
Velkommen til Åpen dag i Kristiansand

NHH inviterer alle interesserte til Åpen dag i Kristiansand. Møt flere av dagens studenter og hør om studiemulighetene ved NHH! Du vil også møte tidligere NHH-studenter, som forteller om jobbmulighetene etter endt utdanning. Vi serverer pizza!

FAIR Seminar Kareem Haggag

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Kareem Haggag. Haggag is an Assistant Professor at the UCLA Anderson School of Management and a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). His research spans topics at the intersections of economics, psychology, and political science.

Diskutas på Litteraturhuset: Tidsparadokser

Hvordan kan vi ta tiden tilbake? Dagens ungdom både hører bøker og ser filmer i dobbel hastighet, mens eldre synes tiden går fortere jo eldre de blir. Det sies at vi dør så sakte at vi tror vi lever, men nå lever vi så raskt at noe i oss dør sakte...

FAIR Seminar Amanda E. Kowalski

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Amanda E. Kowalski. Amanda is a Professor at the University of Michigan. She is a health economist who specializes in bringing together experiments, models grounded in context-specific knowledge, and econometric techniques to answer questions that inform current debates in health policy.

FAIR Seminar Paolo Falco

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Paolo Falco. Paolo is an Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen. Dis research uses experiments to study human behaviour in different domains. Most of his work aims to understand how we can improve the functioning of labour markets and remove obstacles for the most disadvantaged workers.

Career workshop Enhancing my professional image in Norway

You will hear from our Alumni, Hadis Haydarian, how she engaged in various activities and the entrepreneurial and Start-up environment to build her Norwegian and international network You will get insights on how write a convincing CV and application letter by the Career Guides from the NHH Career Centre. And last but not least, you will learn how to connect you skills and personal strengths to what the employer is looking for.

FAIR Seminar Jean-Robert Tyran

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Jean-Robert Tyran. Jean-Robert is a Professor of Public Economics at the University of Vienna and the Director of the Vienna Center for Experimental Economics. In his research, he mainly investigates issues in Political Economy and Public Economics broadly speaking, and in particular how institutions like markets and democracy are shaped by bounded rationality and social preferences. 

Alumnipils i Oslo: Tidsparadokser

Tid er den knappeste og mest verdifulle ressursen vi har. Likevel sløser vi den bort, misforstår den og blir lurt av tidens finurlige måter å påvirke oss på. Menneskers forhold til tid er nemlig fylt av paradokser. Både i hvordan vi tenker om tid, disponerer den og blir smittet av tempoet i omgivelsene våre. Helge Thorbjørnsen er påtroppende rektor ved NHH og forfatter av boken Tidsparadokser, som gir et skråblikk på menneskers forhold til sin egen tid

FAIR Seminar Martin Nybom

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Martin Nybom. Martin is an Associate Professor (docent) at IFAU in Uppsala, a research fellow at IZA and the UCLS, Uppsala University, and associated researcher at SOFI, Stockholm University. His fields of interest are labor economics and applied micro, but especially topics such as inequality, intergenerational mobility, and the labor market effects of skills and education.

FAIR Seminar Matthew Lowe

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Matthew Lowe. Matthew is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of British Columbia and a CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar for 2023-2025. He uses field and natural experiments to study topics in behavioral, development, and political economy.

FAIR Seminar Michela M. Tincani

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Michela Tincani. Michaela is a labour economist interested in human capital.  Topics she studies include college access, non-financial barriers to education, and peer effects. Her research combines experimental, quasi-experimental, and structural econometric methods to evaluate public policies and their optimal design.

FAIR Seminar Ragan Petrie

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Ragan Petrie. Ragan is a Professor in the Department of Economics at Texas A&M University. She's an applied microeconomist who uses behavioral and experimental approaches to study topics in public and labor economics, including motives for charitable giving, gender differences in bargaining and competition, discrimination, social media and the economic preferences of children.

Faculty seminar: Ruby Doeleman

The Department of Business and Management Science and NoCeT invite you to a faculty seminar with Ruby Doeleman, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Sandmo Lecture 2025: David Card

The Sandmo Lecture On Public Policy is an annual event in honour of Professor Agnar Sandmo (1938-2019). The 2025 guest lecturer is Professor David Card, University of California, Berkeley

FAIR Seminar César Mantilla

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with César Mantilla. César is an Associate Professor in the Economics Department at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. He uses experimental methods and behavioral modeling to economic decision-making, with an affinity to the fields of development, environmental, and health economics.

FAIR Seminar Chinhui Juhn

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Chinhui Juhn. Chinhui is a Henry Graham Professor at the University of Houston. Her research interest are labour economics, wage inequality and gender.

FAIR Seminar Ronak Jain

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Ronak Jain. Ronak is an Assistant Professor of Economics of Development and Child Welfare at the University of Zurich. Her work lies at the intersection of development and behavioral economics. Her research leverages field experimentation and observational data.

Welcome to Norio 2025

The 14th Nordic workshop on Industrial Organization - NORIO - will take place at NHH Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen.

FAIR Seminar Kelly Shue

We invite you to a FAIR Seminar with Kelly Shue. Kelly is an Amman Mineral Professor of Finance at Yale School of Mangement. Her research has explored sustainable investing, the Peter Principle, compensation and promotions, gender and negotiations, the gambler's fallacy, contrast effects, and non-proportional thinking in asset pricing.

Development Economics Thrive scientific conference 2025

Thrive, on behalf of Oxford Policy Management (OPM) and the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), is hosting an international interdisciplinary conference on the topic of scaling early childhood development (ECD) programmes and policies in low-and middle -income (LMIC) countries.

For all employees Town Hall meeting and Summer lunch

Welcome to this semester’s last Town Hall meeting for employees. We will have refreshments in Speilsalen from 12.00. The Town Hall meeting will be from 12.15-13.00 in Aud Max. Immediately after the meeting we invite everyone to a Summer lunch from 13.00-15.00.

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