Setting the course for priorities in healthcare
How to provide a good and fair healthcare service within the resources available to Norway? The expert group, with Professor Kurt Brekke as a member, has assessed the consequences of increased transparency about the Norwegian government's willingness to pay.
The government will present a new prioritization report during 2024. This report will, among other things, assess tailored treatment, so-called personalized medicine, and ensure transparency and verifiability around priorities in health and care services.
Ingrid Miljeteig (leader), Kurt Richard Brekke, Inger Berg Ørstavik, Asbjørn Mack, Dorthe Bartels, Torfinn Aanes, Siv Cathrine Høymork, Markus Moe, Eirik Joakim Tranvåg and Magne Wang Fredriksen.
To establish a solid knowledge base for the new report, Minister of Health and Care Services Ingvild Kjerkol appointed three expert groups last summer. These groups have now evaluated various prioritization assessments in Norwegian health and care services. They are handing over their reports to Kjerkol today.
Professor and head of the Department of Economics, Kurt Brekke, is a member of one of the groups: the "Transparency Expert Group."
The expert group has assessed the consequences of increased transparency and examined measures that can enhance transparency and verifiability in prioritization decisions at both the systemic and clinical levels. They propose possible measures to contribute to increased knowledge and competence about prioritization at the systemic level, among healthcare professionals, and in the population.