EARIE Conference to NHH campus
NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Bergen are organizing the 48th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics.
The EARIE Annual Conference provides a yearly platform for delegates and members to present and discuss the latest research in industrial economics. The conference attracts more than 400 particpants each year from Europe and other parts of the world.
More relevant than ever
Research in industrial economics and the industrial policy pursued is perhaps more important now than ever. And, next year, NHH and UiB is organizing the conference.
Øivind A. Nilsen is General Chair of EARIE 2021. He is a Professor at the Department of Economics and researcher at Centre for Business Economics, NHH.
– The impact of COVID-19 on global industries and the responses governments are taking to limit the economic impact, are issues that both researchers and politicians will discuss carefully both this year and in 2021, Professor Nilsen says.
Centre for Business Economics
- The Centre for Business Economics (CBE) is a research group who combines elements from economics, strategy, marketing and management science
- Research is focusing on the functioning of firms, markets and organisations. The research in CBE is relevant for firms’ decisions and strategy as well as policy
- CBE is a collaboration across departments at NHH
The conference at NHH will be the 48th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics. The conference will be held from August 27-29.
Early next year the organizing committee will decide whether to conduct EARIE as a physical conference or to host a virtual conference.
Organizing Committe
- Øivind A. Nilsen (NHH, chair)
- Malin Arve (NHH)
- Tommy S. Gabrielsen (UiB)
- Trond E. Olsen (NHH)
- Olga Pushkash (NHH, Event manager)