Jostein Kåre Lillestøl

Professor Emeritus Jostein Kåre Lillestøl

+47 55 95 92 48
Business and Management Science
Management Science Probability Statistics

Jostein Lillestøl is a Professor Emeritus of statistics at NHH. He has a science degree in from University of Oslo in 1967, specializing in mathematical statistics, and a PhD in statistics from University of California, Berkeley in 1975. In 1989-90 he was visiting researcher at University of Wisconsin, Madison.

His current theoretical interests are time series analysis, multivariate analysis, risk analysis and Bayesian statistics. His current applied interests are the use of probability and statistics to areas such as resource prediction and control, uncovering economic crime and to risk management. Professor Lillestøl has scientific contributions to all mentioned areas above.

Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Andersson, Jonas; Jørnsten, Kurt; Lillestøl, Jostein Kåre; Ubøe, Jan Analyzing learning effects in the newsvendor model by probabilistic methods Decision Analytics Journal Volume 7 (9 pages); 2023
Lillestøl, Jostein Kåre Sampling risk evaluations in tax audits: Some modelling issues Law, Probability and Risk (20 pages); 2022
Lillestøl, Jostein Kåre Sample statistics as convincing evidence: a tax fraud case Law, Probability and Risk Volume 18 (2-3); page 149 - 176; 2019
Ubøe, Jan; Andersson, Jonas; Jørnsten, Kurt; Lillestøl, Jostein Kåre; Sandal, Leif Kristoffer Statistical testing of bounded rationality with applications to the newsvendor model European Journal of Operational Research Volume 259 (1); page 251 - 261; 2017
Lillestøl, Jostein Kåre Risiko, sårbarhet og beredskap ved oljeutslipp Investeringsprosjekter og miljøkonsekvenser : en antologi med bidrag fra 16 forskere.; page 174 - 194; 2016
Lillestøl, Jostein Kåre; Sinding-Larsen, Richard Creaming and the likelihood of discovering additional giant petroleum fields Mathematical Geosciences Volume 49 (1); page 67 - 83; 2016
Andersson, Jonas; Lillestøl, Jostein; Støve, Bård; Schjelderup, Guttorm Hva vet vi om dem som skjuler inntekt og formue i skatteparadis? Magma forskning og viten (1); page 29 - 35; 2013
Lillestøl, Jostein Kåre; Ubøe, Jan; Rønsen, Yngve; Hjortdahl, Per Patient allocations in general practice in case of patients' preferences for gender of doctor and their unavailability BMC Research Notes Volume 4 (11 pages); 2011
Lillestøl, Jostein Kåre; Andersson, Jonas The Z-Poisson distribution with application to the modelling of soccer score probabilities Statistical Modelling Volume 11 (6); page 507 - 522; 2011
Andersson, Jonas; Lillestøl, Jostein Kåre Multivariate modelling and prediction of hourly one-day ahead prices at Nordpool Energy, natural resources and environmental economics; page 133 - 154; 2010
Ubøe, Jan; Lillestøl, Jostein Uncovering preferences from patient list data using benefit efficient models Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering Volume 3 (8); page 799 - 806; 2010
More publications in Cristin


- for deg som kan litt sannsynlighetsregning (in Norwegian)


 Sannsynlighet og risiko: i forskning, dagligliv og spill

(in Norwegian), lecture at Senioruniversitetet, Bergen, 2007.


Metodefag ved NHH de første 50 år

(in Norwegian)



 Berkeley memories

- statisticians I met