NHH Alumna Died in Plane Crash
NHH has received the sad news that former student Karoline Aadland died in the plane crash in Ethiopia on Sunday 10 March.

Karoline Aadland (28) was a student at NHH until the spring of 2018.
She was in on assignment for her employer, the Norwegian Red Cross, when the plane she was on crashed on the way from Addis Abeba to Nairobi on Sunday.
A remembrance table has is set up in the foyer by the entrance to the Service Centre in NHH’s main building.
Students who wish to talk to someone in connection with the death can contact the student psychologist via The student welfare organisation in Bergen (Sammen) by telephone 932 63 776.
The Student Chaplains in Bergen are also available and can be contacted by phone or e-mail.
Contact information to Bergen Student Chaplaincy
NHH wishes to express grief over Karoline Aadland's untimely death and sympathy and compassion for all those involved.
NHH interviewed Karoline Aadland while she was an NHH student and a Unicef intern in January 2018: