Department of Economics

Department of Economics

How are economic decisions made, and what are the consequences of these decisions? How should competing firms make pricing and investment decisions?

By addressing these questions the Department of Economics aims to understand major global challenges such as climate change, economic instability and growth, economic development and national and global welfare and inequality.

The Department is built around a number of internationally renowned research groups in a wide range of fields, providing high quality research and teaching in economics. 

The faculty members constitute an enthusiastic group of women and men who deliver important contributions, both to the international research community, the government, and the public debate.

Research news

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Latest publications

Authors Title Publication

Ingvild Fossgard Sandøy, Mweetwa Mudenda, Hanne Keyser Hegdahl, Joseph Mumba Zulu, Taran Grønvik, Ecloss Munsaka, Choolwe Jacobs, Joar Svanemyr, Bertil Tungodden, Astrid Blystad, Linda Kampata Olowski, Mpundu Chikoya Makasa, Karen Marie Moland, Ottar Mæstad, Amani Thomas Mori, Knut Martin Fylkesnes and Patrick Musonda:

"Effectiveness of economic support, comprehensive sexuality education and community dialogue on early childbearing and sitting for grade nine exams among adolescent girls in rural Zambia: a cluster randomised trial"


Alexander W. Cappelen, Ranveig Falch, Zhongjing Huang and Bertil Tungodden

"Acceptance of Inequality Between Children: Large-Scale Experimental Evidence From China and Norway"

The Economic Journal

Ingvild Almås, Alexander W. Cappelen, Erik Ø. Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden:

"Attitudes to inequality: preferences and beliefs"

Oxford Open Economics

Stig Tenold and Sunshin Cho:

"Basic Dynamics of the Shipping Industry: Economic Cycles, Technology, and Regulation"

in The Oxford Handbook of Industry Dynamics, published by Oxford University Press. 

Björn Brey:

"The effect of recent technological change on US immigration policy"

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Working papers

Authors Title Publication

Richard Foltyn and Jonna Olsson:

"Health dynamics, life expectancy heterogeneity, and the racial gap in Social Security wealth"


Alexander W. Cappelen, Yiming Liu, Hedda Nielsen and Bertil Tungodden:

"Fairness in a Society of Unequal Opportunities"


Malte Baader, Sarah Bowen, Anna Hochleitner and Richard Mills:

"To hide or not to hide? How fear and futility affect the decision to report a mistake"


Mathias Ekström, Hallgeir Sjåstad and Kjetil Bjorvatn:

"Creating pro-environmental behavior change: Economic incentives or norm-nudges?"
