A new research group at NHH
The Centre for Business Economics is a new research group at NHH which will focus on the functioning of firms, markets and organizations.
The research in CBE is relevant for firms’ decisions and strategy as well as policy.
The Centre for Business Economics (CBE) is a collaboration across departments. The overall aim of the group is to produce excellent research and teaching on markets and firms. The researches will combine elements from economics, strategy, marketing and management science.

CBE leaders:

Eirik Gaard Kristiansen, Professor at the Department of Economics
Malin Arve, Associated Professor at the Department of Business and Management Science
Researchers at CBE have a strong interest in highly relevant, top quality research and have published in top academic journals, including the American Economic Review, the Economic Journal, Rand Journal of Economics, the Review of Economics and Statistics and the Quarterly Journal of Economics. Researchers are also active in international networks such as CEPR and CESIfo.
CBE researchers at NHH have also been active in policy formulation through committees appointed by the government, and the public debate in general. In recent year, they have been involved in discussions related to the airline market, food market, media markets, telecom, public procurement and many other topics. One example of this is through the externally funded FOOD research program where several of our researchers work on the grocery industry.
Research in business economics has a long tradition at NHH. The organization into research groups is a more recent practice. Formally, CBE is a merger of two previous research groups at NHH (LEMO and CIO) which both applied common microeconomic/econometric tools to investigate markets and institutions and where already before the creation of CBE collaborating extensively.