About FAIR

About FAIR

Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality (FAIR) is a unique platform for collaboration between the Centre for Empirical Labor Economics and The Choice Lab.

FAIR constitutes a unique platform for long-term collaboration between the research groups The Choice Lab and the Centre for Empirical Labor Economics and a truly multidisciplinary and outstanding set of national and international collaborators.

The centre is managed by a scientific coordination group, director Bertil Tungodden, deputy-directors Alexander Wright Cappelen and Kjell Gunnar Salvanes, four principal investigators Ingvild Almås, Sandra E. Black, Katrine Vellesen Løken, and Erik Øiolf Sørensen and the leader of FAIR Insight Team Kjetil Bjorvatn..

FAIR Insight Team actively disseminates research findings to the public and relevant stakeholders and initiates applied research projects in collaboration with governments, non-governmental organizations and companies. Nationally, it collaborates closely with the Centre for Applied Research at NHH (SNF), internationally it collaborates with the International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP, Princeton University), Center for Effective Global Action at University of California (CEGA, University of California, Berkeley) and Global Insights Initiative (GINI, World Bank).

The Women in Economics Network (WomEN) is a platform for interactions among female economists with the aim to and promote gender balance in academic leadership positions. WomEN is linked to FAIR, and is a part of NHH’s effort to improve gender equality. The network is funded by Research Council of Norway under the BALANSE framework. 

FAIR consists of over 60 members including scientific coordination group, faculty, visiting professors, leading collaborators, PhD students, administrative staff and affiliated researchers, in addition to many short and long time guest researchers. 

NHH Norwegian School of Economics is the host institution of FAIR and is strongly committed to this research initiative. FAIR represents a critical step for the long-term development of excellent research at NHH. FAIR is situated at the Department of Economics at NHH and was established as a Centre of Excellence (CoE) in 2017 with funding from The Research Council of Norway. 

FAIR Annual Report 2024 (pdf) FAIR Annual Report 2023 (pdf)
FAIR Annual Report 2022 (pdf) FAIR Annual Report 2021 (pdf)
FAIR Annual Report 2020 (pdf) FAIR annual report 2019 (pdf)
FAIR annual report 2018 (pdf)  



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