Gisle Andersen

Professor Gisle Andersen

+47 55 95 93 26 / +47 934 68 641
Professional and Intercultural Communication
Language and Communication Pragmatics and discourse analysis English and Norwegian language Language standardisation and policy Terminology and lexicography


Gisle Andersen has been in his current position as professor of English linguistics and communication at NHH since 2008. He holds a Master of Arts degree from the University of Bergen/University College London and received his Dr. Art. degree from the University of Bergen in 2000. He has been Research Director for a unit within digital humanities and has worked in the language technology industry as a product developer of Norwegian speech synthesis. Gisle Andersen has participated in and coordinated a range of externally financed projects and is currently responsible for NHH’s Termbase (financed by the NFR/RCN-funded CLARINO project) and a technical coordinator for the GLAD Global Anglicism Database project. 

Gisle Andersen teaches Strategic and Political Communication and English for business, among other topics. His research expertise covers strategic and political communication, pragmatics and discourse analysis, terminology and lexicography, including the study of lexical neology and language contact/globalisation.

He has published widely in Journal of Pragmatics, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Nordic Journal of Linguistics, Cambridge University Press, Mouton de Gruyter and John Benjamins, among others.

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Areas of expertise (Norwegian):

Pragmatikk og diskursanalyse, Engelsk språk og norsk språk, Språknormering og språkpolitikk, Terminologi og leksikografi

Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Andersen, Gisle Det måtte bli «koronaen» Språknytt (1); page 14 - 16; 2021
Andersen, Gisle Phraseology in a cross-linguistic perspective: A diachronic and corpus-based account Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory; 2020
Andersen, Gisle Three cases of phraseological borrowing: A comparative study of as if, Oh wait and the ever construction in the Scandinavian languages Ampersand; 2020
Andersen, Gisle Relevance Corpus Pragmatics; page 143 - 168; 2015
Andersen, Gisle; Langerfeld, Christian Humour and laughter as indicators of meeting leadership style in FOMC meetings Discourse Studies; 2024
Andersen, Gisle Sorry mine tusen skrivefeil! Using digital language resources to assess the phrasemic and syntactic integration of the borrowed apology marker sorry Digitally-assisted Historical English Linguistics; page 201 - 221; 2023
Langerfeld, Christian; Andersen, Gisle The Dynamics of Turn-taking in Meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee FACHSPRACHE Volume 45 (3-4); page 187 - 210; 2023
Andersen, Gisle Contrastive Corpus Studies of Pragmatic Markers Contrastive Pragmatics: A Cross-Disciplinary Journal (JOCP) Volume 4 (2); page 173 - 177; 2023
More publications in Cristin


English business language, British civilisation, Intercultural communication, English grammar
