David Heller, Pantelis Karapanagiotis, Øivind A. Nilsen: Small and vulnerable during crises? Firm size and financing constraint dynamics. Small Business Economics, 2025.
Timo Boppart, Karl Harmenberg, John Hassler, Per Krusell, Jonna Olsson: Integrated Epi-Econ Assessment: Quantitative Theory. Quantitative Economics, 2025.
Jonna Olsson, Singles, couples, and their labor supply: long-run trends and short-run fluctuations AEJ: Macroeconomics, 2025.
Astrid Kunze, Claudia Goldin: Nobel Laureate 2023 and Her Impact on Understanding Women’s Position in the Labour Market. BETA - Scandinavian Journal of Business Research, 2024.
Ola Honningdal Grytten, Chapter in book: Protestantisk etikk og kapitalismens ånd på Nord-Vestlandet in Protestantisk etikk og kapitalistisk ånd? Næringslivshistorie frå Møre og Romsdal. Museumsforlaget, 2024.
Ola Honningdal Grytten, four chapters in book:, The banking crisis in Norway 1987–1993, The Great Depression in Norway, The Norwegian monetary crisis in the mid-1920s, The post-war depression in Norway in the early 1920s. Elgar Encyclopedia of Financial Crises, 2024.
Björn Brey, The effect of recent technological change on US immigration policy. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2024.
Björn Brey, Erik van der Marel. The role of human-capital in artificial intelligence adoption. Economics Letters, 2024.
Gozde Corekcioglu, Marco Francesconi, Astrid Kunze. Expansions in paid parental leave and mothers' economic progress. European Economic Review, 2024.
Kai Liu, Benjapon Prommawin, Fred Schroyen.
Health insurance, agricultural production and investments. Journal of Health Economics, 2024.
- Øivind Anti Nilsen, Arvid Raknerud.Dynamics of first-time patenting firms. Research Policy, 2024.
Richard Foltyn, Jonna Olsson.
Subjective Life Expectancies, Time Preference Heterogeneity, and Wealth Inequality. Quantitative Economics, 2024.
Zenonas Norkus, Jurgita Markeviciute, Ola Honningdal Grytten, Janis Silins, Adomas Klimantas. Benchmarking Latvia’s economy: a new estimate of gross domestic product in the 1930s. Cliometrica, 2024.
Wilfried Pauwels, Fred Schroyen. "The legal incidence of ad valorem taxes matters". Journal of Economics, 2024.
Fred Schroyen. "The importance of correcting for health-related survey non-response when estimating health expectancies: Evidence from The HUNT Study". Demographic Research, 2024
Guilherme Lichand, Julien Christen, Eppie Van Egeraat. "Neglecting students' socio-emotional skills magnified learning losses during the pandemic: Experimental Evidence from Brazil". NPJ Science of Learning, 2024.
Ola Honningdal Grytten, Zenonas Norkus, Jurgita Markevicute, Janis Silins. A long-run perspective on Latvian regional gross domestic product inequality, 1925-2016. Baltic Journal of Economics, 2024.
Ola Honningdal Grytten, Viktoriia Koilo. The Size of the Offshore Sector in the Norwegian Economy. Scandinavian Economic History Review, 2024.
Jeanette Fjære-Lindkjenn, Knut Are Aastveit, Markus Karlman, Karin Kinnerud, Ragnar Juelsrud, Ella Getz Wold. Hvordan virker utlånsforskriften? En oppsummering av forskningslitteraturen. Samfunnsøkonomen, Utgave 2, 2024
Tim D. Maurer, Thomas Nitschka. Stock market evidence on the international transmission channels of US monetary policy surprises. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2023.
Adomas Klimantas, Zenonas Norkus, Jurgita Markevičiūtė, Ola Honningdal Grytten and Jānis Šiliņš. Reinventing Perished "Belgium of the East": New Estimates of GDP for Inter-War Latvia (1920-1939). Cliometrica, 2023.
Lichand, Guilherme, Julien Christen, and Eppie van Egeraat. Behavioral Nudges Reduced Dropout Risk among Vulnerable Students during the Pandemic: Experimental Evidence from Brazil. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2023.
Timo Boppart, Per Krusell and Jonna Olsson. Labor supply when productivity keeps growing. Review of Economic Dynamics, 2023.
Edoardo Acabbi, Cristina Barcelo, Antoine Berteau, Andreas Gulyas, Stefano Lombardi and Raffaele Saggio.The Unequal Consequences of Job Loss across Countries. American Economic Review: Insights, September 2023.
Sebastian Axbard and Zichen Deng. Informed Enforcement: lessons from pollution monitoring in China. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, forthcoming.
Chiara Canta, Øivind Anti Nilsen and Simen A. Ulsaker. Competition and risk taking in local bank markets: evidence from the business loans segment. Journal of Empirical Finance, 73(September), 2023.
Paul Pelzl and María Teresa Valderrama. Capital Regulations and the Management of Credit Commitments during Crisis Times Review of Finance, 2023.
Paul Pelzl and Steven Poelhekke. Democratization, leader education and growth: firm-level evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Economic Growth, February, 2023.
Ola Honningdal Grytten. Nasjonalbudsjettet og statsbudsjettet for 2024: En budsjettbalanse som krever høye skatter, men likevel kan svekkes. Samfunnsøkonomen, 2023.
Zenonas Norkus, Jurgita Markevičiūtė, Ola Grytten and Gatis Krūminš. Demographic Continuity as a Necessary Condition of Performable Post-communist Token Social Restorations. Filosofija Sociologija, 2023.
Wilko Letterie and Øivind A. Nilsen. Pricing Behaviour and Menu Costs in Multi-product Firms. Economica. March 2022
Liam Brunt and Cecilia Garcia-Peñalosa. Urbanization and the Onset of Modern Economic Growth. Economic Journal, 132(642), 2022, 512-45.
Liam Brunt and Edmund Cannon. English Farmers’ Wheat Storage and Sales in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries. Economic History Review, 75(3), 2022, 932-59.
Zichen Deng and Maarten Lindeboom. Early-life Famine Exposure, Hunger Recall and Later-life Health. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 37(4), 2022
Zichen Deng and Maarten Lindeboom. A Bit of Salt, A Trace of Life: gender norms and the impact of a salt iodization program on human capital formation. Journal of Health Economics, 83, 2022
Norkus, Zenonas, Domantas Jasilionis, Ola Honningdal Grytten, Ilmārs Mežs, and Martin Klesment. Mortality transition in the interwar Baltic states: findings from cross-country comparison of new life tables. Scandinavian Economic History Review, 2022
Jan Tore Klovland. The price of neutrality: ocean freight rates and shipping policy towards the Northern Neutrals during the First World War. Scandinavian Economic History Review, 2021
Ola Honningdal Grytten. Revising growth history: new estimates of GDP for Norway, 1816-2019. The Economic History Review, 2021
Karlman, Markus, Kinnerud, Karin, Kasper Kragh-Sørensen. 2021. Costly reversals of bad policies: The case of the mortgage interest deduction. Review of Economic Dynamics.
Floden Martin Flodén, Matilda Kilström, Jósef Sigurdsson, Roine Vestman. 2021. Household Debt and Monetary Policy: Revealing the Cash-Flow Channel. The Economic Journal.
Grytten, Ola Honningdal, Hunnes, John A. 2021. Ethics, resource rent, environment and petroleum policy: the case of a small open economy. Environmental Economics.
Harding Torfinn, Julika Herzberg, Karlygash Kuralbayeva. 2021. Commodity prices and robust environmental regulation: Evidence from deforestation in Brazil. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
Nilsen, Øivind. A., H. Skuterud and I. Webster. 2021. Price change synchronization within and between firms. Economics Letters.
Pelzl, Paul; Poelhekke, Steven. 2021. Good mine, badmine: Natural resource heterogeneity and Dutch disease in Indonesia. Journal of International Economics.
Costello Christopher, Ling Cao, Stefan Gelcich, Miguel A. Cisneros-Mata, Christopher M. Free, Halley E. Froehlich, Christopher D. Golden, Gakushi Ishimura, Jason Maier, Ilan Macadam-Somer, Tracey Mangin, Michael C. Melnychuk, Masanori Miyahara, Carryn de Moor, Rosamond Naylor, Linda Nøstbakken, Elena Ojea, Erin O'Reilly, Ana M. Parma, Andrew J. Plantinga, Shakuntala H. Thilsted, and Jane Lubchenco. 2020.
The future of food from the sea. Nature.
Folgerø, I. K., Harding, T., and B. S. Westby.2020. Going Fast or Going Green? Evidence from Environmental Speed Limits in Norway. Transportation Research part D: Transport and Environment.
Grytten, Ola Honningdal. 2020. Revising price history: consumer price index for Norway 1492–2018. Scandinavian Economic History Review.
Grytten, Ola Honningdal; Lindmark, Magnus; Minde, Kjell Bjørn. 2020. The wealth of nations and sustainable development: energy intensity and the environmental Kuznets curve. Environmental Economics.
Harding, T., R. Stefanski and G. Toews. 2020. Boom Goes The Price: Giant resource discoveries and real exchange rate appreciation. The Economic Journal.
Nilsen, Ø. A. 2020. The labor market in Norway, 2000–2018. IZA World of Labor.
Nilsen, Ø. A., A. Raknerud, and D. C. Iancu. 2020. Public R&D Support and Firm Performance: A Multivariate Dose-Response Analysis. Research Policy.
Almås, Ingvild; Freddi, Eleonora; Thøgersen, Øystein. 2019. Saving and Bequest in China: An Analysis of Intergenerational Exchange. Economica.
Arin, K. Peren; Braunfels, Elias; Doppelhofer, Gernot Peter. 2019. Revisiting the growth effects of fiscal policy: A Bayesian model averaging approach. Journal of Macroeconomics.
Attanasio, Orazio; Kovacs, Agnes; Molnar, Krisztina. 2019. Euler Equations, Subjective Expectations and Income Shocks. Economica.
Crespo Cuaresma, Jesus; Doppelhofer, Gernot Peter; Feldkircher, Martin; Huber, Florian. 2019. Spillovers from US monetary policy: evidence from a time varying parameter global vector auto-regressive model. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society).
Cust, J., T. Harding, and PL. Vezina. 2019. Dutch Disease Resistance: Evidence from Indonesian Firms. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
Cust, J., T. Harding. 2019. Institutions and the Location of Oil Exploration. Journal of the European Economic Association.
Durmaz, T., and F. Schroyen. 2019. Evaluating carbon capture and storage in a climate model with endogenous technical change. Climate Change Economics.
Grytten, Ola Honningdal. 2019. Public finances, governance control and economic growth: a macroeconomic history approach. Investment Management and Financial Innovations.
Grytten, Ola Honningdal; Koilo, Viktoriia. 2019. Financial instability, institutional development and economic crisis in Eastern Europe. Investment Management and Financial Innovations.
May, N. G., and Ø. A. Nilsen. 2019. The Local Economic Impact of Wind Power Deployment. FinanzArchiv / Public Finance Analysis.
Mele, Antonio; Molnar, Krisztina; Santoro, Sergio. 2019. On the perils of stabilizing prices when agents are learning. Journal of Monetary Economics.
Nilsen, Ø. A., and M. Vange. 2019. Intermittent Price Changes in Production Plants: Empirical Evidence using Monthly Data. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.
Macro-micro will contribute to a better understanding of how the transition away from a petroleum-based economy may affect the efficiency of resource allocations. The project will study the drivers, spillovers and challenges resource rich economies face and discuss Norway’s challenges in connection with technological change, robotisation and digitalization. Macro-micro will analyse inequalities arising from business cycles and challenges to the sustainability of the welfare state and study the heterogeneous effects of macroeconomic policy in Norway, addressing business cycle conditions, the shift to a greener economy, and the management of the Government Pension Fund.
Read more on the Macro-micro project page.
Challenges to shaping an inclusive work-life in rapidly changing labour markets: Firms, Human capital, and Family policy
Why are women still underrepresented in top positions, despite the fact that women have reached high education levels and labour market participation? How do careers and strategic human capital, job assignment and work organisation in firms impact gender inequalities? Do governmental policies alter wages and careers in firms? The NFR project EquiFirm aims to provide new insights on these questions of primary interest to academics, politicians, and business by analysing them from the lens of the firm.
To answer these questions EquiFirm will develop new measures of human capital development and careers within firms taking account of the organisation structure internal to firms. These are then combined with natural experiments through public policy changes, such as social and family policies. To derive quantitative results, EquiFirm will build a high-quality administrative register database of merged information on firms and workers. Combining new insights in human capital, natural experiments and high-quality data, EquiFirm aims to unfold a detailed picture of adjustments within firms. These include adjustments related to input factors to production, firm entries and closures, organisation and management as well as effects on individual labour market outcomes. Finally, EquiFirm intends to expand our understanding of the cost-effectiveness of public policies and their effects on social equality from the firm perspective. EquiFirm combines methods and interdisciplinary perspectives from economics, sociology, psychology, organization theory and finance.
Work, wealth, and welfare
«I3W – Inequality in work, wealth, and welfare» aims at generating empirical knowledge and novel theories to explain the joint distribution of work, wealth, and welfare in the population using macroeconomic theory, structural quantitative models, and micro data.
`My goal as a researcher is to understand the extent of the drivers behind, and the aggregate consequences of the inequality we observe in society. However, inequality is a multi-dimensional concept, and with this project I hope to contribute to our understanding of inequality in society at the intersection of macroeconomics, labor, health, and demography´, says Jonna Olsson.
Jonna Olsson has been awarded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Fellowship of approximately NOK 2.4 million.
Read more on Paraplyen.