Among the best business schools in Europe
NHH is ranked as number 55 on the Financial Times’ overall ranking, and has thus climbed seven places compared with last year's ranking.
On Monday 6 December, the Financial Times announced its overall ranking of the 95 best business schools in Europe. The overall ranking is the sum of the five sub-rankings conducted during the year.
‘We are one of the best business schools in Europe, and we are delighted to have the best master's degree programme in Norway again this year. That said, it's our clear goal to climb on this list,’ says Rector Øystein Thøgersen.
The Financial Times’ overall ranking emphasises graduates’ pay and careers, but the programmes’ international orientation and diversity are also taken into account. The five sub-categories are weighted as follows:
- Global MBA (25 per cent)
- Masters in Management (25 per cent)
- Executive MBA (25 per cent)
- Executive Education Open Programmes (12.5 per cent)
- Executive Education Custom Programmes (12.5 per cent)
The same schools as last year are in the top positions, with HEC Paris in France in first place, followed by the London Business School and Insead. Seventeen of the business schools on the list are CEMS schools, including HEC Paris, Bocconi University in Italy and the University of St.Gallen in Switzerland. CEMS is an international master's degree programme (CEMS MIM) offered at a number of leading business schools. NHH is Norway’s only member of the CEMS network.
The ranking also includes several business schools that are members of the European ENGAGE alliance, of which NHH is also a member. They include the University of Mannheim in Germany, Tilburg University in the Netherlands and WU Vienna University of Economics and Business in Austria.
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