Collaboration between FAIR and East China Normal University (ECNU)
Ranveig Falch, PhD student at FAIR, is currently in Shanghai as part of a collaboration between FAIR and East China Normal University (ECNU).
Ranveig Falch, PhD student at FAIR, is currently in Shanghai as part of a collaboration between FAIR and East China Normal University (ECNU). The goal of the visit is to continue the collaboration between ECNU and FAIR through professors Bertil Tungodden and Alexander Cappelen. The new collaboration will be concerned with the development of fairness preferences.
In addition to giving a presentation about FAIR, Falch helped organize a pilot study for a new project concerning the development of fairness preferences in children. In collaboration with Prof. Huang at ECNU and a number of PhD and master students, the pilot was carried out in a primary school in Shanghai.
Read about ECNU