Fight against corruption in shipping

slettemark søreide
Guro Slettemark, Secretary general Transparency International and Tina Søreide, Professor of Law and Economics at the Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law. Photo: Hallvard Lyssand

20 April 2017 14:06

(updated: 20 April 2017 15:00)

Fight against corruption in shipping

Key players in Norwegian shipping attended a seminar at NHH this week. Representatives from Grieg Star, Odfjell, DOF and Wilh.Wilhelmsen met experts in crime and governance.

Many export-oriented enterprises in the industry is experiencing challenges with crime, demands for bribes in ports, high-level corruption, and other forms of unfair competition.

Unless the authorities solve the problem, what can the industry do? This was the theme of the NHH seminar which was organized by the NHH student group Skipsfart- og transportgruppen, Norwegian School of Economics and Norwegian Shipowners Association.

Photos by Hallvard Lyssand:

Nikos Passas, Professor of criminology and criminal justice at Northeastern University.
Camilla Grieg, Group CEO Grieg Star Group and co-owner of the Grieg Group.
Sindre Stovner, NHH student and member of STG group.

Such challenges are difficult to handle alone. How can companies collaborate in putting pressure on governments for better conditions?

Tina Søreide, Professor of Law and Economics at the Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law and Centre for Ethics and Social Responsibility and Guro Slettemark, Secretary general Transparency International.

Camilla Grieg, Group CEO Grieg Star Group and co-owner of the Grieg Group.

Morten Torkildsen, COO Wilh. Wilhelmsen Holding ASA.

Nikos Passas, Professor of criminology and criminal justice at Northeastern University, and co-director of the Institute for Security and Public Policy.

Other representatives from the industry were Jan Kristian Haukeland (CCO, DOF Subsea) and Øisten Jensen (Senior Vice President, Odfjell SE).

Associated Professor Lars Jakob Tynes Pedersen was the discussion leader of the day.

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