Cited in The Conversation
Discussion paper "Will Artficial Intelligence Get in the Way of Achieving Gender Equality?" has been cited in an article in The Conversation. The discussion paper is authored by Daniel Carvajal, Catalina Franco and Siri Isaksson.
A discussion paper by Daniel Carvajal, Catalina Franco, and Siri Isaksson has been cited in a recent article on The Conversation titled "Generative AI at school, work and the hospital - the risks and rewards laid bare."
'Yet, it must be carefully implemented to avoid perpetuating or introducing biases, not only in terms of the information that is fed into AIs but also how they are used. For instance, a study revealed that female students report using ChatGPT less frequently than their male counterparts. This disparity in technology usage could not only have immediate effects on academic achievement, but also contribute to a future gender gap in the workforce.'
Read the full article here: https://theconversation.com/generative-ai-at-school-work-and-the-hospital-the-risks-and-rewards-laid-bare-227967