Leif Kristoffer Sandal

Professor Leif Kristoffer Sandal

+47 55 95 93 41
Business and Management Science
Environmental Economics Sustainability Management Science Sustainability and Ecosystem Based Resource Management Stochastic Optimization and Dynamic Games Mathematics


Leif Kristoffer Sandal is a Professor of Applied Mathematics and Management Science.  Sandal received his Dr. Scient. degree in applied mathematics and theoretical plasma physics from the University of Bergen in 1984.

He founded the international master and doctorial programs at NHH in Energy, Natural Resources and the Environment (ENE) and was, until 2021, the head of the ENE centre.

Sandal has published widely in the field of fishery economics and was pioneering the introduction of stochastic modeling in bioeconomics. His international network is extensive and he has many joint publications with researchers in Europe, China, Australia and North America. He has been a member, as well as principal investigator, in numerous international projects. His research interests include real world applications of dynamic modeling and stochastic optimization in Managing Natural Resources, Pollution Problems and Corrective Taxes and Sustainable Feedback Polices in Bioeconomics.

Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Ni, Yuanming; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Kvamsdal, Sturla Furunes; Hansen, Cecilie Using feedforward neural networks to represent ecosystem dynamics for bioeconomic analysis Marine Ecology Progress Series Volume 716; page 1 - 15; 2023
Toumasatos, Evangelos; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Steinshamn, Stein Ivar Keep it in house or sell it abroad? A framework to evaluate fairness European Journal of Operational Research Volume 297 (2); page 709 - 728; 2021
Kvamsdal, Sturla F; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Poudel, Diwakar Ecosystem wealth in the Barents Sea Ecological Economics Volume 171 (13 pages); 2020
Azad Gholami, Reza; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Ubøe, Jan A solution algorithm for multi-period bi-level channel optimization with dynamic price-dependent stochastic demand Omega. The International Journal of Management Science Volume 102; 2020
Kvamsdal, Sturla F; Maroto, Jose M.; Moran, Manuel; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer Bioeconomic modeling of seasonal fisheries European Journal of Operational Research Volume 281 (2); page 332 - 340; 2019
Ni, Yuanming; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer Seasonality matters: a multi-season, multi-state dynamic optimization in fishery European Journal of Operational Research Volume 275 (2); page 648 - 658; 2019
Ubøe, Jan; Andersson, Jonas; Jørnsten, Kurt; Lillestøl, Jostein Kåre; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer Statistical testing of bounded rationality with applications to the newsvendor model European Journal of Operational Research Volume 259 (1); page 251 - 261; 2017
Kvamsdal, Sturla F; Maroto, Jose M.; Moran, Manuel; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer A bridge between continuous and discrete-time bioeconomic models: Seasonality in fisheries Ecological Modelling Volume 364; page 124 - 131; 2017
Poudel, Diwakar; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Kvamsdal, Sturla F Stochastically Induced Critical Depensation and Risk of Stock Collapse Marine Resource Economics Volume 30 (3); page 297 - 313; 2015
Øksendal, Bernt; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Ubøe, Jan Stackelberg equilibria in a continuous-time vertical contracting model with uncertain demand and delayed information Journal of Applied Probability Volume 51A; page 213 - 226; 2014
Andersson, Jonas; Jørnsten, Kurt; Nonås, Sigrid Lise; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Ubøe, Jan A maximum entropy approach to the newsvendor problem with partial information European Journal of Operational Research Volume 228 (1); page 190 - 200; 2013
Jørnsten, Kurt; Nonås, Sigrid Lise; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Ubøe, Jan Mixed contracts for the newsvendor problem with real options and discrete demand Omega. The International Journal of Management Science Volume 41 (5); page 809 - 819; 2013
Øksendal, Bernt; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Ubøe, Jan Stochastic Stackelberg equilibria with applications to time-dependent newsvendor models Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Volume 37 (7); page 1284 - 1299; 2013
Jørnsten, Kurt; Nonås, Sigrid Lise; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Ubøe, Jan Transfer of risk in the newsvendor model with discrete demand Omega. The International Journal of Management Science Volume 40 (3); page 404 - 414; 2012
Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Steinshamn, Stein Ivar Dynamic Cournot-Competitive Harvesting of a Common Pool Resource Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Volume 28; page 1781 - 1799; 2004
Sandal, Leif Kristoffer; Steinshamn, Stein Ivar; Grafton, R. Quentin More is Less: The Tax Effects of Ignoring Flow Externalities Resource and Energy Economics Volume 25 (3); page 239 - 254; 2003
McDonald, A. David; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer Estimating the Parameters of Stochastic Differential Equations Using a Criterion Function Based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistic Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation Volume 64 (3); page 235 - 250; 1999
More publications in Cristin
  • Applied Mathematical and Numerical Modeling
  • Deterministic and Stochastic Control Theory
  • Dynamic Optimization in Management Science and Natural Resource Economics
  • Dynamic Games
  • Difference and Differential Equations


Ni, Yuanming, and Leif K. Sandal: Seasonality matters: a multi-season, multi-state dynamic optimization in fishery, European Journal of Operational Research, forthcoming.