Marketing and Brand Management

Marketing is the company’s window to their customers. Understanding and communicating with the existing and potential customers are key to marketing.

Customer and competitor insights provide the basis for developing sound strategies as well as optimal market positioning and effective marketing tactics. The Marketing and Brand Management profile provides students with both conceptual and empirical tools for understanding consumer and marketing strategy.

Marketing is also a field that offers a unique combination of analytical skills and creative skills. Strong analytical skills are needed to identify preferences, relevant segments, and implications of different marketing strategies. Creative skills are important to come up with product and communication ideas as well as relevant business models.

  • Subject areas

    Subject areas

    The MBM profile covers several relevant topics in marketing and brand management. There are two main foci for the MBM profile:


    Brand/marketing strategy and management is a suggestive track in the MBM profile. This includes a thorough understanding of the consumer (both theoretically but also how to obtain relevant information) to make good marketing decisions. Marketing mix decisions are also central within this track.


    Marketing analytics is a second suggestive track within the MBM profile. Recognizing the increased focus on data driven techniques and the need for analytical models to analyze and implement marketing decisions, the marketing analytics track focuses on analytical approaches and data driven techniques to inform marketing decisions.

    In addition to the two main foci, the MBM profile focuses on innovation. Marketing and innovation go hand in hand. Many innovations/new ideas fail because they do not fit consumer wants and needs. Marketing provides concepts and tools to understand consumer needs. Consequently, we do offer courses focusing on using marketing to improve success potential of innovations.

  • Structure and recommended tracks

    Structure and recommended tracks

    The MBM profile requires that you take three mandatory courses, equivalent to 22.5 ECTS, that provide a solid foundation in consumer behavior (MBM401B), empirical methods (MBM400A or MBM437), and marketing management (MBM402B or MBM433). Students can choose between two mandatory courses in empirical methods depending on what area they find most interesting and relevant for their future career or take both courses to receive a broader competence. Similarly, students can choose between two marketing management courses depending on what area they find most interesting and relevant for their future career or take both courses to receive a broader competence. Students are encouraged to take mandatory courses in the first two semesters.

    The elective courses (minimum 22.5 ECTS) allow you to focus on subject areas in marketing and brand management as well as specializing in relevant empirical methods. Below we have outlined two suggestive tracks listing course combinations that combined provide an in-depth focus within the MBM profile. These tracks are suggestive recommendations, but students are free to combine the courses in any way they want if they satisfy the requirement to mandatory courses. The course work prepares students for the independent Master’s thesis in the MBM profile, corresponding to 30 ECTS, in the fourth semester.

    We offer one basic compulsory theoretical course in consumer behavior (MBM401B). All our students in the MBM profile are required to take this course. To meet the requirements for method courses, the students can choose one out of two courses: MBM400A research for brand decisions which is a classic theory driven course (we do mainly focus on experiments) or they can choose MBM437, Introduction to data science for marketing, which takes a data driven approach to research methodology. We also offer a choice between two advanced compulsory courses, MBM402B Brand management and MBM433 Customer analytics in a digital world. Furthermore, we have several courses building on introductory courses within each track.

    Below follows a brief outline of the offered courses:

    Mandatory courses (22.5 ECTS):

    Compulsory basic theory course:

    • MBM401B Consumer behavior (7.5 ECTS) Fall

    Compulsory method course (students are required to take at least one of the following two courses):

    • MBM400A Research for brand decisions (7.5 ECTS) Fall
    • MBM437 Introduction to data science for marketing (7.5 ECTS) Fall

    Compulsory advanced course (Students are required to take at least one out of the following two courses):

    • MBM402B Brand management (7.5 ECTS) Spring
    • MBM433 Customer analytics in a digital world (7.5 ECTS) Spring

    The MBM profile contains two suggestive tracks: One in marketing management (or brand management) and one in marketing analytics.

    Suggestive tracks:

    Marketing management:

    • MBM401B Consumer behavior (7.5 ECTS) Fall
    • MBM400A Research for brand decisions (7.5 ECTS) Fall
    • MBM402B Brand management (7.5 ECTS) Spring
    • MBM428 Product development and design (7.5 ECTS) Spring
    • MBM424 Market communication effectiveness (7.5 ECTS) Spring
    • MBM431 Commercialization of innovations (7.5 ECTS) Spring
    • NBD413 Technology adoption and consumer psychology (7.5 ECTS) Spring

    Marketing analytics:

    • MBM401B Consumer behavior (7.5 ECTS) Fall
    • MBM437 Introduction to data science for marketing (7.5 ECTS) Fall
    • MBM433 Customer analytics in a digital world (7.5 ECTS) Spring
    • MBM436 Strategic marketing analytics for digital businesses (7.5 ECTS) Spring
    • BAN402 Decision modeling in business (7.5 ECTS) Spring
    • BAN404 Predictive analytics with R (7.5 ECTS) Spring

    We do offer some free general courses not listed under any of the two tracks, but still recommended.

    General marketing courses (not listed under any particular track, but still recommended):

    • MBM432 Sustainable marketing (7.5 ECTS) Fall
    • MBM435 International marketing (7.5 ECTS) Fall

    Other electives:

    • BAN401 Applied Programming and Data Analysis for Business
    • BUS446 Sustainable Business Models
    • ECN402 Econometrics
    • ECN421 Behavioral Economics
    • ETI450 Corporate Social Responsibility
    • MBM432 Sustainable marketing
    • MBM435 International Marketing
    • NBD406 Strategic Entrepreneurship
    • STR404 Strategic Analysis
    • STR421 Competitive Strategy

    Master’s thesis (30 ECTS)

    • MBMTHE Independent Work Major in MBM (30 ECTS) Spring Fall
  • Learning outcomes

    Learning outcomes

    Upon completion of the MBM major, the candidates….


    • K1: have an in-depth, up-to-date knowledge of relevant theories for marketing and brand management analysis.
    • K2: have developed solid competence in empirical methods relevant for marketing and brand management decisions.


    • S1: develop capability to update themselves and applying new knowledge within marketing, brand management and related fields throughout their career.
    • S2: have developed good analytical skills relevant for marketing and brand management decisions.
    • S3: have learned to work independently with advanced marketing and brand management problems, as well as related problems at a company and/or society level.


    • G1: develop capability to communicate with both specialists and non-specialists about marketing and brand management issues.
    • G2: have acquired knowledge of and the ability to reflect upon and take into consideration ethical and social responsibility issues when making business and marketing decisions in an organization.
    • G3: have acquired knowledge of and the ability to reflect upon and take into consideration sustainability issues when making business and marketing decisions in an organization.
    • G4: develop capability to contribute to innovation and entrepreneurship within the marketing and brand management field, as well as for the company or society in general.
  • Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability (ERS)

    Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability (ERS)

    You are required to take at least 7.5 ECTS in Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability (ERS). You can choose any course at NHH’s list of ERS courses. You can choose whether to fulfill the ERS requirement within your major, or as part of your minor, or as one of your elective courses. The following courses are approved as ERS courses within this major:

    • BUS446, ETI401 and ECN421

    See list of all ERS courses

  • Sustainability


    In the MBM profile we offer a course, Sustainable marketing (ECTS 7.5), in marketing and sustainability. However, sustainability issues are central in the other offered courses as well. Students will face many issues, discussions, and examples addressing sustainable practices in marketing.

  • International opportunities

    International opportunities

    As an NHH student, you have excellent opportunities to gain valuable international experience during your studies through semester exchange, the Double Degree programme, CEMS, Engage.EU, Intern Abroad and summer courses. In the Double Degree programme, there are many opportunities for ECN students, including Double Degrees with institutions such as Bocconi, HEC Montréal, HEC Paris, Ivey, Louvain, Luiss, Universität Mannheim, and University of Queensland.


  • Career


    The MBM major will suit students who want to work in management consulting firms, larger organizations, or governmental agencies. It will also appeal to those who foresee a career in the marketing department of private companies or organizations, including positions such as product manager, brand manager, marketing analytic or head of marketing.

    The MBM profile is also highly relevant for any kind of entrepreneurial activity. Finally, the MBM profile offers a good foundation for future studies at the PhD level.

    Read more about career opportunities for NHH graduates

  • Minor



    To take a Marketing and brand management minor as a minor, you need 22.5 ECTS from the profile’s course portfolio.

    You may want to pick one of the profile’s suggestive tracks or you may want to put together your own portfolio.

    Marketing management:

    • MBM401B Consumer behavior (7.5 ECTS) Fall 
    • MBM400A Research for brand decisions (7.5 ECTS) Fall
    • MBM402B Brand management (7.5 ECTS) Spring
    • MBM428 Product development and design (7.5 ECTS) Spring
    • MBM424 Market communication effectiveness (7.5 ECTS) Spring MBM431 Commercialization of innovations (7.5 ECTS) Spring
    • NBD413 Technology adoption and consumer psychology (7.5 ECTS) Spring

    Marketing analytics:

    • MBM401B Consumer behavior (7.5 ECTS) Fall
    • MBM437 Introduction to data science for marketing (7.5 ECTS) Fall
    • MBM433 Customer analytics in a digital world (7.5 ECTS) Spring
    • MBM436 Strategic marketing analytics for digital businesses (7.5 ECTS) Spring BAN402 Decision modeling in business (7.5 ECTS) Spring
    • BAN404 Predictive analytics with R (7.5 ECTS) Spring

    Other relevant courses:

    • MBM432 Sustainable marketing (7.5 ECTS) Fall MBM435 International marketing (7.5 ECTS) Fall