Guest Lecture from Magnus Andresen (Skatteetaten) on the use of AEOI-data in a tax administration
On February 8, 2023 NHH and NoCeT had the pleasure to welcome Magnus Andresen as guest lecturer for the master courses “Taxes and Business Strategy” and “Personal Finance and Taxation”.
Magnus is manager at the analytics department of Skatteetaten and he is part of the AEOI Assessment Panel at the OECD Global Forum on Tax Transparency. Domestically, his team has worked on introducing new foreign data into the Norwegian tax administration.
During his lecture, he provided insights into the work of the Norwegian Tax Authority in collecting and analyzing the data on foreign financial accounts as those from the Common Reporting Standard.
So far, the automatic exchange of information on financial assets has substantially improved tax authorities’ knowledge about income and wealth held abroad from their respective resident taxpayers. Using advanced analytics has proved fundamental to making the best use of these new data on foreign financial assets.
The vision is to be able to combine the foreign data collected under the CRS with the domestic data to pre-fill tax return data in an automatic manner. This will ensure compliance for all taxpayers with foreign income and wealth.
If you are interested in the slide from this guest lecture, please contact Elisa Casi-Eberhard (elisa.casi@nhh.no).