Three PhD positions at FAIR
There are three PhD positions in FAIR projects you can apply for now. The deadline is 1. February.
The deadline for applications for PhD positions at NHH is 1. February. In addition to the position(s) at the Department of Economics there are three PhD positions that will be specifically associatied with FAIR through three different projects.
Reducing Inequality through Complementarities in Investments in Education and Health
NHH is pleased to announce a vacancy in the PhD specialisation in Economics, within the field of labour economics. The candidate admitted to the PhD Programme at NHH will receive the title of PhD Research Scholar. Females are particularly encouraged to apply.
The PhD Research Scholar will be working on the project “Reducing Inequality through Complementarities in Investments in Education and Health” led by NHH Associate Professor Aline Bütikofer (e-mail: The project is financed by the Norwegian Research Council through the Young Research Talents programme.
Criminality, Victimization and Social Interactions
NHH is pleased to announce a vacancy in the PhD specialisation in Economics, within the field of labour economics. The candidate admitted to the PhD Programme at NHH will receive the title of PhD Research Scholar. Females are particularly encouraged to apply.
The PhD Research Scholar will be working on the project “Criminality, Victimization and Social Interactions”, led by NHH Professor Katrine Vellesen Løken (e-mail: The project is financed by the EU through the ERC Starting Grant programme. There will be room to develop your individual research agenda within the fields covered by the project.
Child care for childhood and business development
NHH is pleased to announce a vacancy in the PhD specialisation in Economics, within the field of development economics. The candidate admitted to the PhD Programme at NHH will receive the title of PhD Research Scholar. Females are particularly encouraged to apply.
The PhD Research Scholar will be working on the project “Child care for childhood and business development”, a field experiment in Uganda, led by NHH Professor Kjetil Bjorvatn (e-mail: in collaboration with a team of leading international experts and in cooperation with BRAC Uganda. The project is financed by the Research Council of Norway.
Further information about the project.