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  1. Associate Professor Carsten Bienz at the Department of Finance Professor Therese Egeland at the Department of Strategy and Management Associate Professor Kristin Rygg at the Department of Professional Communication and Intercultural Communication

    Three new excellent teaching practitioners at NHH

    NHH researchers Carsten Bienz, Therese Egeland, and Kristin Rygg have been honored with the title of "Excellent Teaching Practitioner." This prestigious award aims to foster a collegial and professional culture in teaching and learning.

  2. Investors take less risk when their own money is on the line

    The more of a manager's wealth is tied to her fund, the less risk she takes and the smaller is each individual investment, according to a NHH study picked up by the «Institutional Investor», New York Times DealBook and other media.

  3. Ownership, Wealth, and Risk Taking: Evidence on Private Equity Fund Managers

    New Working Paper by Associate Professor Carsten Bienz, Professor Karin S. Thorburn and Professor Uwe Walz.

  4. PE sector in unique position to combat climate change

    ‘The finance sector cannot stay indifferent to the climate changes. PE companies must take a more active role in the development of an environmentally friendly planet,’ says financial researcher Carsten Bienz.

  5. Workshop on Organisational Economics 2016

    The Workshop on Organisational Economics takes place in the meeting room on the 9th floor.

  6. Investing in sustainability – but what are the effects?

    Investors around the world are developing environmentally friendly solutions. The growth of green finance is accelerating at record speed. ‘They are now asking themselves how they can make the effects of their investments visible,’ says NHH researcher Carsten Bienz.

  7. Carsten Bienz

    Why your PE investment won’t make you rich

    Private Equity has become one of the most controversially discussed asset classes in Norway and beyond. It lures investors with promises of high returns.

  8. Crowdfunding taking off

    With the help of fan donations, game developer Chris Roberts has raised USD 183 mill to develop the popular game Wing Commander. Now, more and more people in Norway are jumping onto the crowdfunding wave.

  9. Argentum Centre for Private Equity

    The Argentum Centre for Private Equity was a research centre concentrating on Private Equity, based at NHH - Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen, Norway. The centre’s mission was to produce objective research of the highest quality on all topics related to Nordic Private Equity.

  10. People at STOP

    Researchers at the Strategy, Organisation and Performance group.

  11. Seminar introducing The Norsif Guide

    How to focus effectively on the material ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) topics when assessing and valuing a company? How to integrate ESG in company valuation in a relevant way? These are the topics of a new draft guide.

  12. Benedicte Schilbred Fasmer: Curious about Finance?

    Have you ever wondered what it means to work in the Finance Industry? Are you considering to take Finance as your major? Benedicte Schilbred Fasmer, Head of DNB’s Corporate Banking, is coming to NHH on 29 April to talk to students that are curious about how the finance industry really works.

  13. Fintech Initiative

    FinTech is a shortcut for the use of digital technologies in Finance, ranging from web-based applications to digital processes as well as machine learning and big data analysis in financial intermediation and financial markets.

  14. Crowdfunding. Bitcoin. Machine learning

    – The impact of informational technology is expected to radically restructure how finance is practiced, Walter Pohl says. On Friday 8 June NHH is hosting the 2018 Bergen FinTech Conference.

  15. NFN Workshop NFN Workshop

    The Nordic Finance Network and NHH's Department of Finance are hosting a Workshop for Finance PhD Students based in the Nordics.

  16. Photo of  Embla Jansen og Stine-Mari Stavik.

    Won national master’s award

    Embla Jansen and Stine-Mari Stavik won the ISACA Norway Chapter's award for best master's thesis. They have examined how the share market reacted to 42 of the world’s biggest cyberattacks.

  17. Topics for master thesis

    The Faculty at the Department of Finance can supervise in all the fields of Finance. Here is a list of potential topics and supervisors. Please contact us if you would like to discuss topics for your master thesis.

  18. People at CCF

    Researchers at NHH's Centre for Corporate Finance.

  19. National master thesis award to Jansen and Stavik

    Embla Jansen and Stine-Mari Stavik are the winners of the ISACA Norway Chapters award for best master's thesis. They have examined how the stock market reacted to 42 of the world's largest hacks.

  20. PhD defence: Chunbo Liu

    On Monday 30 May 2016 Chunbo Liu will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.

  21. CAM research

    Selected publications from CAM-affiliated researchers.

  22. Private Equity

    NHH Norwegian School of Economics and Finance Society Norway invite you to a brand new executive programme in Private Equity.

  23. Defense: Corporate Finance

    On Monday 20 August 2018 Varun Verma will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.

  24. Is the crowd wise?

    The wisdom of the crowd in crowdfunding markets helps improve the decision making of the individuals, according to several studies. But is the crowd (really) wise?

  25. Master's thesis Information meeting

    Are you planning to write your master's thesis in the autumn of 2024? Welcome to an information meeting where you will learn about rules and regulations, and get tips and advice for your work on the master’s thesis.

  26. Competition and the Use of Credit Lines

    On Wednesday 8 June 2022 Zhou Lu will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.

  27. On Monday 29 August 2022 Michael Axenrod will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.

    «Essays on Empirical Corporate Finance»

    On Monday 29 August 2022 Michael Axenrod will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.

  28. Jing Lan

    How entrepreneurs make decisions and raise capital

    On Tueday 6 September 2022 Jing Lan will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend her thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.

  29. Venture Capital, Private Equity and IPO's

    FIE436 (7.5 Stp)
  30. Tidligere konferanser

    Program fra tidligere års alumnikonferanser.

  31. Previous lunch seminars