate in traditional and novel measures.”
Kjell Gunnar Salvanes, Barton Willanger, and Alexander Willén have published a new Working paper: "The effect of Labor Market Shocks Across the Life Cycle".
Ingvild Almås, Alexander W. Cappelen, Erik Ø. Sørensen, and Bertil Tungodden have published a new paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America (PNAS): “Global evidence on the selfish rich inequality hypothesis”.
The interdisciplinary research project “Freedom to Choose” (FREE) has been awarded 25 million NOK in funding from the Norwegian Research Council. The project, headed by Alexander Cappelen, Hallgeir Sjåstad and Bertil Tungodden, aims to exploit scientific synergies between economics and psychology.
Our FAIR Seminar Series for the Spring Semester 2022 is back.
Many congratulations to all of the FAIR Researchers who got a Publication bonus from The Norwegian School of Economics in 2021!
Professor Alexander W. Cappelen is awarded the Bronze Sponge for his outstanding effort as a lecturer.
FAIR, Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality, søker en bachelorstudent som kan støtte senteret med økonomi, regnskap og andre administrative oppgaver. Senteret er en del av Institutt for Samfunnsøkonomi og har omtrent 40 ansatte.
The topic of the 2022 Bergen Summer Research School is “Understanding and addressing inequality”. FAIR will contribute with a course on Economic Experiments in Developing Countries. A group of us at FAIR will teach some of the lectures, and the course is a mix of methods and topics.
On November 26th, Alexander W. Cappelen and Bertil Tungodden organized an online workshop together with Andreas Peichl (ifo Institute) and Georg Weizsäcker (Humboldt-U. Berlin).
Katrine Vellesen Løken and Laura Khoury have published a new working paper together with Manudeep Bhuller: " Prison, Mental Health and Family Spillovers".
Laura Khoury, Paul Brandily, Clément Brébion, and Simon Brioled have published a new paper in European Economic Review: A poorly understood disease? The impact of COVID-19 on the income gradient in mortality over the course of the pandemic.
Welcome to the Spring School in Behavioral Economics in San Diego, US!
Samuel D. Hirshman and Abigail B. Sussman have published a new article in Journal of Marketing: “Minimum Payments Alter Debt Repayment Strategies across Multiple Cards”.
An academic committee appointed by the Norwegian Fulbright Alumni Association has decided to award Professor Cappelen the Fulbright Article Prize 2021.
How has COVID-19 impacted the lives of households in Uganda? And to what extent have cash transfers been effective in improving peoples’ lives during the pandemic? These are the questions addressed in a C-19 note published by PEDL, Private Enterprise Development in Developing Countries, and involving FAIR researchers Kjetil Bjorvatn, Arne Nasgowitz and Vincent Somville.
Together with a team of international researchers, Kjell Gunnar Salvanes, Aline Bütikofer and René Karadakic have published a new paper in the scientific journal PNAS. The paper is entitled “Inequality in mortality between Black and White Americans by age, place, and cause and in comparison to Europe, 1990 to 2018”.
Together with a team of international researchers, Ingvild Almås and Orazio Attanasio have conducted research on “Empowering women through targeted conditional cash transfers“ recently featured by J-PAL in a policy brief.
FAIR has postdoc positions in behavioral economics and labor economic. See information about the different positions below.
FAIR, Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality, søker studenter som kan jobbe med støtte til ulike forskningsprosjekter.
FAIR-affiliated researcher Nina Serdarevic presented at two elementary schools as part of the annual research festival Forskningsdagene 2021.
Eight FAIR researchers are presenting at the 33rd annual EALE conference, 16-18 September 2021.
FAIR researchers are presenting at the CESifo Area Conference on the Economics of Education 2021, Friday to Saturday, September 3 to 4, 2021.
In a joint effort, CMI, the Norwegian School of Economics, the University of Bergen and Centre of applied research at NHH (SNF) are launching a new research and learning centre called the Development Learning Lab.
Together with a team of international researchers, Associate Professor Hallgeir Sjåstad has published a new paper in the leading journal Nature Human Behaviour. The paper is entitled “Moral dilemmas and trust in leaders during a global health crisis”.
FAIR at the Norwegian School of Economics and the Department of Economics at the Monash Business School would like to welcome you to SEEDEC 2021 on October 7.
For the second year in a row, professor Kjetil Bjorvatn at FAIR, is awarded the Bronze Sponge for his outstanding effort as a lecturer.
FAIR researchers are presenting at the 34th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics, June 17-19 2021.
Chr. Michelsen Institute, the Department of Economics at the University of Bergen, and FAIR would like to welcome you to the 19th NCDE conference, 15 - 16 June 2021.
On Tuesday 1 June 2021, Ingvild Almås and Kjetil Bjorvatn will be presenting at Vårkonferansen 2021, NHH's annual spring conference. The topic of this year's conference is polarization and increasing inequality.
Results from a FAIR experiment suggest that informal declarations of mutual trust can reduce dishonesty in the Norwegian population. The research is presented at The Christie Conference 27 April.
FAIR is pleased to announce an open position as Research Data Manager.
Chr. Michelsen Institute, the Department of Economics at the University of Bergen, and FAIR would like to welcome you to the 19th NCDE conference, 15 - 16 June 2021.
FAIR is welcoming five researchers to the team this year.
At FAIR we celebrate International Women’s Day, by promoting our focus on gender equality in academia.
FAIR researcher, Sara Abrahamsson to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
Our online sessions are back for the spring semester 2021.
Our Assistant Professor, Henning Hermes, was appointed as a new Research Affiliate at CEPR.
FAIR welcomes our new Head of Administration, Maja Dame.
In our 10th Coffee with video, you can see Kjetil Bjorvatn in conversation with Professor John List on his new book "The Voltage Effect - how to make good ideas great and great ideas scale.".
Kjetil Bjorvatn has released a new textbook in microeconomics.
FAIR researchers presenting at the Annual Meeting for the American Economic Association.
FAIR is involved in three projects that have received funding from the Research Council of Norway.
This month VoxDevLit was launched and its first piece is Lit on Training Entrepreneurs, with Kjetil Bjorvatn amongst the co-editors.
FAIR søker studentassistent som kan bistå administrasjonen med rapporteringer og administrasjonsoppgaver.
FAIR is pleased to announce vacancies in the Ph.D. specialization in Economics.
FAIR Insight Team invites you to the ninth episode of "Coffee with...".
3SAT will be broadcasting a documentary on social justice on 5th November, 20:15.
FAIR has now three open positions in Behavioural Economics and Labor Economics
The workshop: "Fairness and the moral mind" will be on Zoom on Wednesday, November 4.
Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course (DIAL) is a multi-disciplinary research program consisting of thirteen European projects.
FAIR researcher Katrine Vellesen Løken will participate in the KÅKÅnomics festival in Stavanger this week.
The Department of Economics is looking for student assistants for the spring term of 2021.
FAIR Professor to the EEA Executive Committee
This fall FAIR introduces an online session series. Here you will find an overview of our planned online events for the fall semester 2020.
Together with the Macroeconomics, Risk and Sustainability group, FAIR received a 1.5 million from the Research Council of Norway (ISPSAM program)
FAIR researchers Alexander W. Cappelen, Ranveig Falch, and Bertil Tungodden have written a chapter titled “Fair and Unfair Income Inequality” for the Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics (2020).
The new project, Women's Leadership in Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) has received funding for three years.
This week the European Economic Association (EEA) is hosting its 35th annual congress and FAIR is proud to see so many of our own to be involved in the first virtual congress of the EEA.
FAIR is hiring 2-3 students as research assistants to several research projects
Professor Kjetil Bjorvatn is described as engaging lecturer with tremendous knowledge of his field and for his pedagogical abilities and his efforts to include current issues in the curriculum.
New paper accepted for publication by Hallgeir Sjåstad (SNF/FAIR Insight Team) in the journal Self and Identity
From June 15 – 17, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics is hosting a research webinar on Children’s Health, Well-Being, and Human Capital Formation. Professor Kjell G. Salvanes is one of the workshop organizers.
New published paper by FAIR-affiliate Charlotte Ringdal (University of Amsterdam) in AEA Papers & Proceedings, Spousal Disagreement in Reporting of Intimate Partner Violence in Kenya", together with Johannes Haushofer (Princeton University), Jeremy Shapiro (ECFR) and Xiao Yu Wang (Duke).
We are so saddened to hear about the recent passing of Alberto Alesina. He has been a great inspiration for our research and we honor his memory with great gratitude. Last year we had the pleasure of sitting down with Alberto Alesina. In this video you can see him in conversation with Professor Kjetil Bjorvatn on inequality, social mobility and preferences for redistribution in the United States and Europe.
New published paper by Alexander Cappelen, John List (University of Chicago), Anya Samek (University of Southern California) and Bertil Tungodden in the Journal of Political Economy, titled “The Effect of Early-Childhood Education on Social Preferences”.
New published paper by Ingvild Almås, Alexander W. Cappelen and Bertil Tungodden in the Journal of Political Economy, titled "Cutthroat Capitalism versus Cuddly Socialism: Are Americans More Meritocratic and Efficiency-Seeking than Scandinavians?".
Alexander Cappelen will be giving an online Seminar this Thursday on “Fairness Across the World: Preferences and Beliefs”, and you can join in!