Happy International Women's Day!
At FAIR we celebrate International Women’s Day, by promoting our focus on gender equality in academia.
Together with the RCN Balance project Women in Economics Network (WomEN), we build a networking platform that fosters interactions among female economists and increases the visibility of research projects led by women.
To maintain this platform for interaction during a time when traveling has become difficult, WomEN established a new series of 30-minute virtual networking meetings targeted at female economists in all Nordic countries. In 2020, Helena Skyt Nielsen (Aarhus University), Sandra Black (Columbia University), Katrine Løken (NHH), Eliana La Ferrara (Bocconi University), and Anna Dreber Almberg (Stockholm School of Economics) talked about the refereeing, presenting, networking, and other career promoting topics to a group of 60-100 female economists.
Program for spring 2021:
March 31: Anna Aizer
April 7: Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan
May 26: Claudia Sahm
Meetings will start at 15.00 CET.
You can reach us by sending us an email at fair@nhh.no