Research trio received Research Dissemination Award 2023
This 2023 Award for Excellent Knowledge Dissemination goes to the core team at the Centre for Sustainable Business: Sveinung Jørgensen, Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen and Siv R. Skard.
Associated Professor Sveinung Jørgensen, Professor Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen and Professor Siv R. Skard have received a prize for their excellent knowledge dissemination: Research Dissemination Award, given every three years.

Jørgensen and Pedersen are researchers at the Department Accounting, Auditing and Law, and Skard is Professor at the Department of Strategy and Management.
The winning nomination for this year’s Award for Excellent Knowledge Dissemination is based on their contribution to excellent knowledge dissemination, but they also illustrate how the connection between research, teaching, and dissemination.


Going green: experimenting with different ways of reducing plastic packaging
Jørgensen, Pedersen and Skard communicate insights and work methods from the economic-administrative field of research to persons outside academia. This includes dissemination through more traditional channels such as opinion pieces and interviews in newspaper, radio, and TV.
Additionally, the winners have used new tools and communication channels to reach a large and new audience, like the popular MOOC Business Models for Sustainability and a podcast.
It is the jury’s opinion that they have contributed to increasing interest in the economic-administrative field among the public, the business sector and the public administration using scientific argumentation and created a bigger awareness as to the breadth of economic-administrative research.
Sustainability is a key concept in solving many of the societal challenges the world is currently facing.

New research project on experimentation for plastic reduction
But what is really sustainability and sustainable business? And how can we change habits and attitudes to get a more sustainable and gender-equal world? These are topics where the winners of this year’s Award for Excellent Knowledge Dissemination have a clear and strong voice.

‘Enormous potential for free NHH courses’
Without going into further details there is no doubt, according to the committee, that this group has a genuine interest in and willingness to disseminate knowledge and insight of their field to a wider audience.
They have also actively participated in improving dissemination work at NHH, not only through their own contribution, but also by involving and including younger faculty in their activities.
Professor, Vice Rector for research Malin Arve (leader), editor-in-chief forskning.no Aksel Vidnes, Professor Sissel Jensen, Professor Helge Thorbjørnsen and Senior Advisor Sigrid Folkestad