Perspectives on Phraseology
On Friday 8 April 2022, Jose Luis Rojas Diaz will hold a trial lecture on a prescribed topic and defend his thesis for the PhD degree at NHH.
The topic for the trial lecture:
"Metaphor and metonymy"
Trial lecture:
14:15, NHH / Zoom
Title of the thesis:
"Perspectives on Phraseology from Lexicography, Terminology, and Translation: from Language for General Purposes to Language for Specific Purposes"
Every day, globalization, integration, and economic opening processes, as well as interdisciplinary communication and high technological progress, generate knowledge in diverse disciplines and science, thus increasing the vocabulary of their discourses. A significant number of professional and specialized users including translators, subject field experts, proofreaders, and publishing house editors use such vocabulary (including terms, multiword expressions, and phraseological units) allowing them to act as intermediaries in different oral and written communicative acts.
Lorente Casafont (2002) states that there is a significant problem when users look for multiword expressions or phraseological units in a dictionary: "The users of specialized vocabularies need information about recurrent terminological combinations, […] information which cannot be found in most of the existing resources". Moreover, the author highlights two main problems framed in the study of phraseology within general and specialized lexicographic resources (e.g., dictionaries and databases):
(i) the difficulties regarding the indexation of PUs and
(ii) the lack of descriptive studies on phraseology.
These problems have been of interest to several scholars proceeding from diverse traditions and languages during the last two decades.
Nevertheless, there is still the need for more research on specialized phraseological units, and the parameters that allow differentiating PUs in language for general purposes, e.g., abogado del diablo / devil’s advocate, from SPUs in language for specific purposes, e.g., letra de cambio mutilada / mutilated bill.
This PhD dissertation aims to fill the gap by offering a new definition and a taxonomy of specialized phraseological units based on data extracted from phraseological entries and equivalents from general and specialized dictionaries.
16:15, NHH / Zoom
Members of the evaluation committee:
Associate Professor Margrete Dyvik Cardona (leader of the committee), Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication
Professor Marie Claude L`Homme, Universite de Montreal
Associate Professor Ramon Marti Solano, Universite de Limoges
Professor Gisle Andersen (main supervisor), Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication
Associate Professor Beate Sandvei, Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication
The trial lecture and thesis defense will be open to the public.