Tina Saebi

Associate Professor Tina Saebi

+47 55 95 94 62
Strategy and Management
Digital Transformation Hub
Business model innovation sustainability social entrepreneurship international strategy


Tina Saebi joined the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in 2012, first as a postdoctoral research fellow and later on as associate professor.

She is also theme leader at the Center for Service Innovation (CSI) for research on “best practices in business model innovation”. 

In addition to her research on business models and innovation, she teaches Master-level courses in international strategy.

She obtained her PhD from Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics in 2011. Her thesis investigated how firms can manage alliance portfolios successfully by developing alliance management capabilities.

She also gathered experience in working as a research fellow for EU-commissioned research projects on innovation and entrepreneurship as well as working as a lecturer at Maastricht University, where she also attained her integrated five year M.Sc. (bachelor’s & master's) degree in International Business Studies in 2005.

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Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Foss, Nicolai Juul; Saebi, Tina Business Models and Business Model Innovation: Between Wicked and Paradigmatic Problems Long Range Planning Volume 51 (1); page 9 - 21; 2018
Saebi, Tina; Foss, Nicolai; Linder, Stefan Social Entrepreneurship Research: Past Achievements and Future Promises Journal of Management (26 pages); 2018
Saebi, Tina; Lien, Lasse B.; Foss, Nicolai Juul What Drivers Business Model Adaptation? The Impact of Opportunities, Threats and Strategic Orientation Long Range Planning Volume 50 (5); page 567 - 581; 2016
Foss, Nicolai Juul; Saebi, Tina Fifteen Years of Research on Business Model Innovation: How Far Have We Come, and Where Should We Go? Journal of Management Volume 43 (1); page 200 - 227; 2016
Angelshaug, Magne; Saebi, Tina; Lien, Lasse B.; Foss, Nicolai J. Uncertainty versus urgency: When top management team diversity hinders business model innovation Technological Forecasting and Social Change Volume 212; 2025
Angelshaug, Magne; Saebi, Tina; Lien, Lasse B.; Foss, Nicolai Juul Searching wide and deep for business model innovation Innovation: Organization and Management; 2023
Ringvold, Kristin; Saebi, Tina; Foss, Nicolai Juul Developing Sustainable Business Models: A Microfoundational Perspective Organization & Environment; 2022
Angelshaug, Magne; Knudsen, Eirik Sjåholm; Saebi, Tina Nye forretningsmodeller i bank og finans: Muligheter og trusler Magma forskning og viten (8); page 45 - 54; 2019
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