Wallace Receives Rare Honor
Stein W. Wallace has been named an honorary member of the Norwegian Operations Research Society.
Stein W. Wallace is a Professor of Operational Research and leader of the Centre for Shipping and Logistics at NHH. He received his Dr. Scient degree in informatics from the University of Bergen in 1984. He has earlier held professorships at for example Lancaster University Management School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Molde University College and NTNU, as well as visiting positions at for example Business School of Sichuan University in Chengdu, IBM Watson Research in NY, Columbia University, ENP Grenoble and The University of Washington.
Wallace has published more than 120 papers in internationally leading journals such as Operations Research, Management Science, Production and Operations Management, Transportation Science, Transportation Research A, B and D and E, Mathematical Programming, European Journal of Operational Research, and INFORMS Journal on Computing. He is best known for his work in stochastic programming (in particular the two books Stochastic Programming (with Peter Kall from 1994) and Modeling with stochastic programming (with Alan King from 2012, revised in 2024)), but also for work in logistics and energy systems. He has over 14000 citations.
He has been on numerous editorial boards, in particular INFORMS Journal on Computing (1990-2018). He founded the Norwegian OR Society and has held elected positions in The British OR Society as well as The Society for Transportation and Logistics in INFORMS, The Mathematical Programming Society and EURO.
Author(s) | Title | Publisher |
Narum, Benjamin; Fairbrother, Jamie; Wallace, Stein William | Problem-based scenario generation by decomposing output distributions | European Journal of Operational Research Volume 318 (1); page 327 - 340; 2024 |
Orhan, Cosku Can; Soman, Jaikishan; Wallace, Stein William | Disconnecting a city centre to prevent through traffic: An a priori evaluation with a focus on freight transport | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Volume 185; 2024 |
Guo, Feng; Wei, Qu; Wang, Miao; Guo, Zhaoxia; Wallace, Stein William | Deep attention models with dimension-reduction and gate mechanisms for solving practical time-dependent vehicle routing problems | Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Volume 173 (17 pages); 2023 |
Jiang, Xiaoping; Bai, Ruibin; Wallace, Stein William; Kendall, Graham; Landa-Silva, Dario | Soft clustering-based scenario bundling for a progressive hedging heuristic in stochastic service network design | Computers & Operations Research Volume 128; 2020 |
Song, Yongjia; Ulmer, Marlin W.; Thomas, Barrett W.; Wallace, Stein William | Building trust in home services-stochastic team-orienteering with consistency constraints | Transportation Science Volume 54 (3); page 823 - 838; 2020 |
Wang, Shuang; Wallace, Stein William; Lu, Jing; Gu, Yewen | Handling financial risks in crude oil imports: Taking into account crude oil prices as well as country and transportation risks | Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Volume 133 (17 pages); 2020 |
Kaut, Michal; Vaagen, Hajnalka; Wallace, Stein William | The combined impact of stochastic and correlated activity durations and design uncertainty on project plans | International Journal of Production Economics Volume 233; 2020 |
Mirhedayatian, Seyed Mostafa; Crainic, Teodor Gabriel; Guajardo, Mario; Wallace, Stein William | A two-echelon location-routing problem with synchronisation | Journal of the Operational Research Society Volume 72 (1); page 145 - 160; 2019 |
Maggioni, Francesca; Cagnolari, Matteo; Bertazzi, Luca; Wallace, Stein William | Stochastic optimization models for a bike-sharing problem with transshipment | European Journal of Operational Research Volume 276 (1); page 272 - 283; 2019 |
Prochazka, Vit; Ådland, Roar Os; Wallace, Stein William | The value of foresight in the drybulk freight market | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Volume 129; page 232 - 245; 2019 |
Gu, Yewen; Wallace, Stein William; Wang, Xin | Can an Emission Trading Scheme really reduce CO2 emissions in the short term? Evidence from a maritime fleet composition and deployment model | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Volume 74; page 318 - 338; 2019 |
Fairbrother, Jamie; Turner, Amanda; Wallace, Stein William | Problem-driven scenario generation: an analytical approach for stochastic programs with tail risk measure | Mathematical programming Volume 191; page 141 - 182; 2019 |
Guo, Zhaoxia; Wallace, Stein William; Kaut, Michal | Vehicle Routing with Space- and Time-Correlated Stochastic Travel Times: Evaluating the Objective Function | INFORMS journal on computing Volume 31 (4); page 654 - 670; 2019 |
Wang, Xin; Crainic, Teodor Gabriel; Wallace, Stein W. | Stochastic network design for planning scheduled transportation services: The value of deterministic solutions | INFORMS journal on computing Volume 31 (1); page 153 - 170; 2018 |
Choi, Tsan-Ming; Wallace, Stein William; Wang, Yulan | Big Data Analytics in Operations Management | Production and operations management Volume 27 (10); page 1868 - 1883; 2018 |
Gu, Yewen; Wallace, Stein W. | Scrubber: A potentially overestimated compliance method for the Emission Control Areas: The importance of involving a ship’s sailing pattern in the evaluation | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Volume 55; page 51 - 66; 2017 |
Vaagen, Hajnalka; Kaut, Michal; Wallace, Stein W. | The impact of design uncertainty in engineer-to-order project planning | European Journal of Operational Research Volume 261 (3); page 1098 - 1109; 2017 |
Wang, Yulan; Wallace, Stein William; Shen, Bin; Choi, Tsan-Ming | Service supply chain management: A review of operational models | European Journal of Operational Research Volume 247 (3); page 685 - 698; 2015 |
Hanasusanto, Grani A.; Kuhn, Daniel; Wallace, Stein; Zymler, Steve | Distributionally robust multi-item newsvendor problems with multimodal demand distributions | Mathematical programming Volume 152 (1); page 1 - 32; 2014 |
Bai, Ruibin; Wallace, Stein; Li, Jingpeng; Chong, Alain Yee-Loong | Stochastic service network design with rerouting | Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Volume 60; page 50 - 65; 2014 |
Main: Shipping, Logistics and Operations Management
Secondary: Asset Management and Risk Analysis
Stein W. Wallace has been named an honorary member of the Norwegian Operations Research Society.
The article "Active guidance systems in maritime evacuations: optimizing the lifeboat allocation for cruise ships" has been published in Annals of Operations Research.
The article "Disconnecting a city centre to prevent through traffic: An a priori evaluation with a focus on freight transport" has been published in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.
The article "Assessing macro effects of freight consolidation on the livability of small cities using vehicle routing as micro models: The case of Bergen, Norway" has been published in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
The article "Problem-based scenario generation by decomposing output distributions" has been published in European Journal of Operational Research.
The article "Deep attention models with dimension-reduction and gate mechanisms for solving practical time-dependent vehicle routing problems" has been published in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
The article "Operational benefits of autonomous vessels in logistics - A case of autonomous water-taxis in Bergen" has been published in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
The article "On scenario construction for stochastic shortest path problems in real road networks" has been published in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.
The article "The combined impact of stochastic and correlated activity durations and design uncertainty on project plans" has been published in International Journal of Production Economics.
The article "Soft clustering-based scenario bundling for a progressive hedging heuristic in stochastic service network design" has been published in Computers & Operations Research.
The article "Building trust in home services-stochastic team-orienteering with consistency constraints" has been published in Transportation Science.
The article "Handling financial risks in crude oil imports: Taking into account crude oil prices as well as country and transportation risks" has been published in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.