Walt Pohl is a Professor of Finance at the Norwegian School of Economics. His research fields are asset pricing and the application of machine learning to finance. Walt has published in Journal of Finance, Management Science, the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, and Economics Letters. Prior to joining the Norwegian School of Economics, Walt was a postdoc at the University of Zurich. Walt earned his Ph.D. in finance from the University of Texas at Dallas, and an MSc. in mathematics from Drexel University in Philadelphia.
Curriculum vitae
Walt Pohl teaches Big Data with Applications to Finance (FIE453) at the master’s level at NHH.
Ackermann, Fabian, Pohl, Walt, Schmedders, Karl: Optimal and Naive Diversification in Currency Markets, Management Science, forthcoming
Pohl, Walt, Schmedders, Karl, Wilms, Ole (2016): Asset Pricing with Non-Permanent Shocks to Consumption, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 169, 152-178.
Pohl, Walt (2016): External habit: Anything goes, Economics Letters, 146, 140-142.