Specialised translation
Our academic work within specialised translation is unique because we are part of a business school, and because of our responsibility to offer the Norwegian National Translator Accreditation Exam.
Our research focuses on specialised translation in areas that naturally belong within NHH’s field of interest, for example translation of texts pertaining to economics, business administration and law.
The research comprises both theoretical and applied studies and covers a broad spectrum of approaches:
- Contrastive studies of languages and cultures
- Discourse studies investigating the socio-cultural context of translation
- Cognitive studies of the development of professional translation competence
- Terminological and lexicographical studies
We employ research methods that investigate the translation process as well as the translated text.
The department is developing a multilingual parallel corpus called the Bergen Translation Corpus (BTC), which consists of translations from the National Translator Accreditation Exam (Norwegian into English, French, German and Spanish). This corpus provides an empirical basis for theoretical and applied studies of specialised translation.
Since 1979, NHH offers the Norwegian National Translator Accreditation Exam on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Research. The department of professional and intercultural communication organizes this exam annually for various language pairs. Upon successful completion, we grant candidates the right to practise as goverment authorised translators.