Katrine Løken Appointed Member of Expert Committee on Gender Differences in School
The CELE and FAIR researcher Katrine V. Løken is appointed member of an expert committee that will study gender differences in school performance.

The committee will look at the drivers behind gender differences in school performance, and suggest measures to prevent such differences from arising. Their work will result in an Norwegian Official Report, which is due on February 1, 2019.
- Director Camilla Stoltenberg (chair)
- Research director Terje Ogden,
- Professor Arne Ola Lervåg
- Professor Katrine Vellesen Løken
- Associate Professor Ingrid Fylling
- Professor Rune Hausstätter
- Director Camilla Trud Nereid
- Teacher Hanan Mohamed Abdelrahman
- Child care and youth worker Mats Monsen.
- Advisor Mats A. Kirkebirkeland, Oslo.
- Leader Rahman Akhtar Chaudhry, Oslo