Erling Hjelmeng has been a visiting professor at the Norwegian School of Economics since 2006. His main occupation is as a professor at the Department of Private Law, University of Oslo (affiliated with the Centre for European Law). He holds a Master’s degree in law from the University of Oslo (1996) and received his dr. juris degree from the same university in 2003. His main research and teaching has been in the field of competition law and EU law, with particular focus on enforcement both on a national and international level. He has also published books and articles in the field of tort law.
Since 2009, he is a co-editor of Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap (Journal of Legal Science). Currently, he is a leader of the research group Markets – Innovation – Competition at the University of Oslo. He was the Chairman of the committee reviewing the Norwegian Competition Act (2011-12), of the committee drafting an Act on good trading practices in the grocery sector (2012-13), and the committee proposing amendments to the organization of the Norwegian market for agricultural products (2014-15).
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