Joint DIGSSCORE and FAIR seminar

By Ingeborg Korme

7 May 2018 12:50

Joint DIGSSCORE and FAIR seminar

The second joint DIGSSCORE and FAIR seminar was hosted by DIGSSCORE at the University of Bergen 17th April.

Joint seminars for DIGSSCORE and FAIR

Tuesday 17.4.2018 we had our second joint DIGSSCORE+FAIR seminar, this time hosted by DIGSSCORE at the University of Bergen.

Director at DIGSSCORE Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB)
Director at DIGSSCORE Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB)

The Digital Social Science Core Facility (DIGSSCORE) is an infrastructure for advanced social science data collection and multi-disciplinary research at the University of Bergen. It extends the probability-based internet-panel at the University of Bergen and integrates it with an on-site social science digital research lab. The facility brings computer laboratory research and survey studies closer together and it is natural for us at FAIR to create meeting spaces with them so we can learn, be inspired and work together.

We hope to together create a knowledge hub in Bergen for survey data collection and survey data based research projects and through these joint seminars we want joint projects to appear organically.

At the second joint seminar in April Henning Müller (NHH), Elisabeth Ivarsflaten (UiB), Charlotte Ringdal (NHH) and Sigve Tjøtta (UiB) presented.

The seminars are open to all and the seminar for the autumn will be announced on our website.

NHH calendar

FAIR seminar series

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