Akshay A. Moorthy defended his PhD
On Thursday 26 September 2024 Akshay Arun Moorthy held a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defended his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH. Thesis: «Essays on the formation and identification of economic preferences».
Akshay Moorthy's thesis consists of three papers related to the identification, heterogeneity, and formative mechanisms of economic preferences. The papers draw on insights and methods from behavioural and experimental economics, the economics of culture and identity, political economy, comparative development, and psychology.
Members of the evaluation committee:
Professor Sissel Jensen (leader), Department of Economics, NHH
Professor Holger Herz, University of Fribourg
Senior Researcher Julien Senn, University of Zurich
Professor Bertil Tungodden (main supervisor), Department of Economics and FAIR, NHH
Professor Erik Ø. Sørensen, Department of Economics and FAIR, NHH