Before Departure
Lay the foundations for a good exchange as soon as the host institution has admitted you into the exchange programme. Make sure your visa, vaccinations and insurances are updated. Research and learn more about the ins and outs of your host country. The list below may help you prepare for your exchange semester.
Students going on exchange have to register and pay a semester fee at NHH.
Semester Fee
- Register your exchange in Studentweb, with "UTVEKSLING, 30 ECTS" before you leave. You don't need to register for any courses or exams at NHH.
- NHH will recognize the courses you took on exchange after you return. The courses will be registered as passed. Failed courses will not be recognized.
- You may register for an examination attempt at NHH during your exchange.
Exchange Contract
Exchange Contract
- Students who have accepted an offer in the exchange program have to submit an exchange contract.
- The information submitted in the contract will be used by NHH in the case of an emergency.
- Update your contact information in Studentweb with your adress abroad.
Do you want to withdraw from the exchange program?
Withdraw your Exchange
Withdraw your Exchange
- If you wish to withdraw your exchange, you must send an email to You will also have to inform the host institution.
- You may withdraw from the exchange program at any time, regardless of reason.
- Undergraduate students who withdraw in the fourth semester without a valid reason will be penalized in the sixth semester.
- Withdrawal from the undergraduate exchange program will not affect your graduate exchange application.
Postpone your Exchange
Postpone your Exchange
- You may not postpone your exchange by a semester or a year unless you can document a valid reason, e.g. a medical issue.
- Graduate students cannot move their exchange semester from autumn to spring or spring to autumn without a valid, documented reason.
- Medical documentation or certification needs to include a specific diagnosis. NHH will assess whether your illness or diagnosis qualifies you for a postponement or semester change.
Conflict Situations
Conflict Situations
- Unfortunately, international or local conflicts may arise in the host city/region/country you are going on exchange to. NHH follows the Foreign Ministry's travel advice, and does not cancel exchanges unless the Foreign Ministry warns Norwegian citizens or students studying at Norwegian universities against traveling there.
- Nevertheless, you are free to withdraw from the exchange program or decline the offered place. Please note that you will not receive any special treatment and you may not alter your priority list after the deadline has passed.
There are different ways of funding your exchange.
Erasmus+ Grant
Erasmus+ Grant
- If you're going on exchange in Europe (except Switzerland and the U.K.), you are eligible to receive an Erasmus+ grant. Double Degree and CEMS students will also receive a grant.
Nordplus Grant
Nordplus Grant
- You may receive a Nordplus grant instead of an Erasmus+ grant if you're going on exchange in the Nordics. The Nordplus grant is smaller than the Erasmus+ grant, but offers certain benefits, e.g. guaranteed housing at the University of Gothenburg.
Pre-Approval of Courses
Research the courses on offer at the graduate level to exchange students at your host institution. You can apply for pre-approval of courses here.
Previously Approved Courses
Previously Approved Courses
- You may find the list of previously pre-approved courses on Canvas, in the group "International Opportunities". You may also apply for pre-approval of new courses.
- If there are few previously pre-approved courses, it may mean that the host institution is a new partner, or that it offers few courses to exchange students.
Mandatory Courses
Mandatory Courses
- You may only take electives from the elective component of your degree while on exchange. The courses which make up your specialisation/major component must be taken av NHH.
Processing Time
Processing Time
- Our processing time is maximum three weeks. We process applications on an ongoing basis, but certain periods may be incredibly busy. You should therefore send us your application as soon as possible.
- Our office is closed during "fellesferien" in July and during the Christmas holidays, so make sure you send us your application well ahead of time.
- The "European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System", or ECTS, is the common European credit system. All higher institutions in Norway utilize ECTS. 1 ECTS = 1 Norwegian "studiepoeng".
Foreign Credit Systems
Foreign Credit Systems
- The list of pre-approved courses on Canvas includes foreign credit equivalents (credits/units/points etc.) to the ECTS.
- You should take the local equivalent of 30 ECTS while on exchange. Keep in mind that while four courses at NHH equals 30 ECTS, this may not be the case at every university.
- Send a new application for pre-approval if you add/drop any courses.
Ensure that you have all the necessary documents you need.
- Make sure you have valid ID papers, such as passports, before you leave. Keep in mind that a Norwegian driving license is not a valid ID outside of Norway.
- Take digital copies of all important ID papers, including passports, birth certificates etc.
- You don't need a visa in the EU/EEA if you're a Norwegian citizen, but you may need to register after you've moved. Read more about this here.
- If you need a visa, you'll need to get it before you move. In order to apply you may need an official acceptance letter from your host institution.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that you hold a valid visa before you leave, and that it is valid throughout your entire stay in the host country. Some countries also require that your passport is valid up to six months after you leave.
Healthcare and Insurance
Make sure you have health and travel insurances that last for the duration of your stay abroad. Keep in mind that most travel insurances only cover short breaks abroad.
- Take or top up vaccines before you leave. The Foreign Ministry maintains a comprehensive list of recommended vaccines to take before travelling to specific countries (in Norwegian). You may need to take certain vaccines well ahead of the planned trip.
Within the EU/EEA
Within the EU/EEA
- The European Health Insurance Card officially documents that you are entitled to coverage of medically necessary healthcare in another EEA country or Switzerland under the same condition as that country's citizens.
- The European Health Insurance Card does not cover expenses on travelling home if you become ill or have been injured in an accident. Read more on Helfo's website.
Outside of the EU/EEA
Outside of the EU/EEA
- Some institutions require that you purchase their mandatory insurance, especially in the United States.
- Australian universities exempt Norwegian students from purchasing the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
Being Abroad
Prepare for your exchange by reading up on your host institution and host country.
- Make your housing arrangements only after you know you've been accepted into the exchange program and host institution.
- Do not sign a lease agreement before you have been accepted into the exchange program at the host university!
- We recommend only using large and serious operators, like AirBnB, or operators recommended by the host university.
- Many host institutions offer housing on or near their campus'. Check if you qualify as soon as you are accepted to the host institution.
- Search for "housing" or "accommodations" on the university website. Many hotels/hostels also offer set monthly prices for longterm rentals.
- Be open to sharing a room with other students in some cities, as single rooms may be really expensive.
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
- You may not get the same level of facilitation or special arrangement, e.g. extra examination time or use of a computer during your exams, on exchange as you do at NHH.
- Contact the host institution if you have any questions about special exam arrangements.
- Different countries have different laws and attitudes towards minorities or specific groups of people. If you belong to a minority, you should read up on local customs, norms and attitudes in your host country.
- Erasmus+ students with fewer opportunies may receive an additional grant.
Sustainable Living
Sustainable Living
- There are many ways you live sustainably while on exchange. Check out Green Erasmus for ideas and tips to make your exchange more environmentally friendly.
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