New article by Ringstad and Tselika
The article "Connectedness between green bonds, clean energy markets and carbon quota prices: Time and frequency dynamics" has been published in Journal of Commodity Markets.
The article "Connectedness between green bonds, clean energy markets and carbon quota prices: Time and frequency dynamics" has been published in Journal of Commodity Markets.
The article "Beyond Hawks and Doves: Can inequality ease coordination?" has been published in Economic Theory.
The article "Patent Protection and the Transition to Clean Technology" has been published in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
The article "The reliability pricing model and coal-fired generators in PJM" has been published in Energy Economics.
The article "Who benefits from postponement in multi-period supply channel optimization?" has been published in Omega. The International Journal of Management Science.
The article "Wise use of renewable energy in transport" has been published in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.
– Ved å samarbeide med andre institusjoner og næringslivet styrker vi alle parter, og forener kompetanse for bærekraftig verdiskapning, sier Malin Arve, prorektor for forskning på NHH
Energiomstilling Vest (EOV) partnerne har fått innvilget RFF Vest-forprosjektet "PRE-DECOR - Decommissioning Regulation and Contractual Implications” og har nylig startet opp arbeidet.
The article "Ecosystem wealth in the Barents Sea" has been published in Ecological Economics.
The ENE centre has, together with the University of Bergen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) and NORCE, created the knowledge cluster Energiomstilling VEST.
Master / PhD students and junior researchers may apply for scholarships until October 15 2018.
Master / PhD students and junior researchers may apply for scholarships until March 15 2018.
Master / PhD students and junior researchers may apply for scholarships or for the participation in the interdisciplinary Summer Academy until October 15 2017.
Master / PhD students and junior researchers may apply for scholarships or for the participation in the interdisciplinary Summer Academy until March 15 2017.
Latest news from ENE